Eternal Love

Chapter 114: It's human (6)

  The 114th chapter is human (6)

   "Then we..."

  "What can be done? Here can only be under his supervision, what do you think we can do?"

  Zhou Yan’s tone was like a forced roar, Zuo Yu had no choice but to lower his head. If it was something else, Zhou Yanda could leave or use forceful means, but after all, it was a matter of Yinyin, and the opponent was difficult to deal with, even Zhou Yan could not act rashly.

   "Hasn't you found that person yet?"

  As Zuo Yu lowered his head to meditate, Zhou Yan’s voice sounded again. It was no longer the anger before, but as cold as before. Yes, cold without emotion, it is the tone that the real Zhou Yan can have.


  Zuo Yu was a little excited about Zhou Yan's change of attitude, but Zuo Yu could only feel powerless for the questions he asked, so Zhou Yan was silent again, and Zuo Yu could see that he was thinking.

   "Master, why do you have to find her?"

And at this time, Zuo Yu couldn't say this sentence. He was very curious about Zhou Yan's persistence in this matter. He didn't know Zhou Yan's thoughts until now, and it is really puzzling to mention it again. .

  "You don't need to know about this right now. At present, you just need to do what you should do. Remember, don't make any mistakes."


Zhou Yan’s indifferent answer made Zuoyu feel disappointed. Zhou Yan had never concealed anything about the investigation in the past, and he was able to detect it, but this time, Zuoyu never understood the reason for the investigation of this matter. Does Zhou Yan's silence mean that he is disappointed in himself? Zuo Yu thought about it more than once.

   "How is the princess?"

   "This... is still the same, the subordinate thinks that you can invite Master Xue to take a look."

Mentioning Han Ji is another worry in Zuo Yu's heart. He still can't guess what her existence is in Zhou Yan. He only knows that Zhou Yan will not sit idly by. Originally sent her back to China, unexpectedly, she suffered a sudden illness and stayed in bed for a few days. Pretending to be, many doctors shook their heads, which made Zhou Yan, who was already troubled by Yinyin's affairs, even more upset.

   "...Well, go now."

After a moment of thinking, Zhou Yan nodded. He never bothered to beg for anything, but for Han Ji, even if this was not a request, Zhou Yan had already put down part of his figure and went to find Xue Han next to Zhou Cheng. Fortunately, I went to find Wang Ye next to Zhao Ziheng, always, Zhou Yan would still be jealous about the presence of Xue Han and Wang Ye next to Zhou Cheng and Zhao Ziheng.

After listening to Zhou Yan's words, Zuo Yu left quickly, because he knew the meaning of Zhou Yan's words to such a degree, and Han Ji's condition had not improved, so he couldn't delay.

  Zhou Cheng’s post house

   "The minister thinks that King Zhao is really a character not to be underestimated. Compared with the previous time, this time his aura has become more awe-inspiring."

  In the study room, Shan Zhen's voice sounded. He believed that Zhou Cheng could not fail to find out. This was just an additional reminder.

   "The important thing is that what he said is just testing us."

  At this time, Xue Han no longer remained silent, and took off the pretense to express his thoughts, forming a kind of coordination with Shan Zhen inexplicably one after the other.

"I know what you said, and I'm afraid it's more than that. He is far less simple than we thought. I said that those are of course only for clear warnings and Xia Guo's affairs, and they don't need them to take action, but he can grasp it. At that level, it is conceivable that he must have mastered some other information that we don't know, so it is not difficult to understand his temptation."

At this time, Zhou Cheng also fully recovered to his former calm and composure. He understood what Shan Zhen and Xue Han were worried about, and at the same time understood Zhao Ziheng’s intentions. Zhou Cheng knew that Zhao Ziheng would mention it only as a warning. It was well-intentioned, and he knew very well that Zhao Ziheng would never take action, but when Zhao Ziheng said that, it was inevitable that he would be a little bit resisted, and no one wanted to be interfered with by outsiders in the affairs of his own country.

   "Speaking of this, I really didn't expect something like that would happen, but what reason does Empress Xia have to kill the princess?"

Xue Han's words are also what Shan Zhen and Zhou Cheng are interested in, and they cannot understand. The only thing is that they believe that Zhao Ziheng is not lying. Although their positions are different, they do not believe that Zhao Ziheng wants to provoke the relationship between the two countries. If it is replaced by Zhao Ziheng They may not believe the unexpected.

   "...Anyway, Xia Guo’s affairs have not been a day or two, Shan Zhen, send an order to the secret agents in Xia Guo to further investigate this matter..."


  In response to Zhou Cheng's advice, Shan Zhen was ordered immediately, but he did not leave immediately.

   "Also, how is the investigation of that incident?"

   "After that thing stopped, I couldn't find a clue, as if it was suddenly interrupted."

   "So, the incident was interrupted with the clue?"

"you can say so."

After listening to Shan Zhen’s catastrophe, Zhou Cheng fell into contemplation. Xue Han knew a little about what Zhou Yan mentioned, but he was still a little ignorant because he was surrounded by other things, so after seeing Zhou Cheng sinking into contemplation, an idea emerged. In Xue Han's mind.

   "The emperor thinks that the incident is related to this series of things?"

  Chou Cheng nodded his head in answer. Now for them, basically everything is considered possible. It is man-made, nothing is impossible, and some just don’t understand.

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