Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1048: Malice?

The beautiful woman took seven steps back and said nothing for a long time. [More exciting novels please visit]

"Aunt Shan, what's wrong with you?" Seeing this, several young beavers were surprised.

"Nothing." Only after taking a deep breath, the beautiful woman calmed down the waves in her heart.

But still couldn't calm down.

Just now she felt like her mind was going to sink, and she might be destroyed at any time.

And that inexplicable power is obviously from the youth ahead.

In other words, just now this young man can completely obliterate himself.

"Is this still a young man in a half-step baby market?" The beautiful woman was surprised.

At this moment she had to re-examine Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun was indifferent.

Even if the other party is a strong man in a perfect market, he still has no fear.

"Oh, thank you for breaking the siege for my people!" After a little surprise, the woman winked and winked. "But I don't know where the brother came from, where are you going? If not, why not go to my **** island Or let me wait for the friendship of the landlord. "

"Brother Xiao Yun has nowhere to go now. He is planning to go to Beaver Island with us!" Snow Beaver blinked those gem-like eyes, and said that the girl was exposing her eyes full of admiration at Xiao Yun Light, the tone seemed quite sweet.

"Oh." The beautiful woman smiled when she heard that, "So good, so good."

The two old men beside him remained silent.

Then the beautiful woman took out a high-level treasure ship and carried the crowd away.

On the boat, Xiao Yun was still practicing and turned a deaf ear to foreign affairs.

Some young beavers were suspicious.

"Did it really happen that this young man killed the black horned demon?"

"I don't think so!"

"He is only half a step away from the infant market. How can he have such combat power?" Several youths were skeptical.

However, they were slightly lower, and they did not dare to offend Xiao Yun.

"The palace palace is to open the palace palace, and Yuan Ying enters the sea of ​​knowledge. After reaching the palace palace, it is the infant marketplace. The infant market environment needs to understand the heaven and earth avenue so that the yuan infant and heaven and earth fit together. Every move of a practitioner can be a avenue. "

Xiao Yun groaned secretly.

It is too difficult to make progress after reaching the half-step baby market.

This is no longer a question of resources, but a perception of the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

At this point, many people find it difficult to keep pace.

Others stagnated for ten years and suddenly realized.

"Baby market, baby market, then the key point is Yuanying?" Xiao Yun was pondering.

Under this perception, time seems to have stopped.

But it feels like thousands of years have passed.

From time to time, Xiao Yun's mind moved towards Siyuan Ling, thinking about the breath of God.

At the same time, his mind was released and he felt the mystery of heaven and earth outside.

In the sea, Xiao Yun's mind spread out, stretching hundreds of miles.

Under the mind's perception, he can see many visions in the sea.

The waves in front of the sea were sky-high, and the huge waves were set up high.

From time to time there are storms passing by.

There is a thundercloud condensing on the sky, and infinite lightning like a silver snake fluttering.

Under this natural force, Xiao Yun's mind also felt a little weak.

"Facing the power of nature, even though my mind is strong, I still can't compete with it." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

His mind tried to touch the storm, but was instantly involved in it, and was annihilated a little bit.

"This is the natural power of heaven and earth. It originates from heaven and earth, but why can't my mind coexist with it?" Xiao Yunmu groaned.

He seemed to be conscious, but failed to grasp that point.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The ship was docked on a ferry.

"Is this **** island?" Xiao Yun's mind followed the sea.

Then he got up and walked up to the deck.

"Brother Xiao Yun, Beaver Island is here!" Exclaimed Snow Beaver.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, and looked forward.

The island ahead is gloomy, with ancient trees, and there are some obscure fluctuations.

"There should be a large array of island guards!" Xiao Yun groaned secretly.

"Gongzi, please!" The beautiful woman Yingying smiled and made a gesture to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun was also polite, stepped out of the ferry, and walked towards the island.

The island is very large, and it can reach six thousand miles.

Beavers live on this island.

"Song Xiao, please!" Xiao Yun was led into a quiet valley of the Beaver tribe after entering the island.

This is the residence of the core **** people.

There are many clan guards in the valley.

"Man Beaver is back!" After entering the valley, several old men came out.

Headed by an old man, he was thin and leaning on a cane, it seemed that a gust of wind could blow it down.

But at this moment the light in his old eyes flickered, giving a feeling of seeing through everything.

Xiao Yun felt a slight jump in her heart by this old look.

"This is a quasi-king?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

"I've seen the patriarch!" Manju bowed and saluted the old man.

"No need to be polite." The old clan's eyes narrowed, and he immediately said, "I heard that you were stared at by the blackhorn this time?"

"Exactly." The two elders replied immediately beside Manju.

At this point, the injuries of the two men recovered slightly, but that repair was gone.

"How can you get out of trouble?" The clan's long eyes revealed inquiringly.

Many **** elders next to him were also surprised.

But the strength of the black horns is daunting even for some of the elders!

"It's like this!" Then everyone entered the exquisite wooden hall and told the story at sea.

"That's it?" After hearing the words, the beavers' elders all turned to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun was sitting on the wooden chair on the left.

Seeing this young man, he was only in his early twenties, and he was only half a step away from the infant market.

This point is also able to kill the black horned bull demon?

The elders of the **** tribe are suspicious.

But everyone is not too questionable.

"Oh, thanks to Xiao Xiaozi's help this time, but I do n’t know what Xiao Xiaozi needs. If I can say everything, my beavers will try their best to satisfy you. Our people never distinguish each other from friends." Beaver patriarch Quite a smile.

"All the shots were made because Miss Manci rescued me first, but if all the needs of the patriarch are, there is a need below." Seeing this **** patriarch opening, Xiao Yun was also polite. At this time, he really needed urgently. Resources enhance strength.

Upon hearing that, the Beaver tribe frowned and asked with a smile, "But I don't know what help you need?"

"I was injured in the next period, and it took a lot of spirits to recover." Xiao Yun said, "I don't know if aristocrats can have spirits?"

"Lingcui?" The **** crow frowned, "You can list as much as you can"

"Okay." Xiao Yun was also polite and listed many herbs.

Most of these are medicinal herbs for restoring the soul.

Of course, many herbs are prepared for phantom turtles.

The two beasts were too injured for him at the beginning, and Xiao Yun had to show it at this time.

"Some of these medicinal materials are in my clan, but this soul crystal and star soul grass are a little hard to find!" After looking at the list, the Beaver tribe frowned slightly, and said, "I do n’t know if Xiao Xiaozi Urgently need these herbs? "

"I'm not in a hurry," Xiao Yun said, spreading his palms.

"Well, we can find these herbs as soon as possible," said the Beaver patriarch.

"Thank you, Patriarch." Xiao Yun held his fist.

"You're welcome." The Beaver patriarch laughed.

"But I don't know where Xiao Xiaozi comes from?" An elder of the beavers asked with a smile.

This is also a woman who looks charming and full of charm, making it impossible to see the true age.

"From the distant Nanhuang!" Xiao Yun smiled slightly and did not say Tiandu Yu.

"Nanhuang?" The elders of the Beaver tribe frowned slightly, there seemed to be no concept of this.

Many of them haven't even visited the Demon Realm, how can they know that the sky is infinitely far away?

After a few greetings, Xiao Yun was taken to a residence.

There are exquisite wooden houses here, and there is also a pond in front of it. The spring water flows down from the mountain and looks extra quiet.

"This island has a matrix method to pull the world and the vitality. The vitality is still strong, but it is not comparable to those of the Xiao clan." After staying, Xiao Yun didn't think much. His spiritual knowledge spread, and he could feel the beaver. Many fluctuations of the island.

This **** has a large population, but there are few strong ones, not even kings. There are only some half-step kings, and quasi-kings sit in the town. For such a clan, Xiao Yun has nothing to worry about. All his mind quickly recovered. He began to cultivate.

In this strange place, he urgently needs to improve his strength!

It was only when Xiao Yun secretly practiced that several elders did not disperse in the wooden hall of the Beaver clan.

"Manju, you got the Sea God Stone this time?" An elder asked.

"Um." Manju nodded.

"Then you have to cultivate well!" The elder said intently.

"Yes!" Manju nodded.

"Come, Aunt Shan will teach you how to awaken the blood in your body with the sea **** stone." Aunt Shan smiled and left with the beaver.

In the end, there were only a few elders in the wooden hall.

"The young people of this ethnic group seem to have extraordinary means!" After the **** left, an elder said quietly.

"Instantly beheaded the infant market powerhouse, this son should have Wang Bing in his hand."

"I see at least the top Wang Bing!" Several elders looked at each other ~ ~ From the light of the eyes, a little fiery color emerged, a young man in a half-step baby market, but It is possible to kill the demon in the infant market beyond the ranks. Is it possible without the top king soldier?

"Perhaps the imperial soldier is not necessarily." One of the beautiful women blinked.

"This youth should not be small," said the **** patriarch Shen.

"Even though he is not small, but he is a human race, this is the demon sea area, even if the emperor cannot come here in a short time, we can ..." An elder's eyes on the right hand were dim and made A gesture of cutting the neck.

"No." The Beaver tribe shook his head again and again. "How can he be my tribe guest? How can my **** tribe do that?"

"You can't move him without my order." This old face was cold.

"We just talked casually," said several elders next to him.

Just a few of them looked at each other, but they seemed to have reached an agreement invisibly.


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