Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 908: Figure in the dark

Tang Ao looked at Xue Kun and found that Xue Kun's gaze looked behind him from time to time, and at the same time Xue Kun's spirit power had been covering the rear, as if waiting for something. Tang Ao looked at Liu Feifei again and found that Liu Feifei's situation was similar to that of Xue Kun, and seemed to be waiting for someone. "Could it be that both sides have strong people coming here?"

When Tang Aogang had such thoughts, Liu Feifei was surrounded by a gentle and virtuous young woman. The appearance of the woman is very similar to Liu Feifei, but her mature and elegant temperament is undoubtedly more attractive. Seeing this beautiful woman, Tang Ao's eyes condensed, she was another peak powerhouse of the ninth-level spirit sea realm.

"Liu Ruye!" Seeing Liu Ruye's face changed, Xue Kun couldn't help taking two steps back. When other people heard that the beautiful woman in front of them was Liu Ruye, one of the top ten strongest in the Ice and Snow Plains, even her body trembled.

"Blood Kill, since it's here, why hide?" Liu Rushi just looked at Xue Kun coldly, and then said in one direction.

Tang Ao's spirit power has always enveloped this area, but Tang Ao didn't notice anyone coming, so Tang Ao's gaze followed Liu Rushiwang's direction. It was a thicket of dark trees. Under Tang Ao's gaze, there was nothing more than dark.

"Dark?" Tang Ao suddenly moved in his heart, and then looked in that direction again with the help of the celestial pupil. Sure enough, under the gaze of Tianji pupil, a dark red figure slowly emerged in the darkness. With the emergence of this figure, the woods were instantly filled with a sickening smell of blood.

Tang Ao fixed his eyes to see that this was a young man in a blood-colored robe. Holding a dead snake in the young man's hand, this snake has not been dead for a long time, but there is no blood in his body. "Liu Ruye, don't you know that when I eat, I hate someone to disturb me the most?" The Blood Slaughter Snake threw it away, watching Liu Ru's sister lick her lips.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it!" Although Liu Ruyi has a gentle and virtuous personality, he has nothing to say in the face of the blood wolf tribe. Before the two big tribes had to do it as soon as they met, this time they said enough.

"Wait a minute, Ben Shao hasn't eaten enough yet, wait until Ben Shao has eaten enough, and then fight you." Xue Yi glanced at Qing Xiao in Tang Ao's arms, and the evil light in his eyes immediately came over to Tang Ao. Tang Ao felt a bit bitter in his heart. After a few breaths, Tang Ao was able to arouse the space jade amulet, but at this time the blood slaughter came over.

Even so, Tang Ao did not give up on the jade talisman inspiring space. Both Blood Killer and Liu Ru are the pinnacle powerhouses of the Spirit Sea Realm. In front of such a powerhouse, Tang Ao now has no ability to resist. Not to mention Liu Ru and Blood Kill, Xue Kun and Liu Feifei are also not something Tang Ao can deal with. Although the two are not as strong as Liu Ru, the strength of the third layer of the Linghai Realm is also not to be underestimated.

"Do it!" Liu Rushi didn't wait for Blood Slaughter to strike Qing Xiao. With a flash of figure, a Cailian flew towards Blood Slaughter.

"Second, take this woman away, her taste should be good." While resisting Liu Ruyi's attack, Xue Xi said to Xue Kun in the back.

Xue Kun heard the elder brother's order and immediately killed Tang Ao. "Don't think about it!" Liu Feifei also blocked him for the first time.

At this moment, Tang Ao had completely activated the space jade talisman, as long as Tang Ao's thoughts moved, he could immediately send it away. But after seeing the evenly matched battle between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Blood Wolf Tribe, Tang Ao changed his mind. This blood wolf tribe wanted to kill itself for no reason. It was tolerable or unbearable. Such an opportunity would naturally teach the Snow Wolf tribe a lesson.

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