Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 963: Plum blossom umbrella

"This..." Tang Ao couldn't find Bei for Li Muling's words.

"Brother Tang Ao, do you think Miss Li is funny?" After Li Muling left, Chu Yucheng came to Tang Ao and said calmly looking at Li Muling's slim figure.

"Uh!" Regarding Li Muling and Chu Yucheng, these unusual guys, Tang Ao suddenly doubted whether he was right to join their team. "Brother Chu, besides you and Girl Li Muling, how many people are in your team, who are they?"

Chu Yucheng pondered for a while and then said: "Even Brother Tang Ao, there seem to be ten people this time. For the remaining seven people, I only know Xia Wuji from the Huanglong tribe." Chu Yucheng said the folding fan slapped open. Shoot the three oncoming cold stars and fly out. "Brother Xia, why be so enthusiastic to say hello." Chu Yucheng possesses the emperor spirit pupil. As soon as Xia Wuji came nearby, Chu Yucheng noticed his aura.

Last name Xia? Is there anything to do with Xia Lulu, Tang Ao thought to himself. At the same time, Tang Ao also confirmed his thoughts. Although Li Muling's team are all masters, there seems to be no normal person except Chu Yucheng.

"Chu Yucheng, is this the partner you were looking for? Damn, I didn't expect you to find someone so soon. I have to hurry up." Tang Ao and Chu Yucheng heard Xia Wuji's voice, but Tang Ao Did not find where Xia Wuji was. Even after Tang Aoyun raised the celestial pupil, he could only catch a faint figure.

"Xia Wuji, you don't even show your deity, so how do you find a partner? If you really can't find someone, it's better to find someone for you." A sweet voice that looked like a Huang Ying came out, and Tang Ao saw it. I don’t know when there was a girl with a plum umbrella sitting on his roof.

This young girl, Tang Ao, had never seen her before, but she gave people a feeling of deja vu. When faced with this young girl, it is difficult for people to be wary, as if she is a weak and innocent girl. But Tang Ao knew that this girl was not innocent and harmless, but a master of the ninth level of the Spirit Sea Realm.

Xia Wuji, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but sneer when he heard Xiao Yuting's words: "It's like you can find a partner? You haven't found a partner until now!"

Xiao Yuting was said of the pain, and suddenly smirked: "Huh, that's because my sister doesn't want to find it. If my sister wants to find it, she can find a hundred partners at will."

"Fine, you slowly find one of your 100 partners, I'm leaving." After Xia Wuji finished speaking, his breath completely disappeared here, as if he had never been in the future.

"Brother Chu, what is the relationship between Xia Wuji and Xia Lulu of the Huanglong tribe?" Although Xia Wuji did not show up, Tang Ao could still vaguely feel Xia Wuji's cultivation level just now, half a step in life and death. Such a master, also surnamed Xia, Tang Ao easily connected him with Xia Lulu.

"Oh, brother Tang Ao knows the little princess of the Huanglong tribe. This Xia Wuji is the elder brother of Xia Lulu, but Xia Wu has a perverse personality. He wanders in the ice and snow plain all the year round and rarely returns to the Huanglong tribe.

Tang Ao secretly said in his heart that indeed, in Li Muling's team, there was really no more normal guy. Although Chu Yucheng beside him does not seem to have anything wrong now, he can be selected by Li Muling, and he must be the same people who want to come and join them.

and many more! He was also dragged into Li Muling's team. Isn't it possible that he has no problem? Tang Ao thought that Li Muling had agreed to join her team just now. Could it be that he could see that there was something abnormal in him? Thinking of this, Tang Ao was a little bit dumbfounded.

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