Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1015: Those who want to kill me, ...


The machete cracked and chopped towards the sky.

This was a blow from the Puppet Emperor and it was amazing.

The so-called puppet emperor is a strong man who touched the emperor's path but did not take that step in the end.

They have surpassed the King, but are invincible under the King.

Only the machete crossed a hundred meters and the speed stopped.


The giant hand on the sky fell and patted it directly.

Then Chi Yanzun felt an overwhelming force falling down and drowned it.

The sound of broken bones sounded, and the sound of blood vessels bursting into the ear.

Even though he has the top royal armor, he still cannot resist the power of the emperor's blow.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the big hand suppressed, leaving a palm print on the plain.

Emperor Wei shook, the ground was cracking, and tens of thousands of meters of cracks opened with satisfaction.

And in that palm print, Chi Yanzun old had already been photographed with flesh and blood, and even Yuan Ying collapsed.

Not only him, but even several kings who followed him scorned.

When the imperial power fell down, could they resist it?


When these kings slumped, the ghost of the old Xiaoxiong flashed and fell into the fateful card.

It is just that there is still a vast royal power on the fate card in front of Xiao Yun.

That prestige is dreadful.

At this time, the kings of all races in the distance couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

"There is a royal card in hand, which king dares to touch him?" Many kings sighed.

"It seems that the Xiao emperor really wants to take refuge in this Xiao Yun!" Some people also showed emotion.

You know, the life card brings together a lot of the essence of the emperor, condensing a life card will exhaust the emperor's life.

For the emperor, their goal is to preach longevity and step into Shinto.

Who wants to exhaust his life and consolidate his life for a younger generation?

In this realm, they only value longevity, and many common things will not be ignored.

After all, the emperor can't live forever, there is a ridiculous day!

But this Xiaoxiong old emperor gave Xiaoyun a life card.

The meaning in it can no longer be clear.

At this point, Xiao Chenglong was completely silent, and even fright appeared in his eyes.

Just a moment later, Xiao Yun had already destroyed a dozen kings.

Is this to destroy Wang Liwei?

"Brother Xiao Yun is so cool!" Xiao Chengwu and others looked forward, all with respect.

Even Xiao Wu and others were confused.

Kill the king at your fingertips.

Even if you rely on the Emperor's life card, how many people have this courage?

You know, these kings are all from big forces. Once they are killed, there will be countless troubles in the future.

But Xiao Yun was not afraid.

It seems that as long as the comer is the enemy, they dare to cut it!

"I hope that the residual picture is on this person." In one fell swoop, several kings of Xiaozong Zong, Xiao Yun moved with a big hand, and put the storage bag of the elders of Chiyan, etc. into his pocket, and then he urged him to start One detected what was inside.

"Millennium Spirit Extraction, 400,000 Spirit Stones ... Seven King Soldiers, Spiritual Spirit Extraction!" Xiao Yun looked at them one by one.

These crazy resources were swept away by Xiao Yun.

He didn't care about these things.

"Residual image!" Finally, a familiar residual image appeared in sight.

After glancing at this residual image, Xiao Yun's eyes began to flash with light.

He began to observe the residual images, and then spliced ​​them with the other two residual images in his memory.

"Sure enough it became a complete map!" After a little, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a satisfied smile.

Now that the map is complete, he can be considered a goal.

Jiu Nian Shen Dan!

This is the elixir that can bring people back to life.

If this is done, why can't you worry that little sister can wake up?

With this in mind, Xiao Yun was quite satisfied with it.

"My son!" At this moment, the phantom worm came, and the guy looked charming, and whispered several storage bags to Xiao Yun.

In a moment it killed the kings.

"Yes." Xiao Yun nodded contentedly when Phantom turned in the storage bag.

"I'm still a terrific boy, and I'll kill those beaming clowns in a moment." The phantom insect's eyes dew on the road.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

Then his eyes moved slightly and his gaze fell not far away.

There, Xiao Yuanqing was still fighting the king of Yuwen's.

Although Yuwen's had a slight upper hand, it was difficult for them to achieve an overwhelming victory.

Xiao's battle with martial spirits became more and more brave, and Xiao Yuanqing seemed to have no trace of exhaustion at all.

Instead, the three kings of Yuwen's began to feel a little weak.


After glancing at the battlefield, Xiao Yun moved forward step by step.


At this moment, the Tianyuan Plain was in a great battle.

But Xiao Yun walked in the air like a walk in the court.

A breeze blew through the void, blowing his long hair, and his robes rang in the air.

He was visiting the Quartet like a king.

After seeing Xiao Yun stroll, Yuwen's people all tightened their nerves.

Just now Xiao Yun wiped out a sneak attack and killed five Kings of Shadow Gate.

At this moment, several kings of Yaozong have been leveled.

Just a moment later, there were more than ten kings snubbed their hands, showing how decisive he was.

Xiao Yun came here at this moment, how could the people of Yuwen's not worry?

The origin of this battle is Yuwen's!


The loud noise shook the sky, and Wang Wei trembled and rolled up a hurricane.

Xiao Yun walked, his robe moving in the wind.

Gently glanced at the war kings, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

He was grateful to Xiao Yuanqing and another king.

Being able to shoot at this difficult time is enough to illustrate the sentiment in it.

"Second uncle, let me come!" Xiao Yun appeared on the edge of the battlefield. His lips opened slightly and he slowly opened his voice. His voice was very weak, but people in the distance could see what was in his eyes How cold the twinkling eyes were.

"Good!" Seeing Xiao Yun speak, Xiao Yuanqing laughed loudly and retreated.

The other king also returned.

"Good boy, that's enough!" The other king's eyes were fiery, and he said to Xiao Yun.

"Thank you Uncle Xiao for your shot!" Xiao Yun fisted to the king.

"You're welcome."

The king smiled, "You and I are both members of the Xiao clan, we should protect each other, and I also admire the King of War very much!"

Xiao Yun smiled slightly, and then the light of his eyes condensed, and that sight locked the three Kings of Yuwen in front.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Yuanqing asked, frowning slightly.

Suddenly, the next king set his sight on Xiao Yun.

Not only him, but also the practitioners of almost all races in the distance fell on Xiao Yun.

Although Xiao Yun had just beheaded several kings just now.

But the king is a group of shadow gates and a group of Yaozong.

The shadow gate is mysterious, and many people do not know their origin.

As for Yao Zong, there is only one emperor sitting in the town, which is not a concern.

But this Yuwen's is different.

This is the dispute caused by Xiao Yun's genius who first chopped them.

If Xiao Yun kills them again, will the two races cause a war?

Will the emperor of both sides shoot again?

If the emperor shoots, the consequences are unimaginable.

Of course, there are people who show their expectations.

If there is a war between the two races, they can profit from it.

Suddenly, countless lights came together, making the atmosphere of the void a little nervous. Even the kings of Yuwen's eyes stared at Xiao Yun nervously, with fear in their eyes. Color emerges.

If Xiao Yun took the shot, they would not be able to resist it!

But retreating at this time will inevitably make Yu Wenshi lose his face.

Furthermore, even if you step back, it is difficult to guarantee that you will not be attacked by this Xiao Yun.

So the three of them came together at this time, and the eyes were full of panic.

At this time, the development of the situation completely exceeded their expectations.

"Who wants to kill me, how can I stay?" The breeze blew, blowing Xiao Yun's hair, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at the front slightly, only to see the corner of his mouth opened, slightly cold words. Spitting out the words, when the words fell, the void was frozen.

A sense of killing began to permeate from Xiao Yun.


The light pattern of Xiao Yun's life card flashed, with the vastness of the emperor.

When the imperial power spread, the three kings of Yuwen's panicked completely.

"Xiao Yun, how dare you!" A king shouted, but his eyes were full of fear.

"Xiao Yun, if you dare to make inferiors, I will never let you go!" Yu Wenquan looked coldly, and said in a deep voice.

"Oh, let me go?" Xiao Yun smiled to the sky, "The shadow gate was taken by you into the forbidden area of ​​Jinlong, and I was killed when I entered it. You are called let me go? In the Phantom Cave, Yu Wenjingxiong Waiting for someone to kill me in it is called letting me go? "

"On the plains this day, you are so aggressive and want to abandon me for cultivation. Is this called letting me go?"

Xiao Yun walked in the air, walking towards the king of Yuwen's step by step, at the same time, his lips lightly opened, words like thunder, every sentence spit out, accompanied by a horrible killing, the killing in it Even the king in the distance felt palpitations.

At this time, the practitioners of all ethnic groups were also ashamed.

After hearing Xiao Yun's words, many people understood that there was already a dark tide in the Jinlong forbidden area.

"It seems these people are afraid that Xiao Yun will grow up!"

"It is said that the blood of the King of War was related to Yuwen's!" Many people whispered and understood the reason.

If Xiao Yun grows up, he will avenge his father.

Therefore, it is normal for Yuwen ’s people to shoot ~ ~ Hehe, Yuwen ’s people are unlucky. They ambushed the King of War that year, and now they want to ambush the son of the King of War. When Xiao ’s emperor is really Furnishing? This is not, the old emperor did not hesitate to give this life card, it seems to prevent this and other things from happening! "

Suddenly, the voice of argument sounded loudly among the major races.

It is shameful to kill genius.

Even if you do, you have to hide it.

But Yu Wen ’s move was obviously a bit of a jump over the wall.

"Today, I'll take you first!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and the Emperor's card in his hand immediately opened with a vast imperial shock. At the moment, he stepped forward and appeared a kilometer away. The old emperor's virtual shadow evolved. "No ..." When the figure of the old emperor Xiaoxiong evolved and the king of Yuwen's was frightened, he exclaimed one by one. Facing the emperor, they did not even dare to escape. ()

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