Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 862: Shadow Beast at the Peak of Yuan Wu Realm

"Brother Tang Ao, why aren't you leaving?" Bing Xin asked Tang Ao with some doubts blinking her beautiful big eyes. A few people from Firefox also came to Tang Ao in an instant: "There is a dark poisonous swamp ahead, why are you not leaving? Or, you are lying, there is no island suitable for survival at all?" Firefox's voice was very cold, and there was even a voice on his body. A dangerous atmosphere enveloped Tang Ao.

"Sister Firefox, Brother Tang Ao didn't deceive anyone, and I've been to that place too." Seeing several people from Firefox question Tang Ao, Bing Xin said in a little anxiety. Just as Bingxin's voice fell, a black shadow attacked and killed Tang Ao and others.

Tang Ao had discovered this shadow beast long ago, so Tang Ao made a mistake in body shape and avoided the shadow beast's attack completely. Su Kui, who was standing behind Tang Ao, had no such good luck. When he was hit by the shadow beast's hard face at the peak of Yuan Wu realm, Su Kui's tower-like body was immediately knocked down and flew out by the shadow beast. Fortunately, he was strong and physically strong. Although he was embarrassed by such a blow, he was not seriously injured.

"Su Kui!" Firefox yelled at Su Kui who was not far away while guarding everyone back.

"Sister Firefox, I'm okay. It's just this shadow beast, I'm afraid we can't handle it." This shadow beast is a nine-layer peak shadow beast in the Yuan Wu realm, and its strength is comparable to the iron armored bear king that the Bing Xiao trio dealt with. Now there is only Firefox in the ninth-level Yuan Wu state, and the other strongest is Su Kui in the eighth-level Yuan Wu state. The remaining people are much weaker.

Even Su Kui of the eighth floor of the Yuan Wu realm, when faced with the ninth-level peak shadow beast of the Yuan Wu realm who is known for his speed, would only be beaten, otherwise Su Kui would not have been unable to avoid the shadow beast's attack just now.

"Su Kui, you **** everyone to the Dark Poisonous Swamp, and I'll draw this shadow beast away." Firefox hesitated for three seconds before making up its mind. Although it was very unwilling, the sacrifice was in this situation. Inevitable. That being the case, let her lead this shadow beast away.

"Sister Firefox, how could you alone be the opponent of this shadow beast, let us all work together to deal with it." Facing this powerful shadow beast, Bing Xin was a little scared in her heart, but she had no idea of ​​backing down. .

"Yes, Sister Firefox, your speed can't be faster than this shadow beast, how can you lead it away. Or you take everyone away, I have a rough skin, I will hold this guy." Su Kui The brilliance in his hand flashed, and a giant hammer life soul was released by him, apparently preparing to drag the shadow beast to buy time for everyone.

Tang Ao sighed and hugged Bingxin to Firefox, and then said: "I'll lead it away. The dark poisonous swamp is in front of me. Xiner knows that place. There is a spirit boat in this storage ring, which is refined. Then you can use it to get in and out of the poison swamp.

"Brother Tang Ao, how can this be done? You can't beat this shadow beast at the peak of Yuan Wu realm." Bingxin didn't know how strong Tang Ao was, but Bingxin couldn't feel any fluctuations in her spiritual power from Tang Ao. Tang Aoji may be an ordinary person.

"No problem." Tang Ao turned his head and smiled slightly at Bing Xin, and then the Fighting Bone Soul of the Twenty-Ninth Heaven was released instantly. This shadow beast has good strength, possesses the strength of the pinnacle of Yuan Wu realm, and is good at speed. Therefore, when Tang Ao was seriously injured, he couldn't get away. However, Tang Ao was not afraid of this shadow beast. The Fighting Sacred Bone Fate Soul was the Fate Soul of the Twenty-Nine Heaven.

With this level of life soul, Tang Ao just stood and let the shadow beast fight, and the shadow beast was helpless with Tang Ao. Now Tang Ao was seriously injured. Although the strength of the life soul has declined, he still didn't deal with this shadow beast too much. The big problem. If it weren't for Tang Ao's inability to use spiritual power now, Tang Ao could explode this shadow beast with a punch.

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