Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1052: A panacea! 【begging...


The big horn hit the formation, and the rays of the pattern were completely sunken.

The king was so shocked that he almost didn't break the battle.

"It's strong!" Within the formation, the beavers' elders all showed their solemn faces.

"Patriarch, what should I do?" Suddenly, many elders turned to the old patriarch with worries.

"This is a calamity for my beavers!" The patriarch of the beavers sighed slightly.

& nb> The novel www.zuzud; originally thought that the Heifeng Niuwang is still in the quasi-god.

In this way, even if the ox king came to the door, he could completely resist the ox king by virtue of its **** family heritage.

But now the black wind cow king has stepped into the magical powers and become a king, but they can't compete!

The beavers are helpless.

"I'll give you half an hour!" Outside of the formation, the King of the Black Winds strolled, his eyes were dark, and he shone with a radiant light, "If you haven't handed in after half an hour, then the king will wash you with blood. Beavers! "The low voice shook the Quartet.

Under this sonic wave, the big island guards shuddered.

"It's so powerful!" There was a trembling, and the horrible waves made the **** monks feel terrified.

"Now we only have two choices!" Said the Beaver clan's eyes flashed.

"What choice?" The elder eyes next to him groaned, revealing the colors of inquiry.

"First, surrender Xiao Yun and others," said the Beaver clan chief. "Second, we swear to death in a fight, but by virtue of this time in our clan, we must not be able to withstand the attack of the Black Wind Cow King. , So even if the undead then, my beavers will die out. "

It was said that the beavers were all silent.

This result is obviously not what they can bear.

"But Manju is my clan's hope. How can I surrender her?" Said Aunt Shan frowning.

"Yeah!" Sighed a lot of elders next to him. "If the beavers grow up, they will make my beavers dominate the waters of millions of miles!"

The **** tribe sighed.

"I don't see it like that ..." Aunty said, an elder beside him.

"How?" Mulu, the chief of the **** tribe asked.

"Anyway, that black horn was killed by Xiao Yun. Why don't we surrender Xiao Yun?" Said an elder.

"Give up Xiao Yun?" The **** tribe frowned, then took a deep breath, "He is my benefactor!"

"But if you don't surrender him, I don't know how many people will be ridiculed!" Several elders next to her voice.

The patriarch of the beavers sinks into a groan.

"Then Xiao Yun rescued me, how could he surrender him?" At this time, Manju came strolling, she still looked cold and charming.

"Manju!" When the manju appeared, all the **** elders sighed.

Today, Manci has stepped into the baby market.

She has a strong breath and a hint of oldness.

It was a wave from the blood, she walked like a king, making people stand up.

"I won't do anything to reward you with revenge!" She looked cold and determined.

"But the King of the Black Wind is a supernatural power. I can't wait for it!" The elders of the **** tribe sighed.

Manci looked forward, and her eyebrows were clustered, and then her eyes flashed, "Give me away!"

"You?" Wen Yan said, all the **** elders frowned.

"Man raccoon, don't make a fool, you are my clan's hope. Even if I wait for the sacrifice, you have to live." The aunt Shan said in a deep voice.

"Good." The elders next to him nodded.

At the same time, several **** elders looked at each other.


There wasn't much talk about several elders, and a terror force came down, directly binding the beaver.

"You!" Zhenyuan in her body was restrained, and Manju couldn't move immediately, she was frightened and angry.

"Sorry, you can't do this!" A few elders took the shot and took the **** away.

At this time, the **** clan's eyes sank, and he took the edge of the array.

"King of the cows, we are willing to make friends!" The **** patriarch started, and the voice passed through the void into the void outside the island.

"Will you hand in someone?" Heifeng Niuwang blinked, "Are you there?"

"The old man begged the King of the Cow to punish only those who beheaded the King of the Horns. To this end, we beavers are willing to make compensation.

The patriarch of the **** clan sank.

"Compensation?" Heifeng Niu Wang Leng hummed. "How precious is my third brother's life, can you **** be compensated? Little nonsense, don't want to live for any of the people I pointed out. You're welcome! "After that, the Heifeng Niuwang took a step forward, and the mighty Wangwei swept forward.


There was a shudder, and I was shaken with shock.

"The ox king, please do not want to compel!" Wen Yan said, the **** clan's face was darkened.

"Fighting?" Heifeng Niu Wang Lengheng, "I don't think I'll give you any color, you don't know my temper of Heifeng."

At this moment, the black wind cow king's eyes were cold, and a terror of Wang Wei permeated.

Its body was raised in situ and turned into a giant tall, and its head turned into a cow's head.

"It's just an ancient formation, and it's broken for the king!" Heifeng Niuwang gave a big hand and patted him in front of the large array.


The giant hand fell, crushing the void in front.

The burst of light flashed and completely sunken.

"Putting the battle, sworn to death!" Seeing this, the **** clan's eyes lightened.

"Yes!" At the moment, the **** elders nodded.

At this point they will have only one battle.

"Protect some talented juniors leaving the undersea passage." At the same time, the Beaver patriarch ordered the juniors in the tribe to withdraw.

These post-talents are the hope of the Beavers, and even if they die in the older generation, Kegen must retain them.


At the same time, the bells of the beavers rang, and those elders who retreat retreated.

Numerous infant market repairers were dispatched.

"Boom!" At that moment the Heifeng Niuwang was there.

It shot with all its strength and shuddered the burst.

The beavers had once been the emperor, and the array was very powerful.

It's a pity that for thousands of years, the beavers have no kings. Even if there is a large array of support, they can't exert their power.

Seeing that the power of the formation is constantly being consumed, that large array will soon be broken.

At this time, in the **** burial site, the elders received the message.

"The Heifeng Niuwang is coming!" After receiving the message, several elders looked heavy.

"What to do?" All of them suddenly looked astonished.

"Go, answer the enemy." The elder's eyes flashed, and he glanced after glancing at the burial pond in front of him.

"Well." The other three elders nodded slightly.

The four elders left immediately.

At this time, in the depths of the burial pond, Xiao Yun's tannery flashed and made a dragon-like voice.

There is an air of dragons on Ziyanding.

A strong soul breath permeated.

That breath made me feel refreshed.

"Oh, now, this should be a panacea!" His face was fiery.

"Go on one side." Seeing the swallowing leap jumping out, Xiao Yun rolled his eyes.

He gave and prepared this pot of elixir.

The two paid too much at first and almost ruined the foundation.

For his partner, Xiao Yun never hesitated.

The Dinggai opened, and a strong soul breath filled.

Among them are three pigeon-sized elixir.

On this elixir there is a streak.

This pattern flows like an air dragon, emitting an amazing wave.

"Dan Chengwen, this is a miracle." Looking at these three elixir, Xiao Yun's mouth also appeared a little smile.

Looking at the miracles, Xiao Yun was moved to communicate with the long-lived turtle and phantom in the sea.

"Has elixir?" Suddenly, the eyes of the Phantom Worm who had been quietly breathing underneath.

"So strong soul spirit!" Changsheng turtle's eyelids were tilted, and there was a fiery light flashing in it.

"Slightly." Xiao Yun swept the palms of his hands, and the two elixirs did not enter the sea of ​​knowledge.

"This is a good thing!" The elixir didn't enter the sea, and the long-lived turtle swallowed it even when it opened its mouth.

The Phantom was also polite.

"In the future, I will look for better medicinal materials to make Dan, which will definitely restore you to the peak." Xiao Yun said.

Xiao Yun treats people willing to follow him.

"Um." The long-lived turtle and phantom nodded, and then began to refine the soul spirit.

At the same time, Xiao Yun continued to open the furnace.

"Refining a furnace!" Xiao Yun continued.

In this burial pond, he obtained many spiritual extracts.

Although the rest is not as strong as the beaver-like spirit, there is a strong soulful atmosphere.

But also extraordinary.

After all, that's the spirit of the king's soul!

This time, because the grade of the medicinal materials is slightly lower, the refining is extremely easy.

It was only half an hour that a pot of elixir was refined by Xiao Yun.

The elixir is made, the aroma is swaying, and the dragon is circling. Although it is not as good as the three just now, it is also extremely rare.

Not only that, this medicine has added dewdrops condensed by the soul of life martial arts, which doubles the efficacy of the medicine.

Today, Xiao Yun's life Wuhun has more mysteries than before, making this dewdrop a little more aura.

There are eight pills in this furnace.

"Give me, give me!" The elixir was refined, and the swallowing larks immediately shouted.

"Slightly." Xiao Yun took out two elixir and swallowed Sky Finch.

In addition, he took out four to Yi Yi.

"Why do I have two?" Swallowing Sky Finch looked depressed ~ ~ Just now Yiyi won the **** spirit extract, and naturally got two. Xiao Yun laughed.

"Yeah!" Yi Yan said, Yi Yi's eyes froze slightly, revealing his face crimson, and that small head of melon seeds kept rubbing Xiao Yun's neck.

"With this miracle, I should be able to make my soul reach the infant market in one fell swoop." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he took out the miracle, because this is an elixir made by **** spirit. With a few points of the rhyme of the emperor.

This elixir is also a rare existence in the elixir.


When the elixir came into his mouth, Xiao Yun felt the power of a hegemonic rush to Lingtai.

The vast soul breath poured into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Swallow the sky!

When this soulful breath didn't enter the consciousness of the sea, Xiao Yun's soul moved, and began to swallow the sky to absorb this soul.

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