Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 870: Bai Yuanfeng's Murderous Intent

Tang Ao's mood was complicated along the way, he was a little enjoyable, and at the same time he felt strange. Fortunately, half an hour later, Tang Ao also came to the tribe where Bai Surou was. After returning to the tribe, Bai Su Rou put Tang Ao down. At the same time, he shook his numb arm, and whispered, "This guy is so heavy, he's exhausted."

When everyone in the Hanshuang tribe saw Bai Su Ruan Baiqin coming back, they also gathered around. The elder of the Hanshuang tribe, Bai Yuanfeng, saw that Bai Su Ruanhuang and Baiqin brought a man who was seriously injured and unconscious, and his expression was cold: "Who is this person? Now the Hanshuang tribe and the Dongan tribe are married, and you two bring a man. What's going on back?"

"Come here, throw this person out of me." Bai Yuanfeng said, looking at Tang Ao on the ground with a cold expression.

"I see who dares! He is the one I remembered with great difficulty, and I am not married to the Dong'an tribe, why do you want to throw him out!" For this elder, Bai Surou can be said to be very annoying, which is what he has always advocated Hanshuang tribe and Dongan tribe are married. He sent his sister to Tian Xiangfei that devil.

"Humph! No big or small, although you don't marry Dong'an tribe, but you want to marry Song Yu, the young master of Qinghong tribe. At this moment, Song Yu is a guest in the tribe, so you can't help it." Bai Yuanfeng said with vitality. The big hand grabbed Tang Ao, trying to crush Tang Ao.

"Dare you!" Bai Surou was angry when she heard that the elder arbitrarily arranged the marriage for her. Bai Surou shook her figure and came to Tang Ao. If the elder didn't let go, it would be her Bai Surou who pinched into a blood mist.

Bai Yuanfeng snorted coldly when he saw Bai Surou standing in front of Tang Ao. Although the strength in his hand received a few points, it still grabbed Bai Surou.

"Elder, stop!" Bai Qin didn't expect that the elder would dare to attack his sister, and immediately shouted sharply. But Bai Yuanfeng didn't mean to stop at all. Following Bai Surou's scream, Bai Surou fell to the ground with a pale face. The spiritual power in the body is disordered, and the blood is rolling endlessly.

However, Bai Surou was also stubborn. After being injured by the war, she gave the elder a cold look, then picked up Tang Ao and walked back to her room. "If you want to marry the Qinghong tribe, you can marry yourself, or you can send my corpse over. If it wasn't for your father..." Bai Surou said there was a sudden silence. The patriarch of the Cold Frost Tribe, Bai Surou's father, has now been infected with a severe poison, and Bai Surou almost told the news.

Although the great elder knew about this news, other tribe members did not know it. Once this news came out, the tribe would inevitably cause panic. And it was precisely because her father was poisoned that the elder dared to be so arrogant. And the great elder faintly has plans to replace her father.

After Bai Surou put Tang Ao on her bed, Tang Ao slowly opened her eyes. Tang Ao pretended to look around blankly, and then said, "Thank you girl for saving my life. I remember that I was killed with an iron wolf. I didn't expect to be alive now." Then Tang Ao seemed to want to take it out of the storage ring. Order something to Bai Surou, but Tang Ao's fingers were empty.

Tang Ao slapped his head: "I thought that my storage ring was lost when I wrestled with the monster. It was a pity. Under Tang Ao, I don't know what the girl's name is?" Tang Ao smiled softly at Bai Su.

"My name is Bai Surou." Looking at the sincere smile on Tang Ao's face, Bai Surou sighed inwardly. Although this guy was a little embarrassed, he seemed a bit handsome.

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