Eternal Love

Chapter 114: It's human (5)

  The 114th chapter is human (5)

After understanding God’s will to make others, he also had to admit the cruelty of fate. Wang Ye knows how many sacrifices Zhao Ziheng has made so far. While fulfilling the obligations of the king, it is undoubtedly Yinyin who can keep him up to now, saying that Zhao Ziheng has done so. Everything is just for Yinyin's sake. If he loses Yinyin like this, will he still be able to stick to it? Wang Ye couldn't imagine.

   "She must understand."

  For a long time, Wang Yecai finally said a sentence. He didn't know whether this sentence could appease Zhao Ziheng, at least he knew that he could not remain silent.

   "Even if she can't forgive, I won't blame her, but from now on I won't let go of her anymore. Whether it's life or death, I won't let her go anymore."

Zhao Ziheng said unswervingly. Wang Ye knew that this was already his bottom line. Even at this time, it would be impossible to separate him from Yinyin. Zhao Ziheng had done his best to face everything, even though Wang Ye knew that Zhao Ziheng was here. The seriousness brought about by the exposure of the weaknesses, I also know that nothing can stop Zhao Ziheng's decision; in fact, Wang Ye never thought that while hoping that Zhao Ziheng could become Mingjun, his original happiness would be ruined severely. Does he think too much of himself? He thought that everything could develop in the direction he wanted, but everyone knew that people were not as good as the sky. Only when they found out did they know how stupid they were.

   "Yes, this time, I will definitely let you come together."

  Wang Ye gave a promise. Can this promise that he had promised Zhao Ziheng be realized this time?

After all, if Wang Ye could be cruel or cruel, perhaps it would not have become so complicated, and Zhao Ziheng, as long as he was not so responsible, would not be where he is today; however, Wang Ye could not be cruel. Therefore, Zhao Ziheng has reservations. While performing the duties of the emperor, Zhao Ziheng is also careful to maintain his own happiness; until today, Wang Ye understands that people cannot be too selfish, and selfish hope that Zhao Ziheng can be the best but has to Sacrificing his happiness, even if he can guarantee the happiness of the people in the world, what meaning does it mean to Zhao Ziheng who has lost his happiness? Some things are predestined, there is no need to force them to change, or do not use this cruel way to change, Wang Ye always believes that this day will come.


After returning to the residence, Zuo Yu carefully stepped back and everyone followed Zhou Yan alone. He knew that Zhou Yan was in a bad mood, and soon there would be a new task. He walked in the corridor of the mansion in three steps and two steps, Zhou Yan Suddenly stopped, Zuo Yu also stopped immediately...

   Just as Zuo Yu was waiting for Zhou Yan to speak, Zhou Yan unexpectedly clenched his fist and slammed it on the side pillar.


   Zhou Yan’s accident immediately caused Zuo Yu’s worry.

Ignoring Zuo Yu’s worries, Zhou Yan turned his back to Zuo Yu, but Zuo Yu could still feel Zhou Yan’s anger. As for where the anger came from, you don’t need to guess, it’s the same all the way. It’s only until this moment that it burst out suddenly, at least. Zuo Yu thought so, but he didn't know why Zhou Yan was really angry.

Zhao Ziheng’s words and expressions keep appearing in Zhou Yan’s mind. As long as he thinks that Yinyin is still with Zhao Ziheng, he is even more angry. Every time I meet, I feel inexplicable anger, not for anything else, just because I will find myself every time I meet. Too small to look at each other, even more so today; Zhou Yan also found that since Yinyin’s accident, every time he meets with Zhao Ziheng, he will feel that he is different from the past. The unspeakable feeling makes him even more unable to ignore, especially Zhao Ziheng’s comparison. The calmer attitude in the past made Zhou Yan anxious to kill him with a sword.

  What made Zhou Yan so angry, Zuo Yu knew the origin of the reason very well, I am afraid that Zhou Yan will only be deeply trapped if he continues, so Zuo Yu took a deep breath and said, "My lord, about rescuing the princess..."

   Zuoyu’s words contained a sense of temptation, because he was very clear about the current state of affairs, and Zhou Yan had not mentioned it, so Zuoyu would inevitably not speculate.

Zhou Yan put down his hand on the pillar, turned around, and said with a look of anger, "Are you also worried about such a stupid question? Or do you think you can escape the eyes and ears of King Zhao? The people who have been with us have returned. He had known it before arriving in [Holy City]."

   "Damn your subordinates."

  As for what Zhou Yan said, Zuo Yu didn't know it, but Zhou Yan kept silent, so he couldn't know Zhou Yan's intentions, so he put it forward.

"Huh, it's really him. If they are like him, every country can easily prevent spies from appearing. Such a large-scale defense can still be quiet. Should he be said that he teaches well or belongs to him? So many talented people?"

I can’t tell whether it’s a compliment or a satire. The only thing that can be sure is Zhou Yan’s anger towards Zhao Ziheng. Of course, Zuo Yu is very clear about the origin of his anger; Zuo Yu also knows what Zhou Yan means, Zhao Guo’s soldier. Since Zhao Ziheng took the throne, it has been rumored that the training is unique, which can be confirmed from the various battles of the Zhao Kingdom. There is also a rumor that there are a group of mysterious troops in the Zhao army that have been specially trained. Yu sighed, this is probably the reason why Zhao Guoping has stepped forward; for Zhao Guo, who originally had a solid foundation, as long as there is a slight change, it is not a problem, not to mention the ruler is still a legendary figure.

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