Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 986: The owner shows up

"What?" After listening to Xue Ding's introduction, Tang Ao's face looked incredible. And seeing Tang Ao's shocked look, Xue Ding's eyes showed a trace of disdain, and the woman beside Xue Ding showed a mocking smile. It was mocking Tang Ao as well as Yu'er. But Tang Ao's next sentence stunned everyone.

"I thought you were the owner of the Valley of God Soldiers. I didn't expect you to be just a kid sitting down. What's worth showing off about his status. Also, you are not the owner of Black Crow Square?"

"Naturally I am not." Although Xue Ding was extremely angry at the moment, he did not have the guts to pretend to be the owner of Black Crow Square. His master said that the owner of Hei Yafang City is extremely powerful, and even his master must be polite to three points. Give him ten courage, he dare not say that he is the owner of Black Crow Square City.

"Since you are not the owner of the workshop, let's get out. It's up to you how long this son is going to visit Black Crow Square now!" After Tang Ao finished speaking, he took Yu'er with a dull face and walked to the Refining Square. Yu'er was indeed stunned by Tang Ao. During this time with Tang Ao, Yu'er found that Tang Ao had always been gentle. But Tang Ao just now seemed to be a different person. Facing the genius Xue Ding of Shenbing Valley, Tang Ao did not back down, but rather arrogantly made Xue Ding hit.

"Stop!" Xue Ding immediately shouted sharply as Tang Ao was about to leave. He Xue Ding is the first refining genius in Shenbing Valley, and when has he been humiliated like this. "It's useless to say more, go to the stage of life and death!" Xue Ding's face was pale, and his eyes toward Tang Ao were full of fierce murderous intent.

Tang Ao turned around, looking at Xue Ding with cold eyes. This person must be used to being arrogant and want to kill someone if he doesn't agree. There is no fear of Xue Ding and Tang Ao. It is quite good to be a fourth-grade refiner at Xue Ding's age. Moreover, Xue Ding's cultivation base was not bad, the seventh-level cultivation base of Linghai Realm was three levels higher than the current Tang Ao.

"What is the stage of life and death?" Although Yu'er introduced a lot of things in Hei Ya Fang City to Tang Ao, Tang Ao didn't know the stage of life and death in Hei Ya Fang City.

"Prince Tang must not go to the stage of life and death with him. He is rigorously fighting in Hei Ya Fang. Although there are rumors that Hei Ya Fang is extremely chaotic, in fact Hei Ya Fang is a place in order. In Crow Fang City, if there is any contradiction, you can only fight on the stage of life and death if both parties agree. There is a special rule on the stage of life and death. On the stage of life and death, either both sides will die together or one person will die before the duel ends. So if it wasn't for the deep hatred that never stopped, no one would want to go to life and death."

"Oh, it doesn't do any good for my son to kill you. In that case, why should I go to the stage of life and death?" Tang Ao didn't have to agree to Xue Ding's request, because Tang Ao discovered that there was a powerful soul at this time. Li looked at this side. This soul power is far more powerful than Tang Ao. Under Tang Ao's perception, the master of the soul power is at least a powerful person at the seventh level of the life and death realm or even stronger.

Tang Ao secretly guessed that this person should be the owner of Hei Yafang City. Since such a character is watching this side, he thinks he has thoughts about himself and Xue Ding. Sure enough, when this thought was turned in Tang Ao's heart. A melodious piano sound rang in this world, and countless bright red petals fell in the sky.

After that, Tang Ao saw a golden Luanjia flying over from a distance, and there were four young women holding swords standing around Luanjia. These four women had extremely strong cultivation bases, all reaching the third level of life and death. There is a layer of golden gauze in front of Luangjia, and it can be vaguely seen that there is a woman playing the qin in Luangjia. But this woman was wearing a veil on her face, and Tang Ao couldn't see her face clearly. Knowing that this woman was extremely capable, Tang Ao didn't dare to use his celestial pupil and soul power to probe her.

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