Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 981: The role of jade

Under the leadership of Xiaoyi Xiaosi, Tang Ao walked through the bulk market to a desolate valley deep in the Yunlu Mountain Range. If it weren't for Tang Ao's strong soul power to confirm that no one was around, Tang Ao would have thought that the gray-clothed servant was about to lure himself out to kill and win treasure. Seeing that Tang Ao's face was plain and not panicking, the little servant in grey clothes confirmed Tang Ao's extraordinaryness in his heart.

It is not the first time that he has brought people here from the bulk market, but among all the people he brought, Tang Ao is the least he can see. Strong cultivation base, mysterious origin. The young brothers of all forces, the gray-clothed servant basically knew, but the gray-clothed servant was very strange to Tang Ao. But even though he was unfamiliar, the little boy in gray did not ask too much.

"Master, this is the entrance." Tang Ao saw that the gray-clothed servant took out a token and swiped in the air, and a stone platform appeared in front of Tang Ao. There was a groove on the stone platform, which obviously wanted Tang Ao to put the jade medal on it.

Seeing Tang Ao directly put the jade card on, the little man in gray slapped his lips and said, "I forgot to talk to the son, this jade card has to be refined before it can be used." For this underground city, Tang Ao became more interested, the admission fee was sky-high, and the entry rules were not simple. Tang Aoyi said, refining this jade medal in his hand.

Although the refining of this jade card is simple, it is a spirit weapon that reaches the third rank, but its function is very monotonous, and it seems to be for opening the door. Tang Ao's soul power is so powerful, it certainly doesn't take too long to refine such a jade medal. After a few breaths, Tang Ao refined the jade card, and then Tang Ao placed the jade card in the groove on the stone platform.

A faint blue formation instantly appeared at Tang Ao's feet. When he saw this formation, Tang Ao was slightly surprised, because it was a sixth-rank teleportation formation. With Tang Ao's current formation ability, it is also very difficult to arrange a teleportation formation of this rank. Tang Ao really couldn't think of who did this formation come from.

"The ice and snow plain is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. This type of formation method is three points better than me." Tang Ao thought to himself. At this moment, the burst of light transmitted under his feet made Tang Ao feel dizzy. sense. Tang Ao hasn't experienced the dizziness in the teleportation array for a long time. This teleportation array can make Tang Ao feel this way, indicating that Tang Ao's teleportation distance is very far away.

The teleportation lasted for a full one hundred and thirty breaths before it ended. Tang Ao has sat on many teleportation formations, but this teleportation formation is undoubtedly the one with the longest teleportation time. Ordinary teleportation formations usually end within ten breaths. Up. The transmission time of this teleportation array is 13 times that of the ordinary teleportation array. Tang Ao thought to himself that with such a long transmission distance, he was still not in the Yunlu Mountain Range.

Tang Ao thought well, he was no longer in the range of Yunlu Mountain Range at this moment. After the light of the teleportation array disappeared, Tang Ao found that he had come to an unexpected place. At this moment, Tang Ao and many people appeared on a huge transport platform, beside the transport platform there was a stone pillar surrounded by Kowloon.

A black crow stood on the heads of the nine dragons, and in the middle of the stone pillar, the dragon was flying and phoenixed with four characters: "Black Crow Square!" This is not the first time Tang Ao heard of Black Crow Square, but Tang Ao still didn't expect that his first visit to Hei Yafang City would come in this way. The things sold in Hei Ya Fang City were much more messy than those in Yunlu Fang City. Tang Ao's spirit power casually scanned, and he saw many prohibited objects that shouldn't be there. Beyond the first time, there are many strange things. At one of the stalls, Tang Ao saw a kind of jewelry shaped like eye pupils.

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