Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 985: Xue Ding

"Oh, Yuer, why did you bring this young man to the Refining Square?" When Yuer was talking about the situation in the Refining Square to Tang Ao, a strange sound of Yin and Yang came from behind the two. Tang Ao turned his head and saw that the owner of this voice was an extremely seductive woman. The woman seemed to be slightly older than Yu'er, but she was very glamorous.

Beside the coquettish woman, there was also a bullying young man in Jinyi, who had a symbol of a refining furnace on his chest. On the refining furnace, there are four sharp swords floating. Tang Ao still knows the meaning of this pattern. This is the pattern of the Shenbing Valley certified refiner. There is a sharp sword floating on the refining furnace, which is the first-grade refining master. The young man's brocade robe has the pattern of four sharp swords, which is obviously a fourth-grade refining master.

Just now Yu'er and Tang Ao said that most of the people who came to Heiyafang City were third-rank refiners, and few fourth-rank refiners came. Therefore, when this young man appeared, many people on the refining square were bright, and they hurried to the Jin Yi youth.

A middle-aged man in a half-step life-and-death state threw down a bag of refining materials with a "clang", "Xue Ding, this time help Laozi refine a broad-backed sword, high-level spiritual materials are easy to say."

"Xiao Meng, the old man made an appointment with little friend Xue Ding last time, and this time I want little friend Xue Ding to help my granddaughter refining a double star ring." An old man with a long beard stroked his beard and said calmly. .

Tang Ao's eyes constricted, and he was secretly surprised in his heart for the five-level powerhouse of life and death. This long-bearded old man in a green robe, although it looks a bit old and fragile, his cultivation base is the fifth level of life and death. This is the strongest person Tang Ao has seen in Hei Yafang City so far. After seeing this old man act in accordance with the rules of Black Crow Square, Tang Ao also had a clearer understanding of the energy of Black Crow Square.

In the ranking of the power spectrum, Black Crow Fang City was not included in the power spectrum because it was too mysterious and scattered, but now it seems that Black Crow Fang City is definitely on par or even stronger than these top powers.

Xue Ding ignored these people, but looked at Yuer and Tang Ao. When looking at Yu'er, Xue Ding clearly had a flicker of evil light in his eyes. The waitresses in Hei Yafang City are free to choose their employers, so although he has coveted Yu'er for a long time, Yu'er has always ignored him. In the previous few times, Yuer had received some women, so Xue Ding would not say anything.

But this time, Yu'er came together with a handsome white-clothed young man. Although Xue Ding knew that nothing had happened to the two of them, there was still an unknown fire after seeing Tang Ao and Xue Ding. "Who are you?" Xue Ding looked at Tang Ao directly without any circumstance, and asked in a very bad tone.

Are the refiners of the Ice Plains so arrogant? Seeing Xue Ding's arrogant appearance, Tang Ao said inwardly. However, Tang Ao still smiled and said, "Who am I to do with you?"

Xue Ding's eyes were cold: "Alright, I don't care who you are. In Black Crow Square, I don't want to see you again." Xue Ding just had a bad tone, so now he is unscrupulously provoking.

"Listening to you, I want to know who you are?" To Xue Ding's expectation, Tang Ao, the somewhat ostentatious young man, didn't immediately get angry, but asked an unmarginal question.

Hearing Tang Ao's question, Xue Ding said proudly: "I am the true disciple of the Shenbing Valley Master, Xue Ding!" Although Xue Ding only said a word, his status is noble enough.

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