Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 2 - The Peasant Girl

The girl sighed and went to have breakfast with her parents, upon arriving at the dining hall, she saw her parents talking to the guards about the red dragon again.

"Good morning, Mama and Papa," she said,

"Morning sweetheart how are you feeling? " her mother asked,

"I feel much better, Mother, when you hit your head like it's really hard, it's normal to have hallucinations, right? " she asked,

"Well, not if it hurts," her mother replied,

"Ah, come on, let's go have breakfast, I have to meet up with some friends in town later," she said,

"Okay, but be careful, with the kingdoms fighting overpower anything can happen, some of them would go to any lengths to get what they want" her father replied,

"What lengths would you go to father?" she asked and he looked at her sternly,

"You are still a child, I suggest you act like one" he responded,

"I know that they are other dragons, we have seen them, but the one that you are after is fake," she said,

"Stay quiet and eat or leave, " he replied and she smiled.

" I would prefer to leave than eat with you, " she said then grabbed a cupcake and walked away but then her mother stopped her.

"Lilith, what is wrong with you? why are you being rude to your father?" she asked,

"You know mom it is useless and a waste of time to explain things to you guys, especially when I know that you won't understand" she responded then left.

The girl got into the carriage and left for the city while going there her carriage hit someone down and when she came out to see who it was she saw that it was the girl from her dream.

Her eyes widened as she reached out her hand to her and the girl held onto the princess's hand and she pulled her up.

"Are you okay?" the princess asked as the girl brushed off the dirt from her clothes and then bowed.

"I am fine, thank you your highness" the girl replied with a very soft tone.

"Uh, I need to relax, I have powers, maybe they are the reason, I am probably just overthinking, my powers can show me things so, it was either a dream or whatever, does not matter," she said to herself as the girl looked at her with sparkling gray eyes.

"Are you going into town?" she asked,

"Yeah, I am" the girl responded,

"Okay, come on, I can take you there, " she said and the girl got into the carriage with her.

Upon arriving both of them came out at the ice cream shop.

"Thank you for the lift princess, " she said as Lilith's friends came and one of them pushed the young girl since she did not like poor people.

Lilith grabbed onto the girl then looked at her friend sternly.

"Why would you do that Vivian? ' She asked,

"You cannot have people like that around you Lilith" Vivian responded,

"Whom I have around me is none of your business, Vivian, besides, I hit her with my carriage so it's the least I could have done," Lilith said,

"Whatever here is some money, and do not ever look at the princess again" Vivian replied as she stretched out her hand with money in it.

"Vivian," her other friends said Jasmine and Marline said,

"Enough Vivian, you cannot just treat people like that" Lilith said,

"Let's see if the girl wants the money" Vivian replied with a wicked smirk and the girl looked at Lilith with a frown.

"You will no take money that is being handed to you with disrespect if you want here," Lilith said as she placed some money in the girl's basket and the girl smiled then bowed without collecting Vivian's money.

"Thank you, your highness," she said then walked away, and then the princess and the others sat in the cafe and made their order for breakfast.

While eating the princess could not help but think of the girl.

"Lilith are you okay?" Marline asked,

"I am fine, you guys eat, I will be right back" she responded,

"She is a peasant leave her be, I am sure she will be fine," Vivian said and the princess sighed,

"Not everyone can ignore someone who seems as if they were homeless alone Vivian" Lilith replied as she grabbed her sword and went looking for the strange girl in rags.

"She has a kind heart and we are all really good friends, you have to work on your attitude Vivian," Jasmine said,

"Whatever that peasant girl looks like trouble to me, " she replied as she drank her coffee.

After a little while of searching the princess found the girl sitting under an apple tree and she went to her.

"Hello," Lilith said and the girl looked at her and smiled, then got up and hugged her.

"Uh... miss," the princess said then the girl raised up,

"Sorry, " she said,

"It's okay, don't you have anywhere to go?" Lilith asked,

"Uh, no I am an orphan I have been living on the streets for a while, " she responded and the princess sighed,

'Fine, will you work for me in my castle as my personal handmaiden? " she asked and the girl smiled,

"Sure, thank you your highness," she said while bowing,

"Enough bowing come on, follow me" the princess replied and so she did.

The girl followed her back to the cafe when Vivian saw the girl she stood up immediately.

"Seriously Lilith?" Vivian asked as she was about to grab the girl and the princess grabbed onto her wrist.

"Stop it, I will not tolerate your insolence anymore," the princess said as she released Vivian's hand and they all sat down including the peasant girl.

The princess bought the girl breakfast and she ate it like she had not had anything to eat in days, upon seeing her condition Lilith felt sorry for the girl little did she know that she was the girl that saved her and it was not a doing of her powers it was actually very real.

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