Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 869: The girl who went back and forth

In the gloomy mountains, Tang Ao lay quietly on the wasteland. At this moment, Tang Ao was in a panic, his clothes were in tatters, and there were many blood stains on his body. Tang Ao opened his eyes and felt his physical condition. Suddenly Tang Ao frowned, because Tang Ao's spirit power sensed the few people who had left not long ago, and at this moment two more young girls returned.

"Is it because I took my storage ring and I want to kill me completely when I come back now?" Tang Ao secretly said in his heart, and at the same time, Tang Ao secretly communicated the Fighting Sacred Bone Soul and Qinglian Sword Soul. If the two of them acted on himself, Tang Ao would ruthlessly behead them with thunder. Because of the storage of the ring, Tang Ao didn't have a good impression of these two people.

"Sister, great, he hasn't been eaten by the monster!" Bai Surou said with some joy when she saw Tang Ao still lying there.

"Dark mountain monsters frequently appear. This kid is lucky. Under this circumstance, I met my stupid sister. However, I just noticed that he was seriously injured, even if he was immortal, I am afraid it would not be saved." Bai Qin said. At the same time, he glanced at Tang Ao again with his soul power, and then Bai Qin was shocked. Tang Ao was still seriously injured at this moment, but Tang Ao's injury was much better than not long ago.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Tang Ao was secretly puzzled. These two women are obviously in the same group as the gloomy young man just now, but now listening to the conversation between the two, it seems that they want to save themselves.

Bai Surou had already walked to Tang Ao's side at this time, and after taking a look at Tang Ao's pulse, Bai Surou was taken aback, and then said somewhat strangely: "Sister, when I scanned him with spirit power just now, he was injured very seriously. But... But in this moment, how could his injury heal so much. Could someone have treated him before us?"

Bai Qin shook his head: "I don't know, maybe this kid has a special physique and he recovers faster. In short, first bring him back to the tribe to talk about, otherwise Tian Xiangfei might make people trouble him after a while. "

Bai Surou nodded, and then hugged Tang Ao. "Sister, this guy is so heavy, can you carry him on his back?"

Bai Qin gave her a white look: "I am now ready to marry. If Tian Xiangfei's eyeliner sees it, wouldn't you harm him? As I see it, we'd better drag him back to the tribe."

Bai Surou shook her head: "Sister, he has received such a serious injury, how can he withstand the bumps? I'll carry him on his back." Bai Surou said that this really carried Tang Ao up. Although carrying Tang Ao on his back was still heavy, it was much better than holding it.

Tang Ao was completely conscious at this moment, feeling that he was carrying his weak body, and Tang Ao suffered a while. At the same time, Tang Ao's arm fell down, not touching Bai Surou's proud double peaks. Tang Ao had some enjoyment, but Bai Surou was embarrassed. If it wasn't for the fact that the guy on his back had been seriously injured and unconscious, Bai Surou would really doubt whether Tang Ao did it on purpose.

"You are also a big girl with a yellow flower. Carrying a man like this, be careful not to marry in the future." Bai Qin looked at Bai Surou's swaying appearance, and in his heart scolded Tang Ao, this fellow for being so rich that he had her sister carry him . It was just that Tang Ao was unconscious at this moment, and couldn't feel such a wonderful moment.

"Then don't marry." Bai Surou walked on the mountain road staggeringly, seeming to fall down at any time. Tang Ao couldn't bear it anymore, but Tang Ao didn't know what to do besides pretending to be unconscious. Did Tang Ao suddenly wake up and say he can go? Tang Ao did nothing, but Bai Su and Bai Qin must be extremely embarrassed.

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