Eternal Love

Chapter 31: : The Rebirth of Zhao Kingdom (1)

   Chapter 31: The Rebirth of Zhao Kingdom (1)

  A generation of beauty

   passed away in the arms of one's beloved

  There are no regrets for her. Even if there is, she just fails to get the true love from her beloved, and she fails to respond to the love given to her by a person who loves her.

  Zhao Ziheng hugged Lin Wei, who had stopped breathing in his arms in grief, and couldn't explain the guilt he felt towards her at this moment; Zhao Zixi knelt in front of Lin Wei with a dazed expression and dull eyes.

  For a long time, the rain that fell over the royal city and the palace gradually decreased for several days. The rain washed away all the blood left by the civil strife. The entire royal city and the palace were filled with mist brought by rain...

Zhao Zixi, who was kneeling on the ground and repenting, got up suddenly. Zhao Ziyin immediately reacted. Zhao Ziheng had already lost his intent to fight with Lin Wei. In order to prevent Zhao Zixi from attacking Zhao Ziheng again, Zhao Zixi hurried to Zhao Ziheng's side. Who knows, Zhao Zixi turned around. Turning his back to Zhao Ziheng, he bent down to pick up the sword towards the place where his saber was located...

   "Do you think you can make Wei Er happy by doing that?"

  Zhao Ziheng, who is clearly focused on Lin Wei in his arms, is fully aware of Zhao Zixi’s actions and intentions?

   "If you don't do this, you can't do it, right?"

  Zhao Zixi still turned her back to Zhao Ziheng to express her understanding of him

Hearing Zhao Zixi’s words, Zhao Ziheng was silent. Originally he thought he could do it. However, facing the coming of this moment, coupled with the death of Lin Wei, he was even more confused and lost where he should be. At least he knew Lin. Wei doesn't want him to execute Zhao Zixi...

"I have done a lot of things that make her hateful. I don’t care about the same, but you are not the same as me. You have always been looked forward to and supported by her. If you are yours, you will not do anything against her will. Keep it up. Maybe I did something wrong. In this life, I will never have a chance to redeem all my sins. Now she has also left. Even if I can continue to live, I don’t have anything to live anymore. The reason is that if I can follow her to that world, I will hate and be satisfied, but, as a sinner, it should be impossible for me to go to the same world with her, right?"

  In the face of Zhao Zixi’s heavy and desolate words, Zhao Ziheng has nothing to stop Zhao Zixi, who has decided to seek death, even if he is reluctant in his heart...

"So far, I have filled in a lot of trouble for you, right? I am really hopeless. Even if you give me the opportunity again and again, I have not grasped it once, until now I have lost it, and I finally wake up. , It’s all too late—"

Because Zhao Ziyin knew about Zhao Zixi’s past, he felt a deep respect for Zhao Zixi’s awakening at this moment. He never knew or understood that people always know how to cherish and regret after losing. In the end, what you have to face will be an irreversible ending. Just like Zhao Zixi at this moment, although he has done many things that go against the will of God, he is only to gain recognition and eventually lose the only person he loves. .

  "Brother Emperor—"

  Zhao Zixi turned around to face Zhao Ziheng, Zhao Ziheng looked at him...

   "Now I finally understand the gap between me and you, Brother Huang, so please remember that Brother Huang must remember that no matter what others say in the future, I will admit that only Brother Huang is qualified to be the emperor of Da Zhou—"

  At this moment, Zhao Zixi admitted Zhao Ziheng from the heart for the first time.

"Brother Huang has always been in front of me since I was young, and he has never even looked back at me. In order to catch up with you, in order to get your approval, I worked harder than anyone else. In the end, I lost my way. The first person to walk into my world other than the emperor, so I longed to get her. At first, I just brought her if I could get her, maybe the emperor would take a look at me—"

  Zhao Ziheng and Zhao Ziyin also understand that Zhao Zixi’s words are full of bitterness

   "I launched a coup d'etat and thought I could get the emperor's approval, but the result is still the same, I still can't win the emperor's—"

  Speaking of which, Zhao Zixi put the sword on her neck...

"I killed Wei Er, so I want to go to that world to forgive her. Although the emperor found her first in this world, I will work harder than the emperor in that world, even if it is not in the same place. Find her first. Compared to being recognized by the emperor's brother, there is nothing more important to me now than losing her. I wanted to get her only with the idea of ​​using her. Now I finally know that I don’t have everything. , I hope only she can stay with me, the war is over—"

  As Zhao Zixi’s last words fell, he waved the sword in his hand and then fell...

  Lin Wei is dead, Zhao Zixi is also dead

  At the same time, he lost his most ashamed confidante and his irreplaceable brother. Zhao Ziheng was at a loss. A civil war lost not only his people, but also two people he could not replace in this world.

Looking up at the sky, the rain fell on his face, as if he was crying. The pain of losing Lin Wei gradually dissipated, ending the sorrow he had been immersed in. Zhao Ziheng hugged Lin Wei with a normal expression on his face and an extremely indifferent expression. Tao: "According to the king’s order, the order of killing without pardon on all the chaotic parties headed by the king, his family members will also be executed after identification, and other people involved will be killed, exiled, and demoted according to their ranks. Processing."


Cold and humane, Zhao Ziheng made a plan to deal with the troubled party involved in this civil strife. He will never tolerate or be soft. It is the first time to see such a chilling Zhao Ziheng, Zhao Ziyin is also more loyal than ever. Zhao Ziheng's order.

   the next two days

Zhao Ziheng’s Wang Jun completely encircled and suppressed the rebellious party. Officials headed by it were executed almost on the spot. The family members of the rebelled party were also punished to varying degrees according to their severity. Some even went up and down the family regardless of age or infant. They were all executed, and those who were not involved were also exiled. It can be said that they were thoroughly cleaned up, leaving no future troubles.

  The wise and coldness of King Zhao made the people of Zhao both happy and afraid. The only thing to be thankful for is that what Zhao Ziheng brings to the people is the dependence of a reliable monarch...

  The chaotic party and faction were almost cleaned up in just two days

  Several days of rain

   also ended after the civil strife ended. The rain washed away the traces of the civil strife, as if nothing had happened...

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