Eternal Love

Chapter 31: : The Rebirth of Zhao Kingdom (2)

   Chapter 31: The Rebirth of Zhao Kingdom (2)

  [Zhou State] Imperial Palace Imperial Study Room

"Unexpectedly, in less than fifteen days, from the dozens of days we received the news, the civil strife had also ended. The ministers headed by the mausoleum king Zhao Zixi were all executed. Others involved in the civil strife People have also been sanctioned to varying degrees. It can be said that the civil strife has been put on a perfect end. The only regret is that the queen Lin died in this civil strife."

  Zhou Cheng judged from the news about Zhao Guo, and the ministers under the seat also whispered to Zhao Guo’s internal strife...

"Unexpectedly, the capital of Zhao Kingdom and the palace, which are also known as King City of Zhou, were captured in just a few dozen days. To the execution of the mausoleum king Zhao Zixi and those involved in the civil strife, it can be seen that King Zhao is really a brilliant talent. The gods and ghosts, if it weren't for Zhao Guo to be in an extraordinary situation now and to make an alliance with our Zhou Guo, then Zhao Guo would definitely be our heart trouble."


Zhou Cheng ignored the words of the minister in front of him. Although the minister's words were not wrong, he only saw a corner of the ice and gave a high evaluation. If he knew that when Zhao Ziheng and Zhao Zixi were fighting, the Han army took the opportunity to defend Zhao Ziheng. Attacks on the national border and subsequent aggression against Zhao’s borders by other countries. To say that Zhao Ziheng did not focus on the border defenses of the border, there should be some flaws. I did not expect that the Han army or the army of other countries would fall into one by one. It has been designed. Among the traps, the battle situation is even more one-sided than when Zhao Ziheng personally commanded it. The situation is under the control of Zhao Jun. Outsiders may not be able to see it, but Zhou Cheng clearly felt that all the layout was planned by Zhao Ziheng alone. He used the battle with Zhao Zixi as a bait to wipe out all the troops that went to assist Zhao Zixi and attacked Zhao. Everything was under the control of Zhao Ziheng. Because of this, all the troops that violated Zhao have suffered various losses in a short time. Inside, there will not be any forces daring to invade Zhao Guo again. The troubled world that was out of balance was unknowingly calmed by Zhao Ziheng in half. If this news is known to others, Zhao Guo will definitely be regarded as a major concern. As a result, factors of instability were created, but those states that belonged to Zhao Kingdom would definitely be more obedient to Zhao Kingdom. In this way, Zhao Kingdom would definitely become the unshakable largest country in the world in an instant.

   "After the civil strife of this coup d'état, the state of Zhao must be hit hard again by the intrusion of other countries at the same time as the civil strife happened. As far as the state of Zhao is concerned, how far can he support it?"

  A minister who seems to be steady speaks

  Zhou Cheng sighed secretly again, because the facts are completely contrary to what he said.

"However, Zhao Guo is currently recovering quickly under the diligent administration of King Zhao. According to the information received, the capital of Zhao Kingdom will be restored to the past within one month. It is completely invisible that it was a response to the severe damage. The border has obviously been hit so badly, but Wang Zhao couldn’t see the move to return to the border in person—"

  Another minister said what he thought. His thoughts were not wrong at all. Unfortunately, he knew too little. If he knew all the details, he might be able to draw the same conclusion as Zhou Cheng.

   "Emperor, do we still want to allow our caravans to enter the Kingdom of Zhao next?"

  This time another minister is speaking

   "Zhao Guo has business dealings with us on Monday, and it is also a state. Inexplicably stopping the caravan from contacting, will definitely cause Zhao Guo's dissatisfaction——"

"However, according to the current situation of Zhao State, we continue to let the caravan enter Zhao State. It is very likely that we will not know when we will be implicated. Since Zhao State has lost its original power, we don’t have the need to risk letting it. Enter the caravan?"

   "How can you say that? Zhao Guo has reached an agreement with us for a hundred years, how can we do such a downfall at this time? How can I face the world if I do this?"

  The last sentence came from a virtuous official. His words caused a slight fluctuation in Zhang Ren's face, who had been silent and contemplative. The same was true for Zhou Cheng. At any rate, this minister was also one of the ministers he admired and looked forward to.

   "Sir Ji is right—"

When Zhang Ren’s voice sounded, the other voices in the entire room disappeared. All the attention hit the person looking at him. Even Zhou Cheng had a little surprise. It is only now that Zhang Ren speaks in front of the officials. Since the beginning of the turmoil in the country, he has remained silent, and he has rarely talked to him in private. He did not expect that now he is only beginning to show his insights and abilities from onlookers. Since it is rare for him to speak, let’s ask again. What other officials dare to interject?

"I think that Da Zhou and Da Zhao have been an ally for a hundred years. Over the past century, we have relied on the agreement reached between our two countries to maintain peace in the world. Zhao has been plagued by disasters in recent years, and Zhao has also lost the military power that rivals my Da Zhou. , But this cannot be used as a covenant to break the permanent agreement that we signed with them in Da Zhou. Since the turmoil in the State of Zhao, they have not sent us a request for assistance once, and they have resolved it by their own ability. , Or the chaos of the border defense, they all seem to be able to do well, and they can’t see the heavy injuries and the loss of national strength. Instead, they took advantage of this opportunity to solve the problems of internal strife and foreign aggression. According to the current situation It seems that for at least two years, Zhao Guo will not worry about any foreign troubles, and there will be no hidden dangers of internal strife in this generation. The roots of this time have basically been solved. As for the credit, I believe everyone knows the credit. ——"

Zhang Ren’s insights and analysis are exactly what Zhou Cheng thinks. This is also the ability Zhang Ren should have. Otherwise, he would not become prime minister at a young age. In the past, perhaps he did not exert his original strength too much. This time, his performance made many ministers bow their heads and sighed and felt ashamed. Some ministers had not yet reacted to it. Some ministers thought that Zhang Ren’s words were nothing but dreams and almost caused the world to fall into chaotic turmoil. How could it be possible? How can it be settled so easily in such a short period of time?

  "The Prime Minister’s insights really benefited the Xiaguan a lot. Xiaguan only felt that he shouldn’t put the current Zhao Guo down. I didn’t expect that the Prime Minister would be able to penetrate the current dynamics of the world. The Xiaguan is really ashamed—"

  This middle-aged man named Ji Zhongyuan was the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry of the Zhou Dynasty. He was drawn by Zhang Ren with one hand. He admired Zhang Ren very much, and Zhang Ren was also very optimistic about this junior who was promoted by him.

Every time Zhang Ren seized the opportunity, as well as the difference in strength, Taishi Jiang hated Zhang Ren so much, but his strength proved that he was inferior to Zhang Ren. No matter how he hated Zhang Ren, Zhang Ren could control everything. The first opportunity blocked his way, and every time he returned to uselessly.

End of the meeting

  Zhang Ren was left by Zhou Cheng this time, not verbally, but Zhang Ren noticed that Zhou Cheng seemed to want him to stay and didn’t leave...

   "The emperor, what do you want to consult with the minister?"

  "...Why is the prime minister always aware of this king's heart every time?"

  For Zhang Ren to perceive his thoughts every time so as to give linguistic comfort, Zhou Cheng will always solve his happiness afterwards, and Panasonic will do the same. I’m afraid it is the same this time, right?

   "The emperor is too frank!"

Zhang Ren actually didn’t understand Zhou Cheng’s thoughts, but he could see how much the look on his face was. In the eyes of outsiders, Zhou Cheng, who was reticent and cold-spoken, generally no one could see the unknown thoughts in his heart, except Zhang Ren, I don’t know when. Every time Zhou Cheng needs it, Zhang Ren always stays. Even if he doesn’t speak or propose anything to him, as long as Zhang Ren stays, Zhou Cheng is relaxed. Since Yin This is even more so after Yin’s return from a disaster and everything he did for Yin Yin. It seems that Yin Yin’s influence on Zhang Ren is enough to affect Zhang Ren’s loyalty to Zhou Cheng. He bows to the essence, and solves problems more than ever.

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