Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1046: This youth is not simple ...


The battle ahead was terrifying, and the two elders urged several sea clan secrets.

"Call my **** ancestor with my essence!" An elder spit out the essence and then instinctively sang, whispering in his mouth, as if praying, as if summoning, and then wriggled with his essence. Blood dangled in the void, and a huge **** emerged.

The **** beast has an ancient breath permeating it.

This is the magical power of the **** tribe.

In fact, many monsters can summon the power of the ancient ancestors by virtue of their life, blood, and life.

The strength of this kind of force has a great relationship with its own blood and strength.

Another **** elder also urged the essence blood.

"Even though you have exhausted the essence and blood, how can you bear me?" Grin grinned, revealing a lingering lingering, he took a step, covered with blackness, the horns of light flickered, it seems possible, directly evolved a virtual shadow forward Rush away.

Niu Ying flashed, can collapse mountains and rivers.

With a single blow, he defeated the **** ancestor of the **** tribe and the elder.


The two elders flew out at almost the same time.


A large amount of blood spit out, and both eyes were dim.

After a great deal of depletion of essential blood, their strength has plummeted, and even Shouyuan has decreased.

"Both are dead?" Just, when the two infant market powerhouses were defeated, the pupils of the black-horned bull demon suddenly shrink.

At this moment, as far as he could see, there were members of the Black Horn Pirates falling into the void in the void ahead.

When he glanced, he found that all 16 subordinates were stunned.


A roar came, and the sea set off a ten-meter-high wave.

This roar shook the two elders of the **** tribe. They were lifted a hundred meters high, and the huge waves rolled against them, slamming a few mouthfuls of blood. The horned demon is very powerful.

"Did you kill my subordinates?" The black-horned ox demon was furious, and his big hand moved toward the front.


I can only see the vast black gas coming like a long roll of anger, and a furry claw in the black gas protruded out.

Although it is only a baby market, it is not difficult to kill people from a distance of 10,000 meters.

This big hand protruded, directly extending for several kilometers.

"Retreat!" Xiao Yun yelled at the **** and others.

At this time, Manci quickly took the Beaver and others back.

At the same time she was worried.

At this time, how could Xiao Yun resist the black horned bull demon in the infant market?

Xiao Yun was drowned like a giant wave.

It is difficult to imagine how a practitioner in a half-step infant market can resist such horrible fluctuations?

"Brother Xiao Yun!" After seeing the black-horned bull demon shot, Snow Beaver could not help exclaiming.

Although the girl was very naive, but after feeling the powerful momentum of the black horned bull demon at this time, her heart could not help but tighten up, and the power seemed to surpass many powerful men she knew, and was she a young man? Can resist?

It was also when the big hand swept away, and when the billowing black gas drowned Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun's body disappeared.


The void shuddered and was sunken by the black-horned bull demon. The horrible explosive force burst out, making the sea water roll, but after this shot, it found that the target had disappeared out of thin air. Such a scene made the black-horned Niu Yao's eyes were surprised.

"Are you there?" The Black Horned Cowboy was surprised.

"Brother Xiao Yun?" Even Snow Beaver was surprised.

"Did it be broken with a single palm?" Zhu Tan looked suspiciously.

Even the raccoon frowned.

The scene just happened so fast that she couldn't sense what was going on.


Just then, a young man appeared behind the Black Horned Bull.

"There's movement!" The black-horned bull demon's eyelids jumped and felt the slight fluctuations in the rear.

After reaching this state, he can clearly perceive the small fluctuations between heaven and earth.

"It's you kid!" After sensing the fluctuation, he turned his head and saw a familiar young man.


Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and the Wuyin flickered from his brows.

A force of martial arts field suddenly fell down.

At this time, Xiao Yun's battle martial spirit also reached the half-step infant market, and his control over Wu Yin was many times stronger than before.

With this urging, the power of the field made the evil spirits of the black horned bull monster in the infant market stagnant.

"This is the power of the King?" That sudden captive power surprised the black-horned ox demon's eyes.


At this moment, Xiao Yun's mind moved, and there was a squirm in the eyebrow, and a god's eye opened sharply.


The moment the god's eyes opened, the void in front trembled, and a ripple appeared, and the world revolved for a moment, just like the sky turned upside down, and another world emerged. The black-horned bull demon felt that his mind was confused. stand up.

The next moment, he felt that he had come to another world.

"!" Xiao Yun's eyebrows flickered as the black horned demon fell into this illusion.

call out!

The Devil's Spear flickered and shot straight through the head towards the black-horned ox demon hole ahead.


A loud noise came out, and the black-horned cow demon's knowledge of the sea trembled, and the Yuan Ying collapsed.

He had lost his resistance when his mind was confused, how could he withstand the killing blow of this **** of destruction spear?

After the knowledge of the sea collapsed, the evil spirit on the black horned bull demon began to dissipate a little, and its vitality gradually dissipated.

Just momentarily, the breath of the black horned bull can no longer be sensed above the sea.

"This ... Brother is dead?" Beside him, the black tiger monster's face changed suddenly.

The dignified blackhorn actually slumped?

As a member of the Black Point Pirates, he knows the horror of this Black Point strength!

If it shots with all its strength, even the strongest of the Beaver Infant's Bazaar will not be able to fight.

But is this kind of character actually dead?

Still dying in the hands of a young man.

"Who is this person?" The black tiger demon stared at Xiao Yun with surprised eyes.


At this point, the spear of extinction flashed and fell into Xiao Yun's knowledge.

At the same time Wu Yin also fell into his knowledge of the sea.

Xiao Yun's breath was restrained, so he stood up in the air, and he was like a king.

"Black Horned Bull Demon!" Xiao Yun swiped his hand and took the Black Horned Bull Demon into his side. "The body of a baby market demon is of little value, but I do not know what treasures it has?" With a few glances towards the black horned bull demon.

"A bone ring!" Suddenly, he found an ancient ring on the black horned bull demon.

"It should be similar to the space ring!" Now he took out the bone ring.

"Boy, you dare to kill the black horn!" Seeing Xiao Yun not only wiped the black horn, but also took his body, the black tiger monster suddenly showed fierce eyes. In the South China Sea, no one in the sky or underground can save you. "

A fierce air burst out from it.

"Did you finish?" Xiao Yun turned around at this time, he glared at the black tiger monster, his eyes had a bit of cold light.

"Come on!" The black tiger monster turned into a huge black tiger. He stepped out, the trembling in the void, and the sea immediately rolled with seawater. The terrible momentum caused heavy waves in front of him. The palms stretched out, carrying the supreme fierce power to Xiao Yun.

"Mr. Husband!" Seeing this black tiger demon so shot Xiao Yun smiled.

The vast demon rolled in, making Xiao Yun's body shake.

The momentum of the infant market powerhouse is indeed not Xiao Yun's resistance at this time.

It was just when the black tiger monster was about to hit Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun's body disappeared out of thin air.

"Disappeared again?" Seeing this, Manju's beautiful eyes flashed with light.

"What magical power does he have?" Zhu Tan was also curious.


Only momentarily, Xiao Yun appeared behind the black tiger monster.


Wuyin took the power of the martial arts field and suppressed it.

With the power of Wu Yin's mysterious field, Xiao Yun can completely make the transition of the real element flow in the body of the higher-order strong one slow.

Even attacks and perceptions will become dull.

Especially in this unexpected.

"My strength is slowing down!" At this time, the eyes of the black tiger monster suddenly shrank, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"It's that kid!" He turned back immediately.

But when he turned back, his mind shuddered, and a mighty power intruded into his mind.

Suddenly, he felt the world in front of him shaking.

This is magical power.

"Dead!" Xiao Yun's eyes flickered when the phantom's eyes caused the person to fall into a fantasy.

call out!

The Spear of Destruction flashed out.

A flash of black light directly shattered this person's mind.

A strong infant market stunned.

After the black tiger demon fell down, the Spear of Destruction and the Wuyin submerged into Xiao Yun's knowledge.

At this time, the tanuki and others in the distance still haven't figured out what happened.

The black tiger monster in front of him was so envious that he blocked the eyes of everyone, so it was difficult to see the specific situation.

In addition, Xiao Yun shot too fast, almost just to solve the black tiger monster.

After solving the demon, Xiao Yun photographed his body and found a bone ring.

Then the flame of his palm flashed, and his body was burned to nothingness.

It only took a moment ~ ~ Xiao Yun to cut two big monsters, everything seemed light and light.

"It was completely unexpected that we could obliterate these two monsters." But Xiao Yun knew deeply that the victory was a fluke, because these people knew nothing about him, and how could he resist Wu without protection. What about the power of Yin and Phantom Eyes?

"Is the black horned demon and the black tiger stunned?" Seeing the scene before, Zhu Ju took a deep breath. The girl's undulating peaks and valleys were difficult to calm down. The two big demon even the elders in their clan After exhausting the essence of blood, you can't fight it.

But it was this kind of existence that suddenly fell under the hands of Xiao Yun.

Is this young man so powerful?

Suddenly, Zhu Tanyu's eyes to Xiao Yun changed instantly.

In addition to curiosity, there was a deep awe in that eye.

"This youth is not easy!" At this moment, even the two **** elders turned towards Xiao Yun with deep awe in their eyes. At this moment, they felt like a king in this youth. Temperament.

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