Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 907: Blood Soul Knife

At this moment, Tang Ao only felt like he was going to fall apart. Today, he met Bingfeng first, and Tang Ao and Qing Xiao were forced to use space jade charms to come here. After coming here, Qing Xiao's injuries had not recovered, but he encountered Xue Kun and his party again. If Qing Xiao was not injured, these people would not threaten Qing Xiao at all.

"It's really hard. You can't die like this." Xue Kun looked at Tang Ao who was sitting halfway on the ground, his blood surged, and a blood knife emerged from Xue Kun's hands. The evil aura on the blood knife made Tang Ao uncomfortable. Although this blood knife was agglomerated by Xue Kun's blood energy, under the gaze of Tianji pupil, Tang Ao also saw hundreds of dead souls trapped inside the blood knife.

In other words, it takes at least a hundred lives to make this blood knife. And according to Tang Ao's vision, this kind of witchcraft blood knife can't be made once or twice, and once this kind of blood knife is made, it will be very powerful.

"This is the Blood Soul Knife. If you can survive a stab, this Young Master will spare you." Xue Kun said jokingly while looking at Tang Ao lying on the ground. Even if an ordinary spirit sea realm martial artist was chopped by the blood soul knife, it would be a life of nine deaths. Tang Ao didn't show any fluctuations in his spiritual power. He was obviously a low-strength warrior. He was slashed by the blood soul knife, and he was afraid that it would turn into thick water in a moment.

Feeling the evil waves from the blood soul knife, Tang Ao's eyes narrowed. Even now, Tang Ao still has the last way to go, and that is to hide in the chaos Six-Mans Realm space! But Tang Ao was unwilling to do this, not because Tang Ao was worried about exposing the existence of the Six Chaos Realm, but because the rules in the Six Chaos Realm were now incomplete and only Tang Ao could enter.

Others except Tang Ao were not accepted by the chaos Six-Mans Realm space. Therefore, Tang Ao couldn't bring Qing Xiao into the chaos six-mans realm space. After hiding in the chaotic six-mans realm space, Tang Ao could save his life, but Qing Xiao's life and death was unpredictable. Qing Xiao became like this because of Tang Ao. Tang Ao is not a ruthless person, so he will never abandon Qing Xiao to live alone.

"There is a stinky smell far away, it turned out to be your stinky guys from the Snow Wolf tribe!" A crisp girl's voice sounded, and a group of people approached in another direction from the forest. The person headed by this group is a young girl who is similar to Xue Kun's age, not only her age, but also her cultivation base is the same as Xue Kun's, at the third level of the Spirit Sea Realm.

"Oh, I can meet you a dead girl everywhere, this time your sister is not here, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you to leave." Xue Kun sneered after seeing the visitor. This group of people are members of the Silver Moon Tribe. The Silver Moon Tribe and the Blood Wolf Tribe are deadly enemies. At the beginning, the Silver Moon Tribe and the Blood Wolf Tribe competed for the throne of the third top tribe in the Ice Plains.

In the end, the Blood Wolf tribe became the seventh-ranked tribe among the nine top tribes, and the Silver Moon tribe became the fourth-ranked tribe. In addition to that competition, the hatred of the two tribes has a long history. Therefore, as long as the people of the two tribes meet each other, a duel is indispensable.

"Puppy boy, this time your eldest brother is not here, it will not be easy for you to die." Faced with Xue Kun's training, Liu Feifei was also unwilling to show weakness.

This happened when Tang Ao was thinking about how to take Qing Xiao to escape. After seeing that the group of people who just arrived and Xue Kun and others seemed to have hatred, Tang Ao even more eagerly hoped that the two groups could fight, and then he could use the space jade symbol to take Qing Xiao and escape. Just don't know why, the two groups seem to be incompatible with each other, but they didn't act immediately.

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