Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 70 - Certain Revenge

"You two okay Lilith?" Rex asked as he released the guy. 

"I am okay but Cosmo is still not fine" she responded with a frown. 

"Let me make one thing very clear to all of you, Lilith will help us if she can but force her to do something she doesn't want and what I will do to you, I don't think I need to tell you that, this is my last warning," Rex said and Lilith left staring at him as he grabbed onto his sister and Cosmo smiled. 

"Thank you Rex" Cosmo whispered. 

"I would do anything for her at this point" he replied as he lifted his sister up in his arm. 

"We will get this mess cleaned up you guys go," the queen said with a smile as she patted Lilith on the shoulder and they walked away. 

"Bring her to my room," Lilith said as they walked into the hall. 

"Okay" he replied as they walked to her room and she opened the door then he placed Cosmo on the bed and the girl smiled. 

"She is not okay at all is she?" Lilith asked and Rex sighed. 

"I am not sure Lilith" he responded and the princess frowned. 

"I am hungry, I will be right back," Lilith said then walked away and Cosmo sighed as she looked at her brother. 

"I know what you want to say and I really can't," Cosmo said. 

"You are making her feel like what's happening to you is her fault Cosmo" he replied and the girl's eyes trembled as he frowned. 

"I can't do this Cosmo," he said as she held onto his hand and he looked at her. 

"You want revenge on the king don't you?" he asked and she folded her cuffs. 

'Revenge won't get you anywhere" he said and she looked at him sternly. 

"Don't look at me like that, are you just using her Cosmo?" he asked as she sat up but didn't answer him. 

"What happened years ago was not our fault Cosmo.., using someone for revenge is not good and I really do hope that's not what you are doing because if it is you and I are going to have problems I am warning you to stay within your limits, she trusts you even though you are lying to her until this very day..." he said. 

"Stop talking, I will do what I have to and yes I am doing this for what he did to our mother" she shouted as her eyes glowed red and his glowed white as he grabbed Cosmo by the neck and lifted her up in the air. 

"I am highly disappointed in you, you say you love her is that true?" he asked as he released her but she did not answer him and at the same time Lilith came back with a tray in her hand. 

"You guys okay?" she asked and Rex looked at her then walked out of the room in anger.   

"Rex" she called out as she placed the tray on the bed and went after him. 

'Rex" she called out as he walked into a balcony and was going to fly off but she grabbed onto the tip of his cold wings and he looked at her then sighed. 

"What is it?" he asked. 

"Are you still mad about what happened?" she asked as he stared at her. 

"No I am not" he responded with a smile. 

"You okay?" she asked and he patted her on the head. 

"I will be back soon, stay inside, don't go out much" he responded. 

"Okay," she said then he flew off and she went back to the room. 

'Here, dinner" Lilith said as she gave Cosmo the tray and the girl collected it as Lilith opened her hair. 

"I am going to take a bath," she said then walked away as Cosmo ate. 

"I am sorry Lilith, your father took someone very important from me and I will get my revenge on him for that, " Cosmo said to herself with a frown. 

After the princess finished taking her bath, she got dressed and came out drying her hair. 

"How are you feeling?" Lilith asked as Cosmos tared at her and she smiled. 

"What?" Lilith asked and Cosmo smiled. 

"Stop staring," Lilith said and the girl downed her head as she folded her cuffs. 

"Lilith do you hate your father?" Cosmo asked and the princess looked at her.

"Why are you asking this now Cosmo?" she asked and the girl sighed. 

"Just answer my question please" she responded and Lilith raised her right brow. 

"No I don't" she responded as her hand trembled. 

"You are lying," she said. 

"How would you know that?" she asked and Cosmo smiled. 

"I know you" she responded. 

"No, you don't," Lilith said as she sat down on the couch. 

"Lilith I have many secrets, this one is not really a secret but I really hate your father" she replied and Lilith's eyes widened and she smiled. 

"I really don't care who hates who, not my business" she replied then laid back on the couch. 

'Are you sleeping there?" Cosmo asked. 

"Yeah, I am comfortable here" she responded as the little blue dragon came and lay near the princess as she closed her eyes. 

"Are you serious?" Cosmo asked. 

"Yes I am please be quiet and go to sleep, we will be leaving tomorrow" she responded. 

"Already? why would you want to go back so early?" Cosmo asked and Lilith sighed. 

'Shut your trap and sleep I have a wedding" she responded. 

'Oh yes I see, good night" Cosmo said and Lilith frowned. 

"I am sorry I am just really tired, the others are having dinner with the queen and the guests are leaving, I want to rest," she said. 

'It's fine don't worry about it" Cosmo replied and Lilith yawned and then she fell asleep. 

"For a little while I actually forgot you were getting married," Cosmo said to herself as she stretched off and then got up to take a bath even though she was weak and not feeling well.

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