Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1051: Dark Wind Demon?

The **** elders howl quit. [More beautiful novels are better than ^^ 奇 ^^ 中 ^^ 文 ^^ 网]

"Can't move forward?" Seeing this, several others frowned.

"Wang Wei among them is too strong to move forward." The elder sighed.

Just now he was almost confused by the remnant soul.

"I'll try it!" The elder's eyes lightened and he took out a treasure and started to move forward.

The elder moved forward, but after reaching the fifteen burial ponds, there was a flash of light and shadow, which flew over.

The light and shadow are very strong, and the momentum is comparable to that of the king. He extended his giant claws and directly sunk the void in front of him.

"This is the soul that resembles the soul?" The elder's eyes were frightened and he sacrificed an animal skin to roll back, but he hurried back. Facing this existence, even if he was a half-step king, he did not dare to neglect. The king and the half-step king are very different!


A loud noise shook the sky, the remnant soul tore the animal skin directly, and the void in front of it shook with a coffin.


The coffins rose above the coffins, and terror waves erupted.

At this time, the elder retreated quickly, but was also hit by this aftermath.


He was taken out by Zhenfei, he vomited blood in his mouth, and his face was extremely pale.

"What's wrong?" Seeing this, the other elders were surprised.

"There is a residual soul condensed into a demon charm," said the elder, eyes sulking. "This place is not for us to break into."

"Condensed into evil charm?" After hearing that, several elders of the Beaver tribe showed their solemn faces.

"So Xiao Yun, has he been scoffed?" The beautiful woman asked.

"I don't know." The elder's eyes still appeared in shock at this time.

He gazed ahead, relieved that the evil charm had not been chased out.

"We are waiting here?" Suddenly, several elders were helpless.

"Well." The elder sighed, and he didn't dare to move forward either.

At this time, within that burial pond, Xiao Yun was walking like a quiet court, without any fear of the mighty Wang Wei.

With the origin of the order, those evil charms are directly trembling, and dare not approach Xiao Yun one step.

"A total of twelve soul spirits condensed!" Xiao Yun looked around, and a slight smile evoked in the corner of his mouth.

Dozens of kings are buried here, and the soul breathes out and gathers together, and naturally, a long time has given birth to spiritual extract.

"These spirit extracts are enough for me to make soul spirits!" After collecting the spirit extracts, Xiao Yun began to move on.

Convenience is the high platform.

This crystal coffin hovered above.

The mighty Emperor Weiwei permeated from it.

This is the coffin of an emperor.

Xiao Yun stepped away, the vast imperial power was oppressed, and there was a special spirit breath.

Those breaths are like the lines on the road.

This breath is enough to confuse the mind.

"Give me a break!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, Siyuan Ling bloomed with a divine pattern.

Emperor Wei from the front suddenly collapsed under the shock of the divine power of Siyuan Shenwen.

And he stepped on the high front step by step.

Above the platform is a huge pool.

Chi Zi seemed to communicate with the sea, with a strong vitality permeating.

"That is a **** soul extract?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun saw a beaver-like spirit extract under the coffin.

The light of this spirit flickers and emits a strong soul spirit.

You can even feel a little soul swing.

"Is this the spiritual essence formed by the remnant soul of the emperor?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's heart moved.

It's so wonderful, but it's rare to see it for a thousand years!

"If you have this thing, you must make a spiritual soul spirit!" Xiao Yun flashed his eyes, and the big hand was ready to capture the spirit. Only he shot it, and the spirit flashed. Turned into a glare toward the side.

"Is spirituality born?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun froze.

"Yeah!" At this moment, Yi Yi was looted from the Tuntian Tower.


The little fellow's eyes were hot, and when the little claws moved, a light pattern bloomed and fell down towards the **** spirit.


The beaver-like spirit flickered, and it was about to leave, but Yiyi's claws fell, and the light pattern bloom seemed to imprison the void. The beaver-like spirit extracted, stopped, then it was Yi The little paw shot directly to his side.


Yi Yi smiled, and gave Xiao Yun the beaver-like spirit.

"Yi Yi is really good." Xiao Yun was slightly pleased to see Yi Yi win this spirit.


Yi Yi fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder and rubbed the latter's neck from time to time.

"I'll make some elixir for you later." Xiao Yun caressed Yi Yi with a smile.

Later, he simply sacrificed a case on the side, and when Zi Yan Ding flashed out, some herbs were also taken out by him.

"First wipe away the consciousness of this medicine spirit." Xiao Yun first ran the Devouring God and swallowed the beaver-shaped medicinal material, and began to destroy the consciousness in the medicinal material. There will be leaks.

This medicinal material has begun to have a sense of consciousness, if given enough time, I am afraid it will become fine.

Devouring the heavens and destroying the gods works, and wipe away the consciousness of this medicinal material little by little.

It took Zhong Xiaoyun a long time to erase the consciousness in this **** medicinal material.

Then began to refine pharmaceutical materials.



Tian Yaohai, somewhere in the mountains.

Here the sky is full of enchantment, and there are vast fluctuations.

In the void a mighty world is slowly dissipating.

On the top of the mountain, there is a height of one hundred feet, and the big demon who is the head of the cow is flashing with calamity patterns. Those calamity patterns are integrated into his body like an electric snake. A vast Wang Wei diffuses from this place, making this mountain range Birds and beasts trembled.

"Supernatural powers!" The body of the demon was shrinking, and gradually turned into a nine-foot-tall man.

It has a strong body and dark skin, and the muscles on its body are like a dragon. It is full of explosive power.

At this point his bull head had turned into a humanoid appearance, but with a single horn on his forehead.

"Now in this area, I will honor my Heifeng Niuwang!" Heifeng Niuwang's eyes flashed, his mouth was full of laughter, his eyes were all around, and he couldn't help but growl. Now when he set foot in the magical realm, it is A king.

"Let the third brother come to celebrate." Heifeng Niu Yao flashed his eyes and took out a domino.

The domino light pattern flickered.

But when it sank with his heart, his face was sinking.

"Soul breath is gone?" The eyes of Heifeng Niu Yao suddenly flinched, "stunned?"

"Who, who killed Black Horn!" Growled from the mouth of the demon.

"Whoever it is, I must crush you!"

Then his eyes lightened and he took out an ancient mirror.

"With my blood, deduction!" He dripped a drop of blood into the ancient mirror.

At the same time, it took out an ancient card, and when the magic trick moved, there was a ray of mind flowing out of that ancient card.

Then the mind fell into the mirror.

If you sense it carefully, you can find that the heart is filled with black-horned soul waves.


When the two merged into the mirror, the rune flow above was filled with obscure cyclone waves.

The mirror rotates, and the light ripples rise above, turning into a huge cyclone.

The cyclone kept stirring, and the last picture appeared.

This is the picture when the black horns surrounded the beavers.

"Beaver tribe?" Seeing this, Heifeng Niuwang frowned. "How can these people hurt him?"

However, the next picture made it suddenly shrink.

That's the picture of Xiao Yun's assassination of Noire.

"It's this youth!" Heifeng Niuwang's eyes flashed. "He has a treasure that can move instantly."

"Dare to kill my black wind brother, no matter who you are, you have to die!" A low voice roared from the mouth of this black wind cow king, and then a terror wave pervaded from him, and then it moved , Turned into a shadow and left here.

A day later, a wave of terrifying breath swept near Beaver Island.

"What a terrible wave!"

"What happened!" Beavers were startled.

"A strong one is coming!" The Beaver patrol sent a message immediately.

"Quickly start the clan!" Some elders in the clan quickly said.


Just a moment, a matrix formation urged, covering the entire island.

But the **** clan headed out of the island.

At this time, the Black Wind Cow King turned into a black light and appeared outside the island.

"This is the King of the Black Wind Cow!" After seeing this person, many elders of the Beaver tribe showed their faces with a stark expression.

"The Horned Horn was cut earlier, I'm afraid he came for this." The **** elders felt a little uneasy.

Hey, hey!

Countless elders swell to the sky.

"Beaver tribe!" Heifeng Niuwang appeared outside Beaver Island, and he glanced coldly at the large array of guards in the air.

"The patriarch of the **** clan comes out to my king!"

The sound was full of tyrannical power, and the sky was shaking.

"King of the Black Wind Cow, I don't know how to teach?" The **** tribe frowned, and he went to the edge of the large array and said.

"What's your opinion?" Heifeng Niu Wang said coldly.

"Give these people out, otherwise the king will wash the **** tribe with blood!" At the moment, with the palm of his hand, a personal figure evolved in the void. There were Xiao Yun, Manci and others, but everyone who appeared in that war was deprived of it. Evolved.

"These people." Hearing, the chief of the **** tribe frowned.

This **** is the hope of their tribe!

"Don't give it?" Heifeng Niuwang roared ~ ~ He stepped forward, the powerful momentum shook the big light curtain.

"Did this guy step into the magical realm?" Feeling the momentum emanating from the Black Wind Cow King, the **** clan's patriarchs were uneasy. Originally, they existed at the same level. By virtue of the **** clan, they were not afraid of the cow king , But now ...

"King Niu, this is not my sin!" Sighed the **** patriarch.

"Is it my third brother?" Heifeng Niuwang's eyes were cold, and the unicorn light pattern on his forehead flashed, and immediately turned into a huge horn piercing forward. The horn can be huge and imposing. , Through the void in front.

"It really is a magical power!" When the giant horns evolved, the **** clan's head was shocked and felt a crisis. He quickly entered the array of dharma, just as his body dissipated. The void exploded.


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