When they finished eating the princess took the girl to her home and upon entering the palace, she smiled at the crystal door and the tiled floor.

"You have a nice home, " she said,

'Yeah, and from now on you will be staying here too, uh, what is your name though?" The princess asked,

"My name... uh I do not have a name, " she responded,

"Hmm, I see well from today onwards your name will be Cosmo, like the stars, " she said an the girl smiled,

'I love it, thank you, my lady, " she Cosmo replied as the king and queen came.

"Who is this?" her father asked,

"Your highnesses I am Cosmo.." she responded,

"Okay and what are you doing here Cosmo?" the queen asked,

"Well I brought her to be my new handmaiden, mother" the girl responded,

"You do not even know her," the father said,

"Mother, father please just let it be, she needs the money anyway" the girl replied,

Her mother sighed "fine, but be careful we have a meeting to get to" her mother said,

"Is it about the red dragon again?" she asked,

"Yes, we think that it might be living in the mountains" her father responded and Cosmo's eyes glowed red.

"I am truly sorry your highness and I appreciate your help, I have to hide out here or they will find me, I hope you understand later princess," she said to herself as she stared at Lilith.

"Mother, father even if this dragon is real you cannot bend it to your will, nature does not work that way and magic has a price, sooner or later you will have to pay it," she said,

"Do not lecture me, child, we will be going now do not get yourself into any trouble and do not leave this castle" her father replied then they left.

"Do you believe in the dragon Cosmo?" she asked as she looked at the white hair girl,

"I do, but if the dragon gets into the wrong hands it could unleash a lot of bad things" Cosmo responded as the girl's eyes glowed.

"Well, I guess I better start hunting for this mythical dragon before they find it, damn this is such a pain, " she said as she walked to her room and Cosmo followed her.

As she entered the girl's room, the princess gave her a simple but elegant dress and she went to take a bath, when she finished, she walked out of the bath naked and the girl jumped and turned away.

"You are bold that's for sure, go back in there and get your clothes on," the princess said and the girl listened to her.

"Damn, seems like she will be a little headache," the princess said to herself as she sat down on the balcony and started reading a book while the girl was changing.

After Cosmo finished, she came out and went into the balcony.

"Is this okay?" she asked and Lilith looked at her smiling for the long gray dressed, looked perfect on her as it fell on her body.

"You look great, a lot like a princess too" Lilith responded as Cosmo threw herself on Lilith's bed and slept away hugging her teddy.

Lilith smiled and covered her with the blanket, then went back to reading while drinking some tea.

Around lunchtime, the girl woke up and did not see Lilith in the room so she got frustrated and went looking for her only to find her baking in the kitchen.

"Cosmo, what's wrong, you look like if you have seen a ghost?" she asked and the girl hugged her from behind and her eyes widened,

"Cosmo," she said and the girl raised up,

"Sorry, your highness" she replied,

"It's fine had a nightmare or something?" Lilith asked as she gave the girl a croissant,

"Thank you and yeah, you can say I had a nightmare, " she responded as she ate the pastry smiling,

"This is really good, thank you for helping me your highness," she said,

"You are welcome and as your princess, it is my duty to help someone in need, " she replied as Cosmo jumped up and sat on the cupboard.

"So princess what do you like to do for fun?" the young girl asked,

"I like using my powers but unfortunately as I grow older the more things I am forbidden of, " she responded with a frown as her eyes glowed bright gold and Cosmo's eyes shimmered.

"Break the rules the most they can do is punish you, they are sending soldiers on the snow mountains to the east, if you really want to see if the dragon does exist and want to stop them from forcing it to do anything against its will, you have to stop them, only if it is real of course," Cosmo said and the princess smiled,

"You are right, in a lot of ways" the princess replied.

"So will you go to the snow mountains?" the girl asked,

'Yes, I will go, thanks for the little courage Cosmo" Lilith responded and Cosmo smiled,

'You are welcome after all I am here for you now, " she said as she shoved a piece of the croissant into Lilith's mouth and she ate it.

"Thank you, come on, I have to uh... go meet my aunt lady Claire," she said and Cosmo stared at her,

"Is she scary like your mother too?" Cosmo asked,

"No do not worry, she is the one that helps me get out of this hell hole" the princess responded and the girl laughed.

"Come on, let's go, she will be here soon and I would like you to meet her," she said,

"I will be happy to" Cosmo replied as she followed Lilith.

While going to receive her aunt, she saw her parents walked in and her father looked angry.

"Father, " she said as she touched him and he shoved her, to the ground and her mother saw and looked at her with pity as her aunt helped her up and Cosmo's eyes glowed.

"Son of a bitch is that any way to treat your won daughter?" the girl asked herself.

"Are you okay?" Claire asked as tears ran down her eyes and she hugged her aunt crying.

"I did not know your father was still being like this to you," her aunt said and the girl raised up, then she wiped her tears and Cosmo folded her cuffs.

"I am fine aunt Claire, I baked your favorite chocolate croissant," Lilith said putting on a fake smile,

"Lilith do you want to come and stay with me?" her aunt asked and she looked at Cosmo.

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