Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1016: King shot? [...

"No ..." In the void, the king of Yuwen's exclaimed.

The mighty Emperor Weiwei fell down, leaving them feeling despair.

"Xiao Yun, how dare you!" In the distance, many practitioners of Yuwen's shouted.

"I won't let you go!" Many people are stunned and want to kill them.

Just now they have ridiculed a king.

Now Xiao Yun, what makes them face?

& nbsp + Pig + Pig + Island + fictionww.zhom; When did the grand ancient clan suffer such humiliation?

It was only Xiao Yun's face was cold, and he did not mean to stop.

With hatred already, why fear?

Since the other side is so fierce, why should he show mercy?


Xiao Xiong's phantom flashed, his big hand stretched out, and when it was empty, it was suppressed.

The giant hand covered the sky, completely overturning several kings of Yuwen's.

"Is an epidemic so powerful, isn't it so irritating?" Just then, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

The sound wave was not high, but it sounded like a thunder in his ears, causing the eardrum to crack.

"Is this the emperor?" After this sonic shock started, countless practitioners turned their eyes and followed the sonic wave.

call out!

At this moment, a golden light burst into the void in the distance, as if from a distant sky, piercing the giant hand.

The vast Huangwei followed.

"The emperor?" When that golden light appeared, Xiao Yun's brow also bent.

His eyes flickered, his body flickered, and he disappeared in place with the Emperor's Life Card.


It was also at this moment that the loud noise shook the sky, and the virtual shadow evolved by the old emperor Xiaoxiong collapsed.

A mighty emperor trembled, causing the sky to tremble, and numerous cracks spread.

A horrifying aftermath swept towards Yuwen's practitioners

"Want?" Huang Wei swept across, making everyone despair.


Just when they felt desperate, a big hand appeared, taking them out of the imperial might.

"It's okay ?!" After being shot by that big hand, Yu Wenquan and everyone looked excited.


The next moment, beside them, an elder in a gold robe appeared.

This elder kept a ray of gold whiskers, his eyebrows wriggling, and a mighty imperial shock blew away.

When this person appeared, the whole air seemed to freeze for a moment.

"It's the ancestor!" Everyone in Yuwen's eyes looked happy.

In the distance, Xiao Yun flickered and appeared ten miles away.

Even though he was ten miles away, he was still caught in a wave of aftermath.

The aftermath caused him to fly thousands of kilometers.


A bite of blood was spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth.

"The prestige of the emperor is far from comparable to the king!" After stabilizing his body, Xiao Yun looked up, his eyes looking at the void ahead.

After seeing the elder Jinxu who appeared suddenly, there was a clear color in his eyes.

It's just that there is more coldness in it.

"Xiao Yun, can you have something?" After Xiao Yun stabilized his body, Xiao Yuanqing quickly rushed in, and his eyes were full of tension. The emperor of Yuwen's appeared too abrupt, so they did not react at all. opportunity.

"OK." Xiao Yun waved his hand.

The place where the emperor appeared just now is unexpected, but he retired in time with the help of Tissot.

Even if it was affected, it was not a big deal, but the blood was rolling for a while.

"I didn't expect them to have an emperor here." Xiao Yuanqing sensed Xiao Yun's breath, and then relieved slightly when he found that the latter was okay, but his eyes flickered, when his eyes fell on the Yuwen's The emperor looked dignified.

Even though he can dominate the king, he feels powerless against the king!

At this moment, the atmosphere of the Teana Plain is also changing.

When the emperor appeared, many of the emperors looked calm and did not dare to say more.

It was just that when everyone turned towards Xiao Yun, they felt a little bit more pity.

"It seems that genius is really troubled!" Many people sighed in their hearts.

In the face of the king, Xiao Yun resolved them one by one with a strong background.

But now that the emperor appears, how should he respond?

Even if he has the Emperor's Destiny card in his body, it will not help!

After all, there is a time when life cards are exhausted.

But the real emperor is so powerful, who can fight against it?

In the distance, the eyes of the Emperor Yuwen's eyes flickered, and the golden light was shining like the sun shining brightly.

There was a powerful momentum bursting out of that light, but just looking at it made people feel broken.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was locked in his eyes.

When the light came, there was a ripple in the void.

Seeing this, many people are worried about Xiao Yun.

"The Emperor of Yuwen Family is not good at all!" Several women of the Yao Family frowned, looking worried.

I thought Xiao Yun could change the danger, but I didn't expect this change.

"Can he avoid this catastrophe this time?" Even Liu Hanyan frowned at this moment, "I hope the Emperor of Yuwen's family will not kill everything!" She was worried and only hope at this moment Yu Wenshi kept it for Xiao's sake.

Otherwise Xiao Yun's ending will not be optimistic.

Even in the face of the emperor, Xiao Yun is still the same.

He stared slightly forward, his face calm.

Instead, Xiao Yuanqing next to him tightened his nerves with another king.

"Your young age is so fierce. If the old man doesn't give you any lessons today, I'm afraid you will be a disaster city in the future." Yuwen's eyes of the emperor moved, in which the golden light bloomed, a powerful momentum down He stared coldly at Xiao Yun, saying one word at a time, "Reading that Xiao's relationship with my Yuwen's has always been good, the old man only abandons your cultivation and saves you."

When this discourse came down, a vast wave of imperial power followed.

"Haha, I don't think Xiao Yun is dead yet?"

"Now my ancestor Yuwen's shot, how can he live!"

"A genius who has not grown up, after all, will drown in the long river of history!"

The youth of Yu Wenshi all smiled.

At this moment the king came, filling them with confidence.

"Predecessor Yuwen, you are the emperor and have a distinguished status, why bother with the younger generation?" Seeing the emperor of Yuwen's, a look ready to be shot, Xiao Yuanqing frowned. He stepped forward and stepped in front of Xiao Yun. Martyrdom.

"Xiao Yuanqing?" The emperor's eyes flashed and said, "The matter here has nothing to do with you, to retreat to the old man, otherwise the power of the emperor is boundless. If you hurt, don't blame the old man." He was cold and not at all. The meaning of closing hands.

"Senior think twice?" Xiao Yuanqing frowned. "This Xiao Yun is the rare genius I have seen for hundreds of years in Xiao's family. I have been placed in high hope by the emperors. I also hope that the predecessors will show mercy. Furthermore, about Xiao Yun and the noble descendants Grievances need to be investigated in detail. "

In the face of the emperor, although Xiao Yuanqing felt pressure, he still followed suit.

There is even a threatening discourse in this discourse.

That is, if Yu Wenshi moved Xiao Yun, Xiao's emperor would certainly not give up.

"Investigate?" The old emperor of Yuwen's hair was spread out, and a mighty imperial rushed away. "Why investigate? My genius of Yuwen's genius was beheaded. This is the fact. This Xiao Yun is a genius. Does my person of Yuwen's Aren't they geniuses? "

"What's more, this Xiao Yun also beheaded a king of Yuwen's family. We can see how arrogant he is. How can he forgive?" The old emperor Yuwen was aggressive. Xiao Yuanqing in front of Yun shook back.


A bite of blood spit from Xiao Yuanqing's mouth.

"Second Uncle!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun quickly supported Xiao Yuanqing, with a sharp flash of light in his eyes.

"Xiao Yun, your precious treasure may help you to leave this place?" He vomited blood, but Xiao Yuanqing didn't care, he looked at Xiao Yun with a look of concern, and previously saw Xiao Yun disappear in an instant, he had guessed this The younger generation has the treasure.

"You want me to escape?" Xiao Yunmulu asked.

"It's the only thing so far." Xiao Yuanqing sighed slightly. "As long as you enter, no one will dare to touch you."

"Even the Emperor?" Xiao Yun's eyes were frozen, staring coldly at the Emperor Yuwen's. He swept away Xiao Yuanqing with a big hand, "Uncle, you step back, give it to me here, I will To see how powerful the Emperor of Yuwen Family is? "


Suddenly caught off guard, Xiao Yuanqing was pulled back a kilometer away.

In front of Xiao Yun, the fortune card appeared, with the vastness of imperial power.

"Xiao Yun, don't!" Seeing this, Xiao Yuanqing frowned, and he whispered, "Stay Qingshan without worrying about burning wood. With your talent, he will be the emperor 20 years later. Who will be with you then? Fighting? "Seeing Xiao Yun's shot, his heart beat out.

Even if the Emperor's life card is in existence, how can he continue to fight against the real Emperor?

"Brother Xiao Yun!" At this time, Xiao Feng and others couldn't help shouting.

In the meantime, make them sad.

An emperor came to oppress the younger generation, making people angry.

"Oh, it's so arrogant that you can't fight with the old man with an Emperor's Life Card?" Seeing Xiao Yun stepped forward, he also urged the Emperor's Life Card, and the Emperor of Yuwen's Emperor laughed with a laugh At the same time, a chilling light burst out from his eyes, "Since so, the old man will let you see the power of the Emperor!"

"Come on!" There was a great deal of warfare among the fortune cards in front of him. Xiao Yun stood up in the air, facing the threat of the emperor, he still did not have it. Instead, he shouted and made a look ready to fight. It was just spitting out, but it was sad.

"This Xiao Yun ..." Many people sighed, shaking their heads again and again.

Although the youth was at this time ~ ~, but how to compete with the emperor later.

"It's a pity." Some people even saw Xiao Yun's ridiculous picture.

"Since you're looking for death, then the old man will complete you!" Seeing Xiao Yun so, the corner of Yuwen's emperor's mouth evoked a sneer, and then his eyebrows wriggled, a golden eye condensed, and there was Divine power permeates.

Jinyang, passed down to the gods.

If the god's eyes are big and can crack the sky, the strength of the fighting force is quite amazing among the ancient clan.

At this time, the emperor urged God's eyes, but the radiant momentum made countless people frightened.

In front of Xiao Yun, Xiao Xiong's figure has formed.

He had a look of solitude, staring forward.

Jinyang cracked!

A long drink rang, only to see the eyebrows of Yuwen's old emperor's eyebrows opened sharply.

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