After Cosmo finished taking her bath, she got changed then went straight back to bed. 

"Cosmo," her brother called out as he came into the room and she looked at him. 

"Are you okay?" she asked and he smiled. 

"I will be leaving now.." he responded and she frowned. 

"Hurt her feelings and I will not forgive you, Cosmo, not now or ever," he said then flew off and she sighed. 

'I guess things will change for the worse when certain things are concerned" Cosmo said to herself and she stretched off then laid back on the bed and fell asleep a little while after. 

The next morning when Cosmo woke up she saw that the princess was not on the couch and the dragon was not there either. 

'Lilith" she called out as she yawned. 

"I am right here," Lilith said as she walked into the room and Cosmo smiled. 

"Come on get up and let's go for breakfast," Lilith said. 

"Okay, I will freshen up" Cosmo replied. 

"Are you feeling better?" Lilith asked as the girl got up from the bed and nearly fall but Lilith grabbed onto her. 

"You are still not fine," Lilith said as she helped the girl to the bathroom. 

'I will be outside when you are finished" Lilith said then went and sat down on the bed as the girl took her bath. 

A little while after Cosmo finished she got dressed and came out only to see Lilith packing their things. 

"Let me help," Cosmo said as she was about to touch the bags and the princess grabbed onto her hand and she looked at her. 

"No need for that, all done, come on" Lilith replied as she held onto the girl and they walked out of the room. 

"Good morning guys," Lilith said as she walked into the living room but saw that Rex was not there. 

"Good morning" Vivian and the others replied. 

"Where is Rex?" she asked. 

"He left last night" the king responded. 

"Without saying anything?" the queen asked. 

"Yeah seems like he was troubled about something but I don't know what" the king responded and Cosmo folded her cuffs as she sat down and closed her eyes. 

"I see, he is being a little too hard on himself' the queen said. 

'So you guys are all set to go home?" Sunny asked and Lilith sighed. 

'Yeah, we are" Lilith responded. 

'You are not happy are you Lilith?" the king asked and she smiled. 

'I am" she responded and Ash frowned as he stared at her. 

"Tsk... should I even try to stop the wedding?" he asked himself. 

"You okay?" she asked and he looked up at Lilith then smiled. 

"I am fine" he responded. 

"Something is bothering you, I know that Ash, I can sense it damn.." Lilith said and he laughed. 

"I am fine, don't worry" he replied. 

"If you say so," she said and they all began eating. 

"I wonder how mom is doing back home," Lilith said to herself as she ate while back home her father was making his army larger. 

"Your highness the guy you sent to retrieve the white dragon failed," a guy said as he appeared before the king who was in the throne room. 

"I see.. well let them return in peace, Lilith and I will have a little chat later" the king replied. 

"She is your daughter you know," the guy said and the king grabbed him by his collar and lifted him in the air. 

"I don't care if she can't give me what I want" he replied then released the guy and he sighed. 

"Find a tracker dragon for me, I think I know how I can find the red dragon," the king said as his eyes glowed and the guy bowed then disappeared. 

Both Cosmo and Lilith's life was about to come to such a standpoint that the princess would have to choose. 

Little did Cosmo know that the king had a way of finding out her true identity and he already suspects her, things were about to get a lot more complicated for her and Rex, her path for revenge was not what her brother was expecting, and in doing so she brought the princess who had nothing to do with it in midst of it all. 

"Well I am now full," Lilith said as she wiped her lips and drank some juice. 

"I really don't want you guys to go," the queen said as the bracelet that Rex gave Lilith started glowing and she smiled. 

"We will be fine, don't worry," Lilith said as she felt her heartbeat increasing. 

"Can I go with them?" Sunny asked and the queen smiled. 

"I wish I could say yes sweetheart, but that's Lilith's decision if she wants to take you" the queen responded and the princess smiled. 

"You know I wouldn't mind taking you with me" Lilith replied as little blue flew in and landed on her shoulder.

"Good morning to you too blue," she said as the dragon rubbed his face against hers. 

"This dragon has taken quite a liking towards you, it's a good thing that you are taking him with you," the queen said. 

"He is great" she replied and the king smiled. 

"Be careful on your way back home princess" the king said. 

"Thank you your highness I will" she replied. 

"Oh and Lilith do send a message to Rex when you get back so that he will know that you're safe, the lad has taken quite the liking towards you, he trusts you like he never did anyone before" the king said. 

"Don't worry I will" she replied as the king got up and left. 

"So are you taking me?" Sunny asked. 

"I want to but I don't think it's a good idea" she responded. 

"Please take me I promise I will not misbehave or anything, I will be careful too," Sunny said and the queen smiled. 

"Fone I will take you, just be careful what you say around the king, I don't want you to get hurt" she replied and Sunny nodded in agreement.

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