Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 968: Boom off the ring

Seeing Tang Ao directly picking up his short thorn with his fist, Xue Hong was also stunned for a moment, but then a cruel smile appeared on his face. Fighting swords can't kill, even if you miss a killer. No matter who it is, as long as someone kills someone on the sword fighting platform, the master of Tianxianglou will immediately come forward and kill him on the spot. However, in addition to murder on the fighting sword, regardless of the disability.

Tang Ao dared to expose his shortcomings. This time he dismissed Tang Ao and let others know that Xue Hong was not easy to provoke.



Tang Ao's golden brilliance of iron fist and Xue Hong's short thorn collided, and the moment of collision, the scene of blood and blood in Xue Hong's imagination did not appear, but his short thorn life soul was instantly full of cracks. After Tang Ao's fist smashed Xue Hong's short thorns, it still blasted Xue Hong's face unabated.

"Bang!" Xue Hong only felt that his face was hit by a bull, and the huge force on his face also made Xue Hong's body fly upside down and fell under the ring. How mighty Tang Ao's punch was, Xue Hong took Tang Ao's punch with his face, and it was naturally miserable.

After Tang Ao fisted Xue Hong down, everyone was a little bit frustrated. They thought of many results of Xue Hongzhe insulting Tang Ao, but they never thought that Xue Hong, who won nine consecutive games, was not Tang Ao's enemy.

"Although Doujiantai will suppress the cultivation base, Xue Hong's cultivation base at the seventh level of the Linghai Realm, even if it is suppressed to the fourth level of the Linghai Realm, is the peak of the fourth level of the Linghai Realm. How..."

"Judging from the spiritual power fluctuations just now, this kid is indeed the fourth-level cultivation base of the Spirit Sea Realm. Perhaps it is his fate soul, Xue Hong did not guard, and followed his Tao."


"Okay, Young Master Tang Ao defeated Xue Hong, I wonder if I still want to continue to accept the challenge?" After a brief stupefaction, Deacon Huang Pao quickly recovered. After asking Chu Yucheng about Tang Ao's name, Deacon Huang Pao was very surprised. He said to Tang Ao eagerly.

Without waiting for Tang Ao to speak, Shangguan Wan'er's gentle and pleasant voice in the attic on the second floor of Tianxiang Tower also reached Tang Ao's ears. "If Son Ao can win ten games in a row, the concubine is willing to spend the night with Son Ao Tang."

Shangguan Wan'er's voice was not loud, but almost everyone present heard it. Hearing Shangguan Wan'er's words, everyone on the sword fighting platform was eager to swept Tang Ao off the sword fighting platform.

"Not interested." To everyone's surprise, Tang Ao had no idea of ​​winning ten games in a row.

When Tang Ao said this, everyone was shocked again. Why don't you come to Tianxianglou to meet Shangguan Wan'er? And Tang Ao's purpose in coming to Tianxiang Tower was not to meet Shangguan Wan'er, but to find a place to live.

But Tang Ao hadn't stepped off the sword fighting platform, Shangguan Wan'er's voice sounded in Tang Ao's ears again. It's just that this time Shangguan Wan'er used soul power sound transmission, which only Tang Ao could hear. "Since Young Master Tang Ao is together with Chu Yucheng, he will go to explore the Jizo Cemetery in a month. Wan'er has a sketch of one of the treasures in the Jizo Cemetery. If Young Master Tang Ao can win ten games in a row, Wan'er gave this sketch to Young Master Tang Ao."

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er Tang Ao is not very interested, but Tang Ao is very interested in the Jizo cemetery. There are Lingbingguo and many other treasures in the Jizo cemetery, but for so many years, the Jizo cemetery has not been explored. Even now, most people's understanding of the Jizo cemetery is still in the outermost corner. As for other things in the Jizo cemetery, even if someone has explored them, they will not be made public, but will be regarded as the secrets of their own forces.

"The girl is serious about this?" Although I don't know what the so-called treasures are on the sketch, this sketch is still very attractive to Tang Ao.

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