Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1043: Black Horned Cowboy!


At this moment, the whole ship trembled, shook violently, and Xiao Yun who was secretly moaning frowned.

"What happened?" Xiao Yunmulu was surprised.

At this time, the **** men of the ship were dispatched.

"It's a pirate!"

"Damn, you actually met a pirate!" On the deck, several young beavers were all staring at each other.

Even those few ~ pig ~ pig ~ island ~ novel www.zhzhuam middle-aged man is also dignified.


There was a flash of light and shadow in front, with eighteen black shadows standing in front of it, and a violent gas swept through it.

The momentum from these people made the beavers on the ship look full of face.

"This is the Black Horn Pirates!" Looking at the monks who appeared in front of them, the **** youths changed their colors.

"Noire Pirates?" Even the faces of the two elders changed.

"What happened?" At this time, the raccoon stepped out of the boat, and after seeing the shadow that was approaching in front of him, there was a little dignity in his eyes, and a little surprised in his eyes. People in the Black Point Pirates! "

"Alert!" The elder of the Beaver tribe said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, the youths tightened their nerves one by one and were ready to fight.

"Hey, the black raccoons!" At this moment, a shadow of blackness flickered in front of the sky, and eighteen tall monks walked along, accompanied by a horrible atmosphere fluctuation, that kind of fluctuation The stormy sea ahead made him slap towards the ship.

If you look closely, the person headed is a man with a head.

He was wearing a black cloak, exuding a black demon, with a black curved corner on his head flashing a dazzling black awn, the light was like a sharp blade, with lines wavy on it, giving people a A feeling that can tear the sky.

This person is the head of the Black Horn Pirates, named Black Horn.

"That's a raccoon!" Beside him, there were several monster men wearing black capes side by side.

After seeing the raccoon on that deck, all of them looked fiery.

"It really is a beauty embryo!" Several men grinned.

Some of them have lion heads, others have tiger heads, all of them have fierce eyes.

"Looking like nothing, don't get it wrong!" Hei Kuang's eyes were cold, and there was a sense of anger spreading on his body. That kind of breath made the dozens of brothers beside him unable to resist a shiver. The men who were smirking just now all smiled.


Suddenly, ten people flashed and landed on the four sides of the ship ahead.

As for the blackhorn, it was moving forward step by step.

He landed one step, and the thick soles made the void tremble, and a black demon rushed out with it.

"This is the momentum of the baby market!" The powerful momentum swept through, and the **** youths on the ship all showed their faces with awe.

They are just the palace.

Faced with the powerful momentum of this baby market, the blood seemed to burst.

Moreover, the black horn had a domineering overthrow of the Taikoo monster, and the momentum was shocking.

Faced with such a momentum, even the two elders of the **** tribe looked at the same look.

Although they are also strong in the baby market, the momentum is obviously not comparable to this blackhorn.

What's more, there are more than a dozen brothers in this corner who have reached the level of quasi-baby market?

"Head of the cattle, we are Beaver Island. Beaver people, I do not know if there is any misunderstanding that led to the head of the mainframe?" One of the elders of the beavers took a step forward, sinking toward the black corner in front of him, "If it is If anything offends, please also ask the head of the cattle Hai Han. "

"Oh, do n’t put garlic here, I heard that your beavers have entered the edge of the sea sky **** burial this time, where they obtained the sea sky **** stone, hand over the sea sky **** stone, otherwise you do n’t even want to be alive." Heijiao stepped out of the black one. The cloak danced, and when the hunting rang in the air, the momentum of the infant market still contained all the momentum of the ancient demon.


When the demon rolled in, several **** youths were shocked by ten meters.

Even the bodies of the two elders shook for it.

"Haitian God Stone!" Hearing this, the faces of the beavers changed.

"Captain Niu, I think you are misunderstanding, right?" The **** elder's eyes sank, then he sneered.

"Less nonsense!" The dark corner of the eye condensed, and there was a flash of fierce light in the eyes like bronze bells, "If you don't hand over the sea **** stone, you all have to die, as for women, haha, my brother is I've already liked this Miss Manci. "

"What to do?" At this moment, the beavers on the ship were all staring.

"This black horn is a black bull demon tribe, which is not very powerful in itself, but he obtained a trace of the blood of the ancient yak and became a big demon. Now he is afraid that he has reached the sixth level of the baby market, but it is not You and I are triple-comparable! ”Said an elder's eyes.

The other elder turned toward Manci.

This sea **** stone is their life-threatening income.

With this sea **** stone, Miss Manci will be able to awaken most of the ancient ancestral bloodlines, becoming the most dazzling genius in the seven hundred years of the Beaver tribe, but once the sea **** stone is gone, it is too difficult to awaken all the blood, even many Unable to awaken one tenth of the blood.

It can be said that the **** of the sea is related to the prosperity of the **** tribe.

"I'm afraid these people won't keep their hands even if the Haitian God Stone is handed out." Man Tan Dai's eyebrows frowned and her face was dignified.

"This horned pirate regiment has never left alive!"

She sighed quietly.

This Cape Horn Hokkaido Regiment has long been notorious in the surrounding waters.

It is just that their whereabouts are weird and unpredictable.

Furthermore, there is a brother in the blackhorn. It is said that it is a king. The strength is that there are few big demon in the nearby area. some.

Their **** clan is also considered to have some background, in general, the Cape Pirates will not provoke them.

But how could this horned pirate find the door this time.

"Surely someone has revealed that we have obtained the Sea God Stone."

Dai Mei, a woman about nineteen years old, raised her eyebrows next to Manju, with a little anger, said.

If no one had disclosed the news, how could the people in the Black Point Pirates Group know the news?

"Is it someone in my clan?" The eyes of the two elders were sinking.

Many beavers went to the burial place of the sea **** this time, all looking for the sea **** stone.

This part of them quietly left after obtaining the sea **** stone.

But others also learned about it.

It's just that those people are not their line.

"It must be the people of the Murray and their line who have revealed the news." Zhu Wei said fiercely.

"Now it's meaningless to say these things now." Manju flashed his eyes, and said, "Notify the clan to come and cope, I will prepare to meet the enemy!" Although facing the enemy, this manju was still calm and did not By a strong enemy.

"Okay!" Suddenly, the two elders next to each other looked pale.

"Qi array!" With a light drink, the black light on the ship flickered, and a huge mask evolved.

At the same time, a sharp breath permeated.

There is an ancient beast at the bow.

At this time, the ancient animal's light pattern flickered, and a vast wave burst out.

When the wave burst, a gray-brown **** hovered.

This **** is very big and can be three feet tall, at this time exuding a powerful momentum.

"This is somewhat interesting." At this time, Xiao Yun's eyes moving slightly inside the ship were also watching the movements outside.

After seeing the evolution of this array of law, a **** emerged in his heart secretly surprised.

"This is some elders of the Beavers who have branded their own essence and blood in the formation, and can be pulled out by the formation." But it said lightly, "This is similar to the life card made by your people. It makes sense. "

"So it is." Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

"But I don't think they can resist those people," said the swallow queen lightly.

"Can't you resist?" Xiao Yun frowned, silent.

"Matrix?" At the moment, outside the ship, the dark corners of his eyes were cold, and a smirk smiled from the corners of his mouth. "Do you think you can stop me from waiting with this matrix? It's a joke, give me, today on this boat Do n’t stay alone! ”

"Yes!" After the low words rang out, all of the Black Point Pirates took a step forward.

"Beaver formation?" A tiger-headed man stared at him, and he took a step forward. "And I am the tiger shout of the black tiger!"

When this person spoke, he could only see that there was a strong demon on him.

At the same time, the tiger's first light pattern flickered, its huge mouth opened, and it turned into a huge beak of the size of one hundred feet. The sensible fangs appeared and looked horrible. The momentum of the baby market also burst out from it. .

This is a deputy head, and also has the cultivation of a baby market.


When the momentum of the infant market broke out, it roared when it was empty. UU reading books

Tigers shook into the sky, accompanied by a monstrous demon prestige, that prestige seemed to come from ancient times, shocking people.


The sound waves trembled, causing the void in front to tremble, and the sea set off waves.

The Wujin giant ship in front of it is like duckweed in the sea, and seems to be submerged in the stormy sea at any time.

Just then, the **** on the boat shot.

Although it is just a phantom evolved from the matrix method, its momentum is only stronger than that of the Hei Xiu Xiu.

Its sharp claws protruded, and when the air tore away, the storm waves and sound waves in front of it collapsed a little, and a terrifying air wave capsized down, and the momentum made the black tiger's demon self-cultivation A tremble, but this momentum did not scare him.

"It's just a shadow, how long can you fight with me?" This black tiger stepped forward, and with a big move, a black hairy tiger's palm is the palm of the shadow that tears the void and the beavers With a violent impact, the void shuddered.

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