Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1050: Graceful revenge! 【begging...

"Gong Xiao, can you be sure to enter it?" Several elders of the Beaver tribe laughed and asked.

"If it doesn't work, don't force it." The beautiful woman smiled Yingying and said, "There are some residual soul thoughts in the front. If you enter, the unsettled person will be affected by the mind, unable to extricate themselves into the illusion. "

"Since it's here, try it yourself." Seeing these people talking, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

Then he moved forward and walked forward.

"Xiao Gongzi take care!" The beavers reminded when Xiao Yun stepped forward.

"Thank you." Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

At this point he stepped forward, constantly approaching the front.

There are some vacant pools.

There is fog around the pool. If you look at it, you can feel the ripples in front of it, giving people a sense of illusory. If the average person releases his mind, there is even a danger of being psychedelic when he touches the fog. .

Seeing Xiao Yun step by step, the beavers' elders began to evoke a strange arc.

"Is it worthwhile to deal with such a young man?" At that moment, the beautiful woman laughed and spoke to the three elders next to her. In her opinion, Xiao Yun was only half a step away from the baby market. What about men?

"It's safe to do so." An elder's eyes narrowed slightly, a smile twitched the corner of his mouth.

These people communicate with each other, but their expressions are quite calm.

"Here it is." Suddenly, when Xiao Yun was approaching the path in front, the elder's eyes flashed.

Then he drew a hand.

But there was a flash of light on the ground, and a strange wave suddenly burst out.

There was a ripple of ripples in the whole void, and the vast soul in the pool in front gathered toward Xiao Yun's location.


As soon as the ground moved in the void, a matrix space evolved.


When this void shuddered, Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly, and the corners of his mouth evoked a bit of coldness. "Is it really a bad heart?"

Xiao Yun had a calm face while he was in the formation, and he turned to walk towards the back.

At this time, there was a ripple of ripples there, and the four elders of the Beaver tribe stepped inside the array.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed and he looked at the four elders.

"Oh, Xiao Gongzi cut off the black horned bull monster in the baby market by virtue of the half-step repair of the baby market. Maybe you have the treasure in your hand?" When speaking, the voice is flowing, as if from outside the sky.

Within this formation, there was a force of soul that began to infiltrate towards Xiao Yun in the front.

"Want to capture my soul? It's a little trick of carving insects." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and a strong soul force permeated.

"Dementor!" As the eyes moved, a powerful dementor force swept away.

Suddenly the beautiful woman shivered.

"Not good!" At the rear, several elders' eyes were frozen.


The next elder shot, and the big hand moved toward Xiao Yun.

This is a strong man with a half-step magical power. Under this blow, the void in front trembles, and the horror momentum instantly defeats the power of Xiao Yun's eye. The beautiful woman also restored her mind by this, the elder's The big hand was shrouded in Xiao Yun.

"Half-step magical power?" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed when the giant hand appeared. "It's not so easy to just hurt me."

As soon as he moved, he disappeared.

"People?" Seeing this, the four elders of the **** tribe were all surprised.

The eyes of several people turned, revealing alertness.

"Wuyin!" Suddenly, within this array of space, Xiao Yun appeared, his eyes flashed, Wuyin suspended above his head.

A powerful martial arts field fell down.

"What kind of power is this?" As soon as Wu Yin came out, the whole formation shook, and the four elders felt the change of breath around them.

"This is the power of the field?"

"It turns out that this kid has such treasures!" The elders of the four **** crows looked stunned.

"This spirit seal is good, but your strength is too low!" The elder snorted coldly. He moved a large hand, a giant hand tore up the void, and destroyed the power of the field little by little, and then the Wuyin was facing forward. Hit, while several elders next to him shot.

"Oh, you still obediently hand over the treasures on your body!" Several beavers' elders were stunned.

Three of these four reached half-step magical powers.

The beautiful woman also reached the perfect condition of the infant market.

Such a battle, I do not know how much stronger than the original black-horned bull demon.

Furthermore, these people were prepared, and it was extremely difficult for Xiao Yun to sneak attack.

"It seems that these people cannot be killed." Xiao Yun sighed slightly, "Withdraw first!"

As soon as he saw his mind moving, Wu Yin was taken into the sea.


At this time, the attack of the four beavers' strong ones also struck.

"Siyuan Ling!" When the attack from the crowd came, a Siyuan **** pattern bloomed.

With a flash of Divine Pattern, they could resist all the attacks of these people.


The loud noise shook the sky, and a vast wave swept across.

The four elders of the Beaver tribe were shocked thousands of meters away by a terror force.

However, Xiao Yun's body has not been seen in this array of law space.

"Actually resisted!"

"What precious treasure did he urge just now!" Several **** elders looked at each other after stabilizing their figures.

"This youth is not small!" The elder's eyes sank, carefully sensing the fluctuations within the array.

"There is no breath for him in the formation!" The elder's face was somber with a slight induction.

"He's outside the formation!" Alas, an elder said.

"Beyond the formation!" Several **** elders released their minds.

As soon as they were at ease, everyone found that Xiao Yun appeared outside the formation.

"Try your best to let him run away!" Said the elder, his eyes fixed.

"Eh!" Several **** elders nodded.


At this moment, the matrix method flickered and disappeared.

The four elders stood on one side, staring at Xiao Yun coldly.

A strong momentum fell down from these people.

"You have more means than we think, but after all, you are just a monk below the infant market." The elder flashed his eyes, and said, "If you hold your hands, you will save your genius. Save your life. "

He walked forward step by step as he spoke.

At the same time, several elders nearby have begun to take out their treasures, ready to take Xiao Yun in one fell swoop.

"Treasure?" Xiao Yun glazed and hummed coldly, "You brought me here just to ambush me?"

"What is it?" The elder of the **** tribe hummed.

"Sure enough, people's hearts are sinister. Any morality will be abandoned for the benefit." Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and a corner of his mouth evoked a cold arc. "But you don't want to take my Xiao Yun's things so easily, you will pay for cost."

"The price?" A **** elder sneered, "Do you think you still have a chance?"

Having said that, the elder's eyes lightened, and he moved a large hand, with a treasure offering in his palm.

This is a piece of king-level animal skin, with light flashes on it.


This animal skin screamed, like a sky, constantly extending to bind Xiao Yun.

"The four are very strong together, not at this time I can deal with it." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, his heart darkened.

After the confrontation just now, he already knew the gap between the two sides.

Although Wu Yin can suppress human cultivation, it is only for ordinary practitioners.

The strength of the half-step magical powers surpassed that of many infant markets.

"Before I upgrade my strength, I am chopping them." Xiao Yun was moved, and Tissot was urged.


Seeing only a flash of light, he disappeared in place.


However, the volume of the animal skin was completely empty, and Xiao Yun was not restrained at all.

"This guy is gone again?" The **** tribe's eyes were surprised.

"He should have an empty treasure!" The elder's eyes were gloomy.

"How can this be good?" The elders beside him sighed.

This Xiao Yun was empty, and he was already invincible. It was too difficult for them to win it.

"Unfortunately, if the old man stepped into the magical realm, he might be allowed to take it down."

But at this time he could do nothing.

As soon as Tissot flashed, Xiao Yun went out ten thousand meters.

Then he appeared at the burial pond.

"There are quite a few kings buried here." Xiao Yun stood on the path, his eyes murmured looking around.

The four sides have vast Wang Wei permeated.

There was even a psychedelic force permeating within Wang Wei.

The beavers are born to confuse everyone and create illusions.

After the death of these kings, the spirit overflowed, causing the vicinity to be like a fantasy.

The mist is lingering on the four sides, and it is very difficult for ordinary people to fall in to keep their minds clean.

Even the beavers are the same.

The same is true. Few people can go deep into it, resulting in the inability to ingest those souls.

You know, the strongest of the beavers is quasi-god!

"Siyuan Ling!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, and Siyuan Ling bloomed with a light pattern, shattering all that power.

It is impossible to affect him with the source of the order to protect these souls.

"Well, there are fluctuations ahead!"

"This guy has entered the burial pool!" Several beavers' elders continued to sense, and finally found the wave ahead.

Although they were unable to enter the burial pond, they could still detect the fluctuations emanating there by virtue of telepathy.

"What should I do?" The elders groaned suddenly.

"I'll try it!" Said an elder, blinking.

"Okay." The elders next to him nodded.

Then the elder's eyes lighted and condensed ~ ~ A bone device suspended above his head was heading forward.

The old man entered, and a mighty Wang Wei swept through.

The Wang Wei oppressed him with a shiver.

Here, every step forward is extremely difficult.

There were dozens of kings buried there, and Wang Wei gathered together, and the momentum had reached an astonishing level.

This talent advanced ten thousand meters and passed ten pools and was retreated by a mighty Wang Zhen.

Not only that, even the bones on his body were dim, and a breath of soul swept through, invading the mind.

"Can't move forward." The elder frowned, and quickly backed away.

Otherwise his mind will not be able to stay awake.


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