Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2668: Might of the Arrow

It's just that Tang Ao still overestimated himself. Even if Tang Ao tried his best, he still couldn't break the last half of the ban at this moment. Instead, a strong energy came back, and Tang Ao's spirit sea and soul sea were both cracking. It clicked, as if it couldn't bear the terrifying pressure, and it was about to break.

When Tang Ao was at a loss, the half of the thunder in Tang Ao's body suddenly flickered, and the terrifying thunder force broke through the last half of the ban. Before Tang Ao was happy, he saw that after Lei Zhidao broke through the half-layer ban, his breath was weak, and there were countless cracks, as if he was about to break at any time.

Tang Ao knew that it was not that the gap between the Tao of Thunder and the Tao of Fire was really so big, but because the Tao of Thunder was originally injured, and now it is only half of it. If the Tao of Thunder is in its heyday, it may not be weaker than the Tao of Fire. Before he could think about it, the terrifying power of Mie Xianjian was completely urged, and Tang Ao's body was somewhat out of control.

"Go!" After a roar, Tang Ao spit out all over his body.

"Om!" Mie Xian Arrow trembled suddenly, and the space in front of Tang Ao instantly shattered. Afterwards, everyone was shocked to see that a golden light flew out of Tang Ao's hands, cutting through the space at an incredible speed, and immediately the golden light whizzed towards a warrior wearing a white mask without any pause.

This warrior with a white mask was very anxious, and of course he also saw what the golden light was flying towards him. Between the waves, a seal was pinched out. At the moment of life and death, where did this warrior wearing a white mask dare to keep his hands. A giant phantom resembling a mountain instantly appeared behind him, and immediately this warrior pushed out with a palm.

The giant behind him also pushed out with a palm, and collided with Miexian Arrow. Everyone stopped and watched the shocking collision. Although this warrior wearing a white mask used his strongest means, Tian Chusheng still felt cold. Tian Chusheng considered many situations, but Tian Chusheng didn't expect that his stupid son would bring Mi Xianjian.

What Tian Chusheng didn't even expect was that Tian Liangguang would bring the Xianxian Arrow, and Tang Ao, a small Star Pole Realm ant, had the ability to break the nine-tier ban on Xianxian Arrow. What is the concept of the nine-tier prohibition of Miexianjian? That's something that even a powerful Daoist can kill. Tian Chusheng didn't know who this guy wearing the white mask was, but Tian Chusheng knew that this guy was dead.

And this guy's death, at least half of the account must be counted on Tian Chusheng. At this moment, Tian Chusheng couldn't wait to slap Tian Liangguang's rebellious son. Sure enough, under the Arrow of Extinguishing Immortal, the giant half of the mountain couldn't resist it at all, and that huge arm was shattered like a rotten by the Arrow of Extinguishing Fairy.

Then, in the shocking eyes of everyone, Mie Xianjian pierced through the heart of this warrior wearing a white mask. After an arrow passed, the life of this warrior ceased. The powerful energy spread, the mask shattered, revealing the appearance of this warrior.

"Luo Zizhang!" Bai Shengyan immediately exclaimed after seeing this warrior. The people around watching the battle were also shocked. Although Luo Zizhang is a strong at the fifth level of the chaotic world, he is only the weakest strong at the chaotic world here. The reason why everyone is so surprised is that Luo Zizhang's identity is very special.

Luo Zizhang was appointed by the Langya realm master to sit in the southern region of the Langya realm. It represented the will of the Langya realm master. Luo Zizhang participated in the siege of the chairman and the supreme elder of the Starry Sky Chamber of Commerce this time. Does it mean that the Langya realm is mainly engaged in the Star Chamber of Commerce?

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