Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 980: Sky-high entrance fee

Tang Ao wanted to pick up the leaks before to see if any treasures were buried, but after turning around, Tang Ao was a little disappointed. Because let alone the buried treasure, there is not a single treasure on the surface. Is it possible that if you want to buy good things, you can only buy them at high prices in the market? Although it wasn't a high price to Tang Ao, the things there were only better than those in the scattered market, and they were not really treasures.

"Huh?" Tang Ao frowned, just looking at the things in the scattered market, but he didn't notice the tail behind him. At this moment, not far from Tang Ao, he followed a little boy with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks far away. This person didn't know how long he had followed Tang Ao, and he didn't know his purpose, but he just followed him like this.

Tang Ao's heart moved, and his figure immediately disappeared from the crowd. And after Tang Ao disappeared, the young man was also taken aback. A big living person in broad daylight suddenly disappeared out of thin air in front of his eyes. It was indeed a very strange thing. Of course Tang Ao didn't have the ability to disappear out of thin air, he was just using the Earth Escape Talisman to escape into the ground.

When Tang Ao appeared again, he had already come behind this little servant. "Slap" Tang Ao slapped the sneaky young man on the shoulder. "Say, why follow this son?"

Xiao Si was extremely surprised, Tang Ao unexpectedly confined his spiritual power under the palm of his hand. This Xiao Si thought that Tang Ao was just a drunken kid with kidney deficiency, but he did not expect Tang Ao to be so powerful. Tang Ao was also a little shocked in his heart. This little servant looked like a small man in the market, but he was actually a real warrior of the first level of the Spirit Sea realm.

Such a warrior is already a leader in most middle-level tribes and even weaker high-level tribes. But at this moment, this little boy is obviously running errands. After the initial shock, this person quickly recovered, and said to Tang Ao with a smile on his face: "This young man seems to want to buy some good things?"

After Tang Ao heard it, he understood that this bulk market seems not so simple. What can be seen now is not good, but it does not mean that there are no good things in the bulk market, but ordinary people cannot see the bulk market. Good things in the city. "I really want to buy some high-level spiritual materials, do you know where they can be sold?"

Xiao Si smiled, took out a jade charm and handed it to Tang Ao. "The good things in the bulk market are all concentrated here. I will bring the son in with 10,000 snow beads."

Tang Ao took a deep breath. He didn't know where it was, but the entrance fee required 10,000 snow beads. At the same time, Tang Ao also understood why this person had to run errands as a warrior at the first level of the Spirit Sea Realm. This was simply a fat man. As long as he led the way, he could earn 10,000 snow beads. "What's special about this place you mentioned, but the entrance fee is 10,000 snow beads."

"As long as it is something you want to buy, you can buy it here, and the price in it is much more favorable than the one in the market. Of course, if you don't believe it, you don't have to give me..."

Before Xiao Si's words were finished, Tang Ao handed the first-grade pill to his hand: "This bottle of Yuan Ling Pill is worth 20,000 snow beads. I don't have so many snow beads on my body. Give you this bottle of Yuan Ling Pill. Ok?"

The gray-clothed youth was frightened by Tang Aocai's generous and generous hand. The reason why he shouted 10,000 snow beads was because of Tang Ao's idea of ​​bargaining. The order from the top was that as long as more than 6,000 snow beads, he could bring guests in. Therefore, there is still a lot of room for bargaining for these 10,000 Snow Pearls. Unexpectedly, Tang Ao not only did not bargain, but directly gave a pill worth 20,000 Snow Pearls.

"You don't have to worry about it, as long as the place you are talking about is exactly what you said, after Ben Shao buys something you are satisfied with, you will have to thank you again." Tang Ao said indifferently with rich wealth.

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