Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 861: Sudden change

Firefox looked at Tang Ao's back, then looked at the battle behind him, gritted his teeth, and led everyone to catch up with Tang Ao. The Xueyu tribe and the Feihu tribe moved together, and all the strong men of the two tribes were there. But in the face of the existence of the Iron Armored Bear King, the two tribes added together, only four people can participate in the war.

The Xueyu tribe’s Ice Howl and Black Rock can participate in the battle, while the Flying Fox tribe’s Silver Fox and Firefox can participate in the battle. Except for Bing Xiao, who is on the first floor of Linghai Realm, the other three are all martial artists of Yuan Wu Realm. But except for the four of them, if everyone else participates in this kind of battle, they just send food. Even with the existence of the eighth floor of Yuanwu Realm, in the hands of the Iron Armored Bear King, he would still die on the spot if he couldn't go through a round.

Firefox wanted to participate in the war very much, not because Firefox was warlike, but because if she participated in the war, the other three would be much safer, and if they were lucky, they said that they might not be able to successfully kill the Iron Bear King. It can be said that the armored bear king is full of treasures. Kill a armored bear king, and when the Yunlu market opens, he can exchange many useful things.

"Sister Firefox, is this kid named Tang Ao reliable?" Not everyone trusts Tang Ao like Bing Xin and Bing Xiao, at least Su Kui of the Flying Fox tribe is full of doubts about Tang Ao. What Su Kui didn't know was that no one believed Tang Ao from top to bottom in the Flying Fox tribe. The reason why everyone followed Tang Ao at this moment was entirely because of their trust in Old Man Bing Xiao. Once Tang Ao lied and tricked them to go to the poisonous swamp, Firefox would definitely be the first to kill Tang Ao.

"I don't believe in Tang Ao, but all of us believe in Old Man Bing Xiao, do we?" Firefox still galloped with Tang Ao, while speaking to Su Kui in a faint voice.

Su Kui also glanced at Tang Ao coldly, then nodded. "If this kid lies and deceives us to go to a dangerous place like the Dark Poisonous Marsh, I will definitely kill him first!"

"I hope that Mr. Bing Xiao is right, there is really something strange in the dark poisonous swamp that has not been discovered." Firefox looked at several people around after speaking, "Now that you know the answer, why are you following me?" People came here with Su Kui just now, there are people from the Feihu tribe, and there are also people from the Xueyu tribe. But everyone knows the temper of Firefox, so only Su Kui bit the bullet to ask. At this moment, everyone knew what Firefox meant, and quickly returned to their original position to guard the surrounding clansmen.

"Brother Tang Ao, I'm almost here, everyone must be very happy to find such a good place." Bingxin's big watery eyes were filled with a happy expression.

Tang Ao nodded. Tang Ao's spirit power is so powerful. Tang Ao naturally heard the conversations of the Firefox people. However, Tang Ao didn't care, because Tang Ao also had the same thought in his heart. What Tang Ao thinks now is to bring everyone to the island as soon as possible, because the large-scale migration of the two tribes has attracted the attention of many monsters.

"Not good!" Tang Ao who was galloping suddenly stopped. The moment Tang Ao stopped, murderous intent appeared in Su Kui's eyes. The dark poisonous swamp was right in front of him, but Tang Ao suddenly stopped at this moment, which made everyone suspect. The figure of Firefox came to Tang Ao in an instant. The sharp sword in Firefox's hand made people feel the cold of death.

"There is a big trouble." Tang Ao looked at the front as if he hadn't seen the hostility of Firefox. Tang Ao didn't talk nonsense. At this moment, under Tang Ao's perception, a shadow beast on the ninth-floor peak of Yuan Wu realm galloped here like a black lightning.

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