Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 962: Fighting Sacred Bones

"Fighting Sacred Bone!" Tang Ao let out a low voice, a flash of golden light on his body called the Fighting Sacred Bone Fate Soul. Although Tang Ao now only has the cultivation base of the fourth level of the Linghai Realm, this fighting sacred bone life soul is the life soul of the twenty-nine days. Li Muling's cultivation base on the first level of the life and death realm, he can never break the fight with a single palm Fight the defense of Saint Bone Life Soul.

"Boom!" Li Muling's scared light group and the fighting sacred bone fate soul collided in one place, making a loud bell-like sound. Although this palm didn't hurt Tang Ao, it made Tang Aozhen dizzy. When Tang Ao was fainting, Li Muling struck her footsteps and came to Tang Ao's body, and immediately blasted a pink fist towards Tang Ao's lower abdomen.

"Boom!" Fan fist struck the Fighting Sacred Bone Life Soul with a muffled noise. "Hey, this Fate Soul is so hard?" Li Muling said with big eyes full of surprise without smashing Tang Ao's fighting sacred fate soul with a punch.

And at this time, Tang Ao also came back to his senses: "Cold Ice Profound Array!" The celestial pupils glowed, and a large icy formation circling azure blue brilliance appeared out of thin air at Li Muling's feet. Countless ice crystals quickly fell in the space, freezing Li Muling in an instant. I was caught off guard by Li Muling just now, and now that Tang Ao has seized the opportunity, naturally he will not be polite.

"Seven Killing Way!" The Qinglian sword soul instantly appeared in front of Tang Ao, and then it was divided into seven. The seven Qinglian swords turned into seven cyan Guanghua and shot away towards the frozen Li Mu Ling. In this state, Li Muling felt unable to hide, as long as Tang Ao was willing, the seven green lotus swords could pass Li Muling through his heart. But Tang Ao knew that Li Muling, as a warrior in the life and death realm, would not be so weak, so Tang Ao didn't want to stop.

But watching the Qinglian Sword constantly approaching Li Muling's heart, Tang Ao hesitated, because under Tang Ao's perception, Li Muling knew that there was no spiritual fluctuation in his body at this moment. Could it be that he has raised her? Or is the celestial pupil so powerful now?

wrong! Just when Tang Ao was puzzled, Tang Ao suddenly felt an extremely fierce wind coming from behind him. Tang Ao was too late to make any moves and could only subconsciously avoid the vital points.

"Kacha" There was a crisp sound in Tang Ao's ear, and Tang Ao felt that his back was hit by a bull at this moment. Tang Ao's body was also blown out at this moment, and after landing, he took a few steps back before Tang Ao completely removed the tremendous strength from his body. When he looked at where he stood just now, Tang Ao saw Li Muling, who should have been frozen by the profound ice formation, standing there with a smile. Just now she made a violent punch that blasted Tang Ao's fighting sacred soul into a crack.

"Awesome, but wanting to break this fighting sacred bone fate soul, it's still a bit short." Tang Ao looked at Li Muling and said proudly. No matter what, this Fighting Sacred Bone Fate Soul is also the Fate Soul of the Twenty-Ninth Heaven. If it were so easily broken by Li Muling, Tang Ao would have no face.

"Not necessarily." The corners of Li Muling's mouth curled up in a seductive arc, and then there was a "click, click" sound from Tang Ao's body. With this sound, Tang Ao's fighting sacred soul shattered every inch. Soon it turned into countless light spots and plunged into Tang Ao's body.

"This!" Old Tang Ao blushed, this time he lifted a rock and hit him in the foot. But even if he was badly injured and the Fighting Sacred Bone Life Soul could not exert its power at its peak, it would not be crushed by Li Muling.

"Okay, you are still good. Although the cultivation base is a little worse, it is quite resistant. In a few days, you can go to the Jizo cemetery with us." When Tang Ao was puzzled, Li Muling rubbed a pan. Red Fenquan said casually.

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