Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1047: Beaver tribe

Xiao Yun stood up in the air, although he even cut two strong infants, he seemed to be light-hearted.

There was no trace of arrogance or arrogance on his face, but only calmness and deep water-like calmness.

Is it such a temperament for a half-step baby market?

"This young man should have a big head!" The two elders of the Beaver tribe looked at each other, his heart secretly.

"Brother Xiao Yun is amazing!" Snow Beaver was surprised too, but after seeing that the two great enemies were in danger and she was no longer there, she suddenly showed a lovely smile on her face. "Sister, we are here again Don't worry about it. "

"Um." Manju nodded slightly, and the jade hand stroked the little girl's hair, but there was still some dignified color in her long beautiful eyes when she looked forward. Now the black-horned ox is stunned. Is there no trouble?

Shaking his head, Manju was not thinking much.

She was lucky to survive this time.

Now she was walking forward with her sister.

"Uncle, how are you doing?" Manju and Zhuju immediately supported the two elders.

At this time, the two elders were weak and pale.

Just a moment ago, they exhausted a lot of original power, Shou Yuan did not know how much was lost.

Just one step away they were close to running out of oil.

"Can't die yet," one of the elders waved and said.

"Thanks to Xiao Yun brother this time!" Another elder stunned his eyes, and greeted the distant youth.

Xiao Yun came here at this time.

"Brother Xiao Yun, you are amazing!" Snow Beaver leapt like a bird, and she ran to Xiao Yun, holding the latter's arm and admiring her face, "Brother Xiao Yun, how can you be so powerful , Just to chop those two evil spirits in a flash? "

The little girl's big eyes flickered, revealing pure eyes.

The fox, the man, and the two elders all showed curious eyes.

Even they are hard to believe that this young man actually has this kind of heritage.

"Oh, just a moment of luck." Xiao Yun smiled.

"Luck?" Zhu Tan shook his lips, revealing a look of disdain, this girl obviously did not believe Xiao Yun's words.

There was a smile on the corner of Manju's mouth, which was also suspicious.

"This crisis is just fine." Seeing Xiao Yun saying nothing, an elder next to him smiled, came out and rounded off, and said, "Although the black corner has fallen, but we shouldn't stay here for a long time, we still leave quickly. Right. "

"Um." Manju nodded slightly.

"These guys?" The other elder asked, his eyes moved slightly.

"They all ran away," said Zhu Wei, resentfully. "A group of boneless guys."

"No wonder they are." Although the two elders were somewhat lost, they didn't say much.

After all, how many people will stay in that situation?

Thinking of this, the two elders rushed to Xiao Yun.

"This young man still has a bit of righteousness." The two nodded slightly.

Obviously, Xiao Yun's move has won their approval.

The big ship had been broken before, and the formation was not there.

But one of the elders flashed a bone ring, and a beast giant ship flashed inside.

This ship has two floors and is engraved with lines on the ship's body, but it is significantly lower than the previous Ukin ship.

After World War I, Manjuri stood on the deck, his eyes flashing and waiting.

Just now she received a rumor from the clan, and three clan elders had already tried their best to come.

As for Xiao Yun, he entered a training room.

When the two bone rings were taken out, his mind was infiltrated.

"Everything is a medicinal material!" Xiao Yun's eyes were exposed when the mind sank into the bone ring.

"This black-horned ox demon has a bit of spirit, but the black tiger is obviously much worse." Xiao Yun took out all the herbs and began to categorize them. "This is a starfish flower, which has a strong essence, Ordinary monsters can open their minds when they smell their breath. This flower can help people recover their souls ... This is a crystal of blue orchids, which can be used to refine the soul elixir. "

"It's a pity that some herbs are still a little old." Xiao Yun sighed softly.

The black horned demon is still worse, there are no medicinal materials containing imperial blood.

"This is just the southern edge of the sky demon sea. It's a barren land. Where are so many emperors?" Wen Yan said, but the sky swallow was rolling his eyes, and said, "After you reach the demon land, guarantee you You can get countless herbs. "

"You can even eat the blood of the true dragon."

"Blood of the true dragon?" Xiao Yun raised an eyebrow and said, "Is there a true dragon in the demon domain?"

"This ... there are a lot of pythons," said the swallowing larva. "But those pythons that have reached the level of the king are really delicious, and the golden-winged Dapeng, although their blood is not as pure as their ancestors. It tastes great. "

The guy's face was fiery.

"Is the Golden-winged Dapeng?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed.

There are Peng tribe in Tiandu domain.

It's just that these Peng clan are the blood lines inherited by the ancestors who refined the essence of the god-level golden-winged Dapeng.

Those are not considered Pengs at all.

But this demon domain is different.

This is the true Peng tribe, which contains the real blood of the great demon.

"This demon domain is also a magnificent world." Xiao Yun was also full of curiosity about the demon domain.

After collecting the herbs, Xiao Yun began to close his eyes and condense.

Three hours later, there were silhouettes flashing in front of them, and the three elders came towards them.

Along with them were several **** youths who had previously left.

"It's the clan old!" The **** on the deck showed a cute smile.

"Those guys." Zhu Tan glanced at the young people around the three tribe elders with a little anger.

"Manju, Snow Beaver, are you all okay?" The woman headed by was a woman. She had a good manner, her eyes were narrow, and she was a little seduced. She turned to Manju, and after induction, she was tense. The nerves finally relaxed.

Behind her were two elders, whose beards were white.

"Aunt Shan!" After seeing the woman, Snow Beaver couldn't help but pounce on the former's arms.

"Okay, don't cry, it's not pretty when you cry." The woman smiled slightly, and drowned a little when she turned towards Snow Beaver, and then when her eyes moved, her eyes fell on those two Cross-knee healing, middle-aged man who got up at this time.

"We just got a few injuries." One of the middle-aged men smiled bitterly and said.

"That nook?" The woman asked.

When she got the news, her heart was beating.

The black horn is a big demon, and the strength is that the Snow Beavers have only a few talents to compete with.

At this point he was staring at the raccoon, so what?

It's the same, they tried hard to disregard the storm in the sea, in order to save the **** in time.

But they also know that the chances of survivors such as tanuki are almost one in one thousand.

Didn't think that this raccoon and everyone else survived, not even one person ridiculed.

"Noire is dead," said one of the middle-aged men.

"What! Noire is dead?" The beautiful woman's eyes were surprised.

Even the two old men who accompanied him were surprised.

Although they received the news long ago.

But at this moment when I heard the news myself, the heart still couldn't help being shocked.

"Not only did the black horns fall, his subordinates were annihilated." Man Tan's long eyelashes blinked, faint and huge.

"Really dead?" Wen Yan said, several elders were stunned.

"How is this possible?" The young men who followed him were even more surprised.

When they left, they felt the power of the black horned bull demon!

With the two elders in the clan, they could not compete.

But at this time, that black horn fell?

How it all feels like dreaming.

"What's going on?" The beautiful woman, Mulu asked, she didn't believe these two people had such terrible strength.

"Noire was killed by the young man of that ethnic group." The two elders looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Their eyes then fell into a room in the ship.

"Human race?" The woman's eyes were surprised, even if she turned towards the room.

"A strong man with a perfect baby market?" When this light came in, Xiao Yun frowned and immediately felt it.

Then he got up and walked out of the room.

"Is it the black horn that you beheaded?" When Xiao Yun came to the deck, the beautiful woman's eyes were exposed.

At the same time the eyes of the two old men flashed, staring at Xiao Yun tightly.

Looking at this, they seem to want to see Xiao Yun through.

"How could it be him?" All those young beavers questioned.

When they saw Xiao Yun, the latter was a dead man.

Even if he resumed cultivation in a short period of time, how can the cultivation of this half-step infant market be able to cut the strong infant market?

"It's down!" Xiao Yun smiled slightly at the woman.

"Really you?" The woman's eyes were surprised, her expression slightly strange.

Then she frowned and stared at Xiao Yun.

"I think the little brother is only half a step away from the baby market. How can he cut the black corner of the baby market? Don't lie to your sister."

The woman's beautiful eyes blinked, with a bit of coquettishness in her tone, and the sound waves in her ears made the human bones not soften. A force of charm also diffused when her eyes blinked, and suddenly made the void ahead There was a ripple.

This is a magical power peculiar to **** women, which can deceive people and create illusions.

That sound wave can be confusing.

Only Xiao Yun was calm at this moment.

He was very strong and determined.

Moreover, he still had a phantom eye, who could charm him?

Even the King can't confuse him ~ ~ Want to charm me? "Xiao Yun's eyes lightened," Dementor! "

Suddenly, the pupil from Tianyou pupil was urged by him.

A dementing force permeated, covering the beaver's beautiful woman.

Unprepared, the beautiful woman's heart swayed as if she had fallen into an abyss.

"Not good!" After two full breaths, when the dementing power dissipated, the beautiful woman returned to her spirits.

Her peaks and towerings were shocked.

At this time, the graceful and luxurious, yet charming and charming baby market woman retreated seven steps in a row, and she showed her vigilance to Xiao Yun.

This appearance made the beavers next to each other suspicious.


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