Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 967: Be provoked

"Trash, don't get out of here yet!" Xue Hong said unceremoniously looking at Tang Ao. Just now Tang Ao said below that he was inferior to Heisha, but Xue Hong did not forget. Originally, in this last game, Xue Hong invited a brother from the Ninth Floor of Linghai Realm to accompany him in acting, so that he won ten games in a row without losing his tongue.

But now, Xue Hong has no such thoughts at all. Since Tang Ao dared to say that he was not, then he had to make Tang Ao pay the price. If life and death fight, he Xue Hong is indeed not Heisha's opponent. But even so, this is not something a small person like Tang Ao can say. Although he also saw that Tang Ao and Chu Yucheng came together, his identity was comparable to that of Chu Yucheng. He didn't believe that Chu Yucheng would fight him for an unknown boy.

"When did Xue Hong be so rampant, dare to provoke Chu Yucheng in public?"

"It's not Chu Yucheng, it should be the kid next to Chu Yucheng. When Hei Sha and Xue Hong were fighting just now, this person said that if Hei Sha fights life and death, Xue Hong can't do three tricks under Hei Sha. Probably it is this matter. Xue Hong held a grudge, there is a good show to watch now."

"Sure enough, misfortune comes from the mouth. Fighting swords can't kill you, but you must be on the fighting swords platform. Injury and disabled are commonplace."


"Why, didn't you say that I am not the enemy of Heisha's three moves? Come up, let Ben Shao see what you have!" Seeing that Tang Ao didn't mean to go to the sword platform, Xue Hong sneered again.

"Oh, brother Tang Ao, it seems that he is inviting you to fight." Chu Yucheng also thought that Xue Hong was going to challenge him, and he kept saying bad words. When Chu Yucheng was thinking about whether to educate Xue Hong, he did not expect Xue The object of Hong's speech was Tang Ao.

"Since you are so confident, how can I compete with you?" Xue Hong is only the seventh level of the Spirit Sea Realm. Although Tang Ao's current strength is only restored to the fourth level of the Spirit Sea Realm, he has used endless methods. Fighting Xuehong is still enough.

With a leap, Tang Ao came to the sword fighting platform. After Tang Ao came to the sword fighting platform, Tang Ao was slightly surprised. Because Tang Ao discovered that there was a forbidden spirit formation on the sword fighting platform. The function of the Forbidden Spirit Array was to suppress the martial artist's cultivation base. The moment Tang Ao stepped onto the sword fighting platform, Tang Ao discovered that Xue Hong's cultivation base had also been suppressed to the fourth level of the Linghai Realm.

Seeing this, the corner of Tang Ao's mouth couldn't help provoke a joking arc. He has a 100% chance of winning against Xue Hong on the seventh level of the Spirit Sea Realm. Now Xue Hong’s cultivation level is suppressed to the fourth level of the Spirit Sea Realm just like him. This Xue Hong simply can’t find it. happy. It's not easy to win nine games in a row. In the last game, just casually perfunctory, and you can have a brief talk with Shangguan Wan'er.

"I don't see it, you still have the courage to take the stage, yes, yes." Xue Hong was very proud of seeing Tang Ao taking the stage.

"It's hard to win nine games in a row, so why don't you." Tang Ao did not sneer, but said plainly.

Everyone thought that Tang Ao would ask for mercy after he came to power, or that he would concede defeat and step down at random. They didn't expect that Tang Ao would be tit-for-tat against Xue Hong.

"Very well, let me..." Xue Hong seemed to say something cruel, but a golden light flashed on Tang Ao's body, and he took the lead on the offensive. Xue Hong saw that Tang Ao dared to do it first, his face was furious, and he thrust his short thorn against Tang Ao's lower abdomen. Tang Ao thought that this short thorn was a kind of spiritual weapon just now, but now Tang Ao can see clearly that this short thorn is actually a life soul that can change shape.

This is that the fate soul is not high in rank, but the fate soul of the nineteenth heaven. Tang Ao sneered, and the Fighting Sacred Bone wrapped his fist and slammed Xue Hong's short thorn. Everyone in the audience was shocked by Tang Ao's move. Everyone had seen how powerful Xue Hong's short stab was, but Tang Ao now dared to hit the short stab with bare hands.

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