Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1056: Impact baby market

"Check, the murderer must be kicked out, even if Heifeng is expelled from my one-horned black bull family, but he is still my elder brother's son, and I want them to be buried with his family!" A terror of Wang Wei permeated. [Starter]

"Yes!" The big man next to him nodded, and then stepped back.


Beaver Island.

Xiao Yun was still feeling in that valley.

At this point he had been enlightened here for ten days.

"Infant market is the integration of Yuanying and the physical body into the heavens and the earth, but to integrate Yuanying into the world, it must first become a market.

Xiao Yun's mind moved slightly. At this time, he had touched the threshold of the infant market, but he just sent the last one.

"If you want to be detached, you naturally have the fearless courage." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

Then he knew the sea, Yuan Ying, his soul flashed.


With a muffled noise, the Yuan Ying turned into countless fragments.

That soul also collapsed and turned into countless strands of souls.

At that moment, Xiao Yun seemed to be sinking into endless darkness.

This is a threshold that the baby market has to pass.

If you want to break through, you have to break through.

However, if ordinary practitioners shatter Yuan Ying, it is undoubtedly self-destructive.

Even at this time, Xiao Yun felt a great pain after the collapse of Yuan Ying.

It's like splitting yourself up and cutting it into countless pieces.

"Integrate into the heavens and the earth!" Xiao Yun adhered to his original heart, and his distraction remained, and his consciousness was comprehending the heavens and the earth.

At that moment, Xiao Yun's mind seemed to be integrated into a vast world.

You can't see the sky and the ground there, only a vast expanse.

It was just an incomparable feeling pouring into my heart.

He belongs to this world like himself.

Now this world is his source.

An inexplicable Tao Yun poured into my heart, a feeling of control over the power of heaven and earth poured into my heart.

"Is this the mystery of the baby market?" When that feeling poured into his mind, Xiao Yun realized something.

It's a process.

A process of truly immersing yourself in the heavens and earth and comprehending the heaven and earth avenue.

Only by turning yourself into a part of the world can you realize something.

"The mind is condensed!" When that feeling poured into his heart, Xiao Yun's mind moved, and those scattered minds began to condense a little bit. The original seemingly broken elementary baby and soul were re-formed at this moment. All this seemed to Xiao Yun It seemed so long, and it was like in an instant.


Within the sea of ​​knowledge, his Yuan Ying reunited with his soul.

And at this moment, a heaven and earth rhyme began to condense within his elementary infant and soul.

That kind of rhyme makes his temperament change suddenly.

Although cross-legged, Xiao Yun seemed to be integrated into the world.

"He's about to break through!" At this moment on the top of a mountain next to him, some of the beavers' elder eyes moved slightly.

Manju is staring at the youth below.

After learning that his family had ambushed Xiao Yun, Manju always felt guilty.

But Xiao Yun had been retreating, and she didn't bother.

"Baby market is about personal perception. If you realize it, you can take that step. Now I have realized that not only the soul, Yuanying, but also Wuhun can step into the market." After Xiao Ying reunited, Xiao Yun's mind was settled.

At this moment he felt his change.

After the soul was transformed, his martial spirit also followed.

Previously, he broke the Yuan Ying and the soul naturally, not the real shatter.

His mind remained vigilant at all times to reunite his soul.

"As long as he passes the calamity, he can step into the infant market." Xiao Yun's mind moved slightly, and now he can pull the calamity at any time, but just when his mind was filled and he was going to prepare for the calamity, His pupils shrank suddenly.

call out!

In the distance, the shadows flickered, and black shadows came towards this.

"These people?" After seeing these people, Xiao Yun's frown could not help.

This is a group of tall men in black clothes.

At this moment they were walking towards Beaver Island.

The crowd stayed in the void, and a powerful spirit glanced away at Beaver Island.

"Here it is." Headed by a big man wearing black armor, he is eight feet tall, has a single horn on his forehead, and his nostrils are large. At this time, a thick black air is spewed out, and the powerful momentum follows It diffused from him.

The fluctuations surprised the beavers.

"This is Wang Wei!" The elders being treated in Beaver Island were horrified.

Suddenly, everyone released their spiritual knowledge.

After seeing the monk who suddenly appeared in front of the island, the beavers were completely panicked.

"This is the one-horned black cow!" The elders' eyes were sinking.

"Is it for the Black Wind Cow King?" The elders panicked.

"Well," the **** clan sighed deeply, "this is the distress of my tribe!"

I thought I could survive this disaster after beheading the Black Wind Cow King.

Someone who didn't want the one-horned black cow to find this place.

"Here is the smell of the black wind here!"

He then removed a bonescope.

"Using the essence and blood of my tribe, deduction!" Suddenly, it dripped a drop of essence and began deduction.


After the essence blood was injected into the bone mirror, the light pattern flickered, and a picture immediately appeared in front.

That's the picture of the Black Wind Cow King.

It's just that the picture is blurry, not too clear.

Because the soul without black wind is cited, otherwise it can be clearly restored.

But this is enough.

Because here is the picture of the Black Wind Cow King being beheaded.

"Heavenly wind really slumped here." The head of the Han Hanguang condensed.

Then he turned his gaze and a strong spirit locked the entire island.

"It's that young man!" Xiao Yun appeared in the sight of this person.

"Go!" After Xiao Yun was locked, the big man walked towards Xiao Yun as soon as he moved.

Behind him, twelve men in black immediately followed.

"This is a one-horned black bull!" When these people came in, the sound of a swallowing skylark sounded.

"It seems this is the family of the King of the Black Wind Cow." Xiao Yun frowned, and then he slowly got up.

"That's the king!" Man Tan and others on the top of the mountain frowned suddenly.

"Sister, are they here to get revenge?" Snow Beaver's eyes flickered, and there was panic in it.

"Um." Manju nodded. At this moment she looked cold and grim, but her heart was more helpless.

Now she is not strong enough, she is unable to resist these enemies.

At this time Xiao Yun stood up, his eyes were like blades, and he followed the person who walked by the one-horned black cow.

"Did you cut off the black wind?" The headed man stared at Xiao Yun coldly, saying word by word.

"Exactly." Xiao Yun walked away, carrying his hands on his back, facing the king with no trace of fear.

Now that the trouble is coming, he can only deal with it positively.

"Heifeng is the person of the one-horned black cow. If you cut it, you commit the one-horned black cow. Today, the king will take your life on behalf of my family." When he moved, he grabbed Xiao Yun, and the mighty Wang Wei rolled forward like a hurricane.

"Divine power!" Seeing this person's shot, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a faint smile.

Then he flickered and appeared in a distant void.

"Empty air?" The cow king's eyes were surprised, and then Qi Qi locked Xiao Yun again.

"It seems that you do have some means!" Just now it saw the scene of Xiao Yun's original shot with his bones.

This shot is also a temptation.

"My lord wants to see what you are capable of!" The words of a powerful momentum burst out from him, and then his body was raised in place, and turned into a tall ox-headed demon, one hundred twenty feet tall It has a strong black demon swaying around it.

Those monsters are like dragons, each of which can crush the mountains and possess amazing power.

"This demon is stronger than Heifeng!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

"It should have reached more than two levels of magical power."

Divine realms are equally ninefold.

For each small realm, there will be a huge gap in combat power.

In the early days of the king, one, two, three, small, four, five, six, and seven or nine were counted as the big one.

"Inducing Heaven!" After sensing the strength of the other party, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed.

Then, there was a stir immediately above him.


The robbery clouds condensed, and the vast sky covered the entire Beaver Island.

This kind of Tianwei even changed the color of the king.

"Is this kid about to cross over?" The one-cornered Niu Wang blinked.

The cow demon behind him were surprised.

"Heaven, fall!" Just when everyone was surprised, Xiao Yun looked up, and in his knowledge of the sea, the babies came out, the soul, the war martial spirit, the life martial spirit, and the ice fire martial spirit all emerged one by one, ready Set foot in the infant market and merge into Tiandi Avenue.

Baptize each Wuhun with the power of the avenue.

Only then can we set foot in the realm of baby market.

Cloud robbing condenses, and the evolution of vision can be seen faintly in the clouds.

This robbery was too strong, almost comparable to Wang Wei.

In the void, a flash of thunder and a boulevard pattern bloomed, and the horrible Tianwei shivered the beavers ’creatures, and then the flash of thunder was splitting towards Xiao Yun below, and at this time, Xiao Yun But it was a step forward and went forward.


When Xiao Yun's pace moved, Jiu Yun's move covered the person with a unicorn and black cow.

"Not good!" When Xiao Yun's pace moved, the one-horned black cow's veins felt that they were wrapped by a force of sky robbery. Under this sense of robbery, they just found that the situation was agitated above their heads. , With a strong condensed cloud.

"Want to deal with the king with the power of the scourge?" The one-cornered ox hummed, but he was still fearless in the face of the scourge.

"My king can destroy you with a single blow, even if you endure the calamity?"

After a cold hum, the unicorn king shot, and a Tian Ge appeared in that hand, and it was directly cut to Xiao Yun.


That day, Ge cut the void ~ ~ Take Xiao Yun straight ahead.

By this time, Tianjie above the sky had fallen.

The zigzag pattern flickered, and a Tiangong suppressed it.

The palace might crush everything that day, and it contained infinite power.

Not only that, there was a loud noise in the void, with a twinkling pattern and a giant appearing.

This giant is thousands of meters high, with horrific warfare in his body. He flipped his hands and shot at Xiao Yun fiercely.

This blow collapsed the void.

The one-cornered ox king was cut out that day, and was shattered by this powerful scourge.

"Is the attack of this day comparable to the attack of the King?" Seeing this, the distant practitioners were all surprised.


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