Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 860: Iron Bear King

"I'm really afraid of something." Tang Ao said below. In Tang Ao's perception, an iron armored bear king at the pinnacle of Yuan Wu realm was galloping in this direction with a heavy step. The battle for Black Rock and the others to slay the Shadow Beast didn't last long. Even so, the Iron Armored Bear King at the pinnacle of Yuan Martial Realm was brought out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" As the earth trembled fiercely, everyone in the battle also noticed the arrival of the Iron Armored Bear King. After seeing the arrival of the Iron Bear King, the eyes of Heiyan and Silver Fox simultaneously ignited a strong sense of war. The Iron Armored Bear King at the pinnacle of Yuan Wu Realm, and the realm of the two, is a formidable opponent worth all the effort for them.

However, Bing Xiao didn't plan to fight between the two of them and the Iron Bear King. Bing Xiao's figure flashed. He who was still behind the crowd just now appeared in front of Black Rock and Silver Fox. "This beast is handed over to me, and Heiyan and Silver Fox lead the tribe to continue toward the dark poisonous swamp." Bing Xiao's spiritual power flashed, and an ice spear instantly appeared behind Bing Xiao.

Although Tang Ao didn't participate in the war, Tang Ao also knew that Old Man Bing Xiao had done his best this time. If it were his heyday, the Iron Armored Bear King at the pinnacle of Yuan Wu Realm would not be enough to look at under him, a powerful person on the first level of Linghai Realm. But at this moment, Tang Ao could see that Father Bing Xiao's situation was not much better than him. Therefore, in the face of this iron armored bear king, Bing Xiao's father is definitely not good.

Tang Ao could see that the two who knew Bing Xiao's physical condition naturally understood better. Therefore, the silver fox said decisively: "This iron-clad bear king is too strong. I, the Ice Bear patriarch, and Brother Black Rock will hold it back. Firefox, you will continue to protect others from going to the dark poisonous swamp." Agree, and attacked the armored bear king first.

It's just that Silver Fox discovered that although she was the first to attack, Black Rock still didn't have to slow her down. It seemed that Heiyan had the same thoughts as her just now, but when neither Silver Fox nor Heiyan had expected them, the two reacted quickly, but Bing How's spear had already sparked a spark on the Iron Bear King at this moment.

The battle broke out instantly, and the iron-clad bear king roared up to the sky, and the shocked person's eardrums hurt. Immediately Tang Ao saw the Iron Armored Bear King slap off a towering tree with one palm, and then smashed the thick trunk towards Tang Ao and the others. Looking at the roaring tree trunk, Tang Ao was shocked and was about to take action. But at this moment, a figure with an angry figure suddenly jumped out from behind Tang Ao, and then suddenly flew back with a punch to the roaring tree trunk.

"It's Sister Firefox!" Bingxin said with a smile in Tang Ao's arms.

Tang Ao saw that Firefox and Silver Fox were similar in appearance, secretly guessing that Firefox and Silver Fox might be twin sisters. The silver fox is the cultivation base of the Yuan Wu realm peak, and the Firefox cultivation base is equally powerful. Although it has not reached the ninth level of the Yuan Wu realm, it is also the strength of the Yuan Wu realm.

Moreover, Tang Ao also knew that the strength of Firefox could be regarded as outstanding even among the ninth-tier warriors of the Yuan Wu Realm. Otherwise, the giant tree that the Iron Armored Bear King just blasted over would not be something she could blast back.

"Xin'er leads the way, let's get to the place you mentioned." Firefox glanced at Tang Ao coldly, and then said to Bingxin in Tang Ao's arms. Tang Ao tut, this Firefox looks enthusiastic, but how does this temper feel colder than her sister Silver Fox? But Tang Ao naturally didn't have any thoughts about Firefox, and he was holding Xin'er to take out the island at the moment.

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