Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1044: Psychedelic beads

The tide rises in the sea and can be as high as ten feet high.

This mighty wave might wipe out everything. On the big ship refined by Ujin, the **** ghost shot to fight the black tiger.

These are all infant-level combat powers. The sky and the earth change color under one blow, and the sky is horrifying.

The black tiger was obviously weaker, but he didn't fight close, but just shot from a distance.

Although you can't kill thousands of miles after you reach the infant market, you can still do it from a distance of 10,000 meters.

"Kill!" At the same time, a dozen other pigs; pigs; islands; novel www.zhuzhu + pirates also started to shoot.

These people are, although most of them do not have a baby market, they are also very powerful.

A large array of light patterns bloomed, resisting everyone's shots.

But under this attack, the power of the large array was slowly exhausted.

Especially the beaver's breath was gradually weakening.

"Can the elders in the clan have a reply?" At this time, all the repairmen on the boat were all eyes closed.

This array is afraid that it will not be able to continue.

The matrix method is not weak, but the power is constantly weakening after repeated losses.

At this point they were finally unable to.

"The clan boss can arrive in four hours!" Manju raised his brow slightly, and his eyes were full of dignity.

It's a long way from Beaver Island.

Even if the big monsters ignore the storm in the sea, it will take four hours to reach here.

If you encounter bad weather, I'm afraid it will be delayed.

"Four hours?" After hearing the words, both elders sighed. "I'm afraid this array method can't support half an hour!"

"Why, when I wait, Manju, you bring Snow Beaver back into the clan quickly!" One of the elders shook his head, and then there was a certain color in his eyes. At this moment, they only had a jade burnt. Already.

Manci was silent and didn't say much.

She just stared ahead, but the jade hand was clenched tightly.

"It seems that the beavers can't wait for rescue!" Said inside the ship lightly.

"The black corner has not been shot. When this array is broken, it is the time of the war. I think that the **** should have some cards, but the black corner should be extraordinary. Things are a little tricky!" At a glance.

"Can those two guys still shoot?" Asked the Skyfinch.

"They are still asleep." Xiao Yun shrugged, a bitter smile on his mouth.

They were hurt too much at the time.

Especially the turbulent space later.

The chaos in space struck, and a great effort was also made to evolve the tortoise shell to resist the chaos.

This is also the case, exhausting a lot of its original power, and the injuries today are even heavier than that.

If these two Enrons were naturally afraid of Xiao Yun.


The loud noise trembled, and the golden giant ship continued to shake. If it was not protected by the formation, it would almost fall.

But after half an hour, the power of the formation finally began to weaken, and the ghost of the **** gradually became safe.

"Let me come!" At this moment, the black horn stepped forward, and its violent breath burst out.


A cow hummed.

Then the sole of the black horned demon moved with a big hand and shot it out of the air.


The light flickered in front of him, and the **** was defeated by one palm.


The entire Wujin ship rolled up.

This giant ship was specially refined, and after a tumble, it returned to its place.

But at this time the ship was a mess.

The sea was flowing backwards, and several beavers stood up with embarrassment.

At this time, the people of the Black Point Pirates were crowding together.

"It looks like it must go." Xiao Yun frowned slightly, and walked up the deck after flicking his sleeves.

At this time, the beavers were crowding together, all showing their vigilance.

"What are you doing up here?" After seeing Xiao Yun come up, the elder who was headed frowned.

"See if there is anything that can help." Xiao Yun laughed with a spread of palms.

"Help?" The two elders of the Beaver family frowned. "You haven't recovered yet, how can you help us?"

In their opinion, Xiao Yun was just a practitioner in the palace state.

This practice is not enough to meet any member of the Black Horn Pirates.

He just came to death.

"We can't protect you at this time, you can find your own chance to escape!" Manju also gave a slight glance at Xiao Yun and said, "I will create opportunities for you then!" Glancing at Xiao Yun, he set his eyes on the black horned bull demon in front.

"Creating opportunities?" Xiao Yun said with a frown. Although this raccoon attitude was indifferent, she was not a kind of ruthless person, otherwise she would not meet him in this critical time So much to say.

"Looks like you've got your hands together." Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a faint smile.

He had a Tissot who could leave at any time.

It's just that this beaver's person has kindness, so he didn't leave.

Now, at this moment, the **** still thinks about his safety, so he can't leave.

One cannot forget!

"Hehe, three **** girls, today you will follow us to Heijiao Grotto!" Just then, those demon with black cloaks smiled and walked towards the ship, one after another The violent breath also capsized.

The black horn turned into a ten-meter-tall ox-headed giant monster walking.

His body is strong, and his muscles are like a dragon in a dormant state, with an explosive power.

"Give up the sea **** stone!" The black-horned cow demon exhaled two black gas, and his open-mouthed huge mouth roared.

"Man Beaver, you retreat!" At this time, the two elders of the **** clan hurriedly.

At the same time, there was a flash of light on their bodies, and the body immediately turned into a **** beast.

The **** is gentle, and the brown fluff is soft and smooth, and he looks far from the black horns.

But there was a breath of breath in the two men.

"Monster form?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun froze slightly.

"Why talk to them and kill them!" The black tiger was violent, and he opened his mouth with a roar.


The roar shook the sky and overturned the ship.

Suddenly, the beavers stood in a volley.


The black tiger shot directly, and the giant claw could be a hundred feet in size and fell down.

The billowing black demon raged like a blade cutting the void.

Under this momentum, the practitioners in the palace state felt that the bloodline seemed to burst.

"Take the beaver!" As Manju's eyes lightened, her jade hands fluttered, a soft light rolled in, and she and Xiao Yun and other youths were directly drawn into the distance of eight kilometers, and then she was a step away. Taking a step, there was a strong momentum spreading on him.

This woman apparently has the cultivation of a quasi-baby market.


After taking one step, Manjuyu moved a hand, and a bead appeared in her palm.

A streaked path flickered on this bead, with an obscure breath permeating through it.

Obviously, this is a jewel, and it should be the trump card.

The bead flashed, and a brown light bloomed immediately, and the whole world changed.


There was a tremor in the void ahead, and a light pattern bloomed to envelope the black horn with the pirates such as the black tiger.

A psychedelic force pervaded.

"This woman!" Xiao Yun froze slightly, but did not expect this woman to be so decisive.

"Sister!" Snow Beaver exclaimed.

"Miss Manci urged the treasure of the clan!" The **** youth was delighted.

"Can she trap the cape bull monster?" Someone looked suspiciously.

"Let's go!" There were also a few young eyes anxiously.

Do not leave at this time, they are afraid that there will be no chance.

"No, I want to be with elder sister!" Xue Bei was stubborn, her eyes staring forward.

"The black horn is very strong, let's withdraw first!" Said the two young men next to him, "Sister Beaver is good, otherwise we'll have to take care of Miss Feynman."

"No, I want to be with Sister A!" Xue Bei stubbornly said, "Brother Xiao Yun, can you deal with those bad guys?"

"I?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun froze slightly. After seeing the little girl's seriousness, he looked at him with a stern expression and said, "I will protect you." He looked ahead and didn't think Naman The raccoon can resist the black horned bull demon.

All Xiao Yun had no intention.

"Um." Seeing Xiao Yun speak, Xueer nodded earnestly, and said, "Shall we wait for Sister A here?"

"OK." Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

"Well." The youths next to him frowned.

"What are you doing? The black horned demon is so powerful that we will die if we stay here. What's wrong with you?" Even a young man groaned.

"You have to go, you can go." Xiao Yun shook his head slightly.

These youths actually lived for themselves but at the same time abandoned their tribe.

Although they are not high in cultivation, are they too anxious at this time?

"Let's go!" There were four young people who left their eyes as soon as they condensed.

Two others gritted their teeth and left.

But the civet stayed.

At this moment in front of the void, a bead bloomed endlessly, covering the people of the Black Horn Pirates.

"this is!"

The repairers of the Black Horned Pirate Ship are all staring at each other.

A psychedelic force poured into their minds.

"It turns out that there is a psychedelic bead in Miss Manci's hand!" When this bead appeared, the two elders of the **** tribe were delighted. This is the most precious thing in their tribe. Only a blood-rich genius can place it The power spurred.

The psychedelic beads emerged, blooming with a light pattern, and evolved into the matrix space.

Here is like a magical space, the people of the Black Point Pirates immediately fell into the boundless world ~ ~ kill! Suddenly, two **** elders in the infant market immediately shot.

Giant claws reached out in this psychedelic space and attacked the cape and the black tiger monster respectively.

At the same time, Manci shot and shot at other practitioners in the quasi-baby market.

Bang, bang!

In this space, there was a loud noise, and the pirates were shot flying.

Even if that cape was hit.

"Is it psychedelic?" The cape-ox demon's huge body flew up, and blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

But his momentum has not weakened much.

He once fused the essence and blood of an ancient **** and yak, and the physical strength reached an astonishing point.

The blow only hurt him slightly.

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