Eternal Love

Chapter 37: : Want to see (1)

   Chapter Thirty Seven: Want to See (1)

  When receiving the news of Yinyin’s frustration, Zhao Ziheng was almost stunned. The long-awaited opportunity was in return for amnesia, and his bitter emotions filled his heart. He didn’t know if he could still hold on...

   "Amnesia—haha, amnesia, God, when are you going to torture her—"

  Like a wild laugh, Zhao Ziheng is in pain, and if Yinyin with amnesia forgets everything, then what is left of his waiting? The most unacceptable thing for him is to forget him too. It's okay not to meet. If the meeting can't recall her memory, how can Zhao Ziheng accept such a long-awaited blow?

  "Please don’t get excited, it will hurt you—"

  Zhao Ziheng’s emotions seem to erupt at any time, dragging his shaky body, and the previous situation seems to reappear at any time, Wang Ye worriedly stopped and helped him, but Zhao Ziheng pushed it away...

   "Hurting? What about hurting? What I have long missed is only the memory she has forgotten. Why on earth? She can't be so cruel—"

Wang Ye fully understands the reason for Zhao Ziheng's emotions at this moment. The reason why Zhao Ziheng has been able to survive until now, the meaning of surviving by fighting with death is all because of Yinyin. He is there to protect Yinyin even if she is put in the arms of others. I did not hesitate to end the long wait, thinking that I could finally reunite with Yinyin, but I didn’t expect to get a stranger in return. Not only did he not get free from his thoughts and pain, but he was tortured incomparably. He has forgotten, how many times can his life make him come back again? The involuntary status and status made him suffer torment. Now even the only pillar that has been supporting him has forgotten him. It can be seen that the shock he has received is unimaginable.


   "Brother Li——"

  As Wang Ye guessed, Zhao Ziheng, who suffered a huge blow, relapsed from his old illness and vomited blood again.


   "You calm down, it's still not clear that Miss Wang has forgotten you too. If you continue like this, your body will not be able to bear it."

  "Shu, Shuer——"

  Maybe Zhao Ziheng calmed down after hearing Wang Ye mentioned Yinyin.

   "Yes, that's it, you first keep calm, I will tell you clearly about Miss Wang's situation--"


Sure enough, as long as Yinyin Zhao Ziheng was mentioned, he could calm down, and once again let Wang Ye see Yinyin’s influence on Zhao Ziheng. It didn’t take long for Zhao Ziheng to calm down, Wang Ye did his best to heal him first. Until he is completely calm...

"You are too impulsive. Every time you mention Miss Wang, you will find it difficult to suppress your impulse. I have to say a few times. You cannot be too impulsive with a body like yours. If this goes on, Miss Wang will be fine, on the contrary. It’s up to you—"

Wang Ye scolded Zhao Ziheng while withdrawing the silver needle. Zhao Ziheng's behavior always made him helpless, but he was very willing to help him. If he was before, he would not care about worldly affairs, let alone involve fame, wealth and power. In the struggle between him, he felt different about Zhao Ziheng. He was willing to help him. As long as Zhao Ziheng asked each other, he would definitely cooperate.

  Zhao Ziheng, who realized that he was too impulsive, was speechless, who made him care about Yinyin too much...


"Have you heard this from you? If you continue to do this next time, then this will be the last time I will tell you about Miss Wang, as long as you can promise me that I won't do it again next time. Impulsive, I will tell you every move of Miss Wang, how about it?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Ye suddenly offered the conditions, which surprised Zhao Ziheng a little bit, but soon he also understood that Wang Ye also raised the corners of his lips slightly for his good: "Brother Wang really troubled you, I promised. You are--"

Seeing Zhao Ziheng’s expression, Wang Ye sighed and calmly said: “Although I don’t know if I should believe it or not, I’d better say it. Since I met Miss Wang, I’ve noticed that a lot of things have happened to her, especially In terms of spirit, this should not be the first time she has lost her memory. Although she didn’t know how she retrieved her memory before, it’s okay for anyone, as long as that person has the deepest memory of a certain thing and person, then it’s very likely. It will cause her forgotten memories—"

   "Not the first time I amnesia? What does this mean?"

Although Wang Ye said something lightly, Zhao Ziheng was so deep in his mind that he did not fully listen to Wang Ye’s words. Wang Ye could only sigh here and continue: I guessed from the unstable mood when I saw Miss Wang for the first time. Maybe it was because I really lost my memory, but I quickly recalled it, so I can only say that I lost my memory for a short time. Maybe this time the situation is not the same. Exception, although it does seem to be amnesia at the moment, it is not ruled out that it is only short-lived. As long as she still misses you deep in her heart, or misses something profound, it is likely to trigger her to remember the loss. Memory—"

   "Whenever you think of one thing, will you remember it completely?"

"Not necessarily, it may only be the memory of a certain event, or it may be the sudden recall of all of them. In the latter case, the sudden recall of all the memories in an instant will cause a great mental burden to the current girl Wang. , I don’t want this speculation to become a fact. If possible, I would prefer that she can retrieve the lost memories little by little, whether it’s happiness or pain, this is the best for her—"

   "How long will it take?"

   "...This is unpredictable, maybe soon, maybe one year, two years, or even—"

  Wang Ye did not go on, but Zhao Ziheng also understood what he meant. In the final analysis, it is still unknown whether the memory can be retrieved. Even if it is retrieved, it can only be appropriate to let her know.

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