Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1053: Baby Market Upright

The vast spirits poured into the sea of ​​knowledge.

There is also a trace of rhyme in this soul power.

This rhyme comes from the remnant of the emperor. Although the emperor's rhyme is very thin, after all, it is the emperor's realization. For the lower-level practitioners, it has great benefits. Xiao Yun began to absorb this soul breath. And constantly comprehending the Tao Yun.

Only when we realize it can we let our souls reach the state of infant market.

"Soul baby market is the same as itself?" Xiao Yun began to groan.

He seems to have realized in the meaning of the Austrian "pig" pig "island" novel "www`huzud" in Daoyun in Na Lingdan.

Spiritual consciousness was born in Yuanying.

This is the kind of soul that should be the same as the soul cultivated by the God of Extermination.

In this case, there should be a close connection between the two when entering the infant market.

At the same time, the swallowing queen and Yi Yi also started to cultivate with the elixir quite happily.

Today they are also stuck in a bottleneck.

But Xiao Yun's soul power is constantly improving.

Not only the soul, Yuan Ying also absorbed this soul force, and brought it to a satisfactory state.

It can be said that Xiao Yun is now almost awakened.

If you realize, you will set foot in the infant market instantly.


When Xiao Yun slowly realized, the outside world had already undergone tremendous changes.

Heifeng Niuwang, after half a day's attack, the large island protection array of Beaver Island was finally broken.

Even if dozens of elders preside over the big group, it will not help.

"Huh, today the King wants to wash your **** island in blood!" Heifeng Niuwang looked cold, and he walked towards Beaver Island with a **** clock. From a distance, it looked like a Shura to people A horrible feeling.

The elders of the Beaver tribe gathered together and were ready to join forces.

The large array opened and turned into a huge beaver.

This **** is so powerful, that power is enough to be comparable to the power of the supernatural powers.


The **** shot in the air, blooming in red, the huge body resisted the Black Wind Cow King.

"Matrix?" Looking at the huge **** that evolved, the Heifeng Niuwang sneered, "How long can a matrix be able to resist my king?"

When the cold humming fell, his big bell flashed, and he suppressed down towards the beaver.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the **** slammed on the giant bell, making a rumbling sound.

This hit actually resisted the Heifeng Niuwang.

"Horn of the cracked sky!" Heifeng Niuwang held down the giant bell to suppress, and at the same time, he urged the supernatural power this time.

When the forehead flashed, it turned into a hundred feet, like a sharp spear pierced through the void, and hit the large array directly.

The blow was a bit more powerful than the black bell.

Under this blow, the void collapsed, and the mountains behind it began to collapse.

"Give me!" Just as the giant horns were killed with Supreme King Wei, the **** tribe sacrifice an animal skin, this animal skin unfolded, with endless light blooming, The light pattern turned into a giant net and blocked one side of the world.

A rush of emperor's power followed.

This is an imperial weapon.

The big horn was immediately stopped by the light pattern.

Not only that, the animal skin rolled up and began to gather, and actually bound the big horns.

"An imperial weapon?" Seeing this, Heifeng Niu Wang Mulu was surprised.

Immediately there was a smirk in his mouth.

"If you are a supernatural power or you are allowed to compete with this king, but you are only quasi-supernatural, you can not exert the power of this emperor. This emperor is also a waste for you. Why not give it to the king!" Heifeng Niuwang gave a cold hum.

Then with a big hand, he extended the endless meter and grabbed the animal skin directly.

"!" The **** tribe's eyes lightened, and at the same time he sacrificed another ancestor.

This is a stalk knife.

The bone knife flashed, it seemed that it could cut the world, and cut directly on the big hand of the black wind cow demon.


The bone knife was cut off, but it made a metal sound.

The arm of the black wind cow demon is like metal, reaching a very strong point.

But Rao is so, the knife still left a mark on his arm, and there was a blood spill in it.

At the same time, the body of the Heifeng Niu Wang also shook slightly, and was shaken back.

"A top imperial soldier?" Heifeng Niu Wang Muguang condensed, "It seems that your beavers still have a bit of background!"

"But how do you fight against your own king without a king?"

Heifeng Niuwang looked cold.

Then he pulled with both hands, the blood in his body bloomed, there was overflow of essence blood, and it turned into a blood drop directly.

The blood drop flickered into the **** bell.

When the blood drops fell into the bell, the black bell immediately filled with a horrible atmosphere.

That kind of fluctuation is as if it came from the wild and wild, which makes people feel trembling.

"My King can suppress you with the help of this King!" Heifeng Niuwang holds the big clock, and when he moves, he smashes forward.


With his big hand, the big bell shattered the mountains, and the terror swept across.

Ahead, the **** elders felt a great deal of pressure.

Many people were taken off directly and blood was spit out in their mouths.

The patriarch urged various hole cards to resist the bell.


The bone knife was cut, but it just made the big bell urn emit a Umang, a clear sound.

Then Heifeng Niuwang swept and directly hit the bone knife.

The animal skin rolled up, and before it touched the bell, it was shocked by a black awn.

At this time, the Black Wind Cow King really has the potential.

The horror of the power of supernatural powers surpasses the quasi-supernatural powers.

The gap between the two is insurmountable.

Even if the **** patriarch had a royal soldier.

You know, if the strength is not enough, even if there is an emperor, it will not be able to exert its power!

"A group of ants also dare to fight against the King!" The Black Wind Cow King stepped forward, his feet stepped, the emptiness was trembling, the ground below was cracking, and the **** monk vomited blood one by one, and was shaken by the fly. Mi, even someone was hit directly.

Patriarch of the **** tribe.

"Take the blood of the origin!" The old patriarch urged the essence of the origin and merged into the ancestral vessel. The animal skin's light pattern suddenly bloomed, as if a veil of sky was standing in front of it. The Black Wind Cow King resisted.

The quasi-supernatural powers do their best to shoot, and that combat power cannot be underestimated.

"I'll see how long you can hold on!" Heifeng Niu Wang smiled.

As a king, its blood is so powerful that it can be consumed with these low-level practitioners.

"Fight it!" At the same time, the elders of the other half-step kings of the Beaver tribe also urged the essence blood.

Some people shot, and evolved a huge **** beast, headed for the Black Wind Cow King.

"Crack me!" However, the flash of the unicorn's eye of the Black Wind Cow King shattered the huge **** in one fell swoop.

Then the beaver's elder vomited blood and was blown away by a terror.


The old man hit a mountain peak, and that mountain peak collapsed.

The entire Beaver Island was heartbroken at this time, and many began to leave.

The **** tribe burial ground was also shaking, many forbidden patterns were touched, and those coffins trembled, with a strong soul permeating.

There is a hint of imperial power in that spirit.

Beside Xiao Yun, there was a trace of residual soul overflowing from the coffin.

The residual soul flashed towards Xiao Yun.

A cloud of psychedelic force swept out and shrouded Xiao Yun.

At this time Xiao Yun was practicing, he was enlightening.

Without this defense, his mind was gradually affected.

An illusion evolved, which brought him to a strange world.

It's chaotic here, and you can't see the end.

"The soul comes from chaos and nothingness. Angelica falls into chaos, and Fang is the right way!" There was a sound in Xiao Yun's ear.

This sound is like the sound of a avenue, and one can't help falling into it after hearing it.

Then he saw a cyclone ahead.

The cyclone stirred like chaos.

"Return to chaos?" Xiao Yun's eyes were dim.

At that moment, the cyclone was approaching his mind slowly and unknowingly.

"Return to chaos?" But Xiao Yun still groaned secretly.

He seemed to realize.

"When heaven and earth are not open, it is chaos, and then there is the origin of yin and yang breeding. All things have begun to evolve. So is man. Humans are originally part of heaven and earth. Rong? "

Xiao Yun felt more and more clear.

At this moment, he seemed to have caught something.

"That's right," said Xiao Yun secretly, his soul bright.

It was at this moment that he was in a state of excitement.

All the chaos in front disappeared, and a huge beaver's evil charm opened his mouth and swallowed him.

"My soul was actually being pulled out." Xiao Yun's eyes were frozen, only to find that his mind had been unknowingly pulled out of the sea, and the evil spirits appeared in front of him. I am. "At this point he realized.


The evil charm is so incomparable that the eyes glow with blue light.

Then he swallowed directly towards Xiao Yun.

"Zhang the stars!" Xiao Yun's soul moved, and even when he shot forward.

An abundance of Tao Yun suddenly condensed.

All he saw was that his soul's small hand was moving away from the evil charm ahead.

This blow carried a divine mystery.

Just a blow, the light in front flickered, and the void was torn.

The evil charm was caught off guard immediately.


After being struck, the evil light flickered and turned into a lingering soul.

Just after an instant, it condenses again.


When reunited again, this evil charm has the strength comparable to the king ~ ~ This evil charm is a little stronger. "When this evil charm appeared, Xiao Yun's soul felt a little pressure.

It was just this evil charm that was just defeated by him.

But now with some precautions, it is obviously impossible to defeat it with the soul of the quasi-baby market.


That evil charm is shining towards Xiao Yun.

"Please come in!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's mind moved, his soul retreated into the sea of ​​knowledge.


The evil charm flashed, and immediately went into Xiao Yun's knowledge.

Although it is only an evil charm, it also has a hint of consciousness, knowing that if it swallows the human soul, it may be allowed to occupy this body.

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