Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1057: Gai Shijie!

Sky robbery fell, covering this side of the void.

There was a blaze of flames like a yin and yang falling down.

There are also pupils who have always seemed to transform the world.

There was a green tree flashing with thunder.

Just momentarily, powerful attacks were suppressed one by one.

Each one was amazing, and the power reached an appalling level.

The one-cornered ox king was slashed in a single blow, but he was stiffly resisted.

The cracks in the original cracking sky were faint, so the power was weakened.

Then Gomao broke down completely.

Such a scene surprised many distant practitioners.

The prestige of this day is like a blow from the king!

"What kind of disaster is this kid crossing?" Those babies in the bull market who were single-cornered black bulls were all surprised.

Is it such a disaster?

But he just walked away, the young man obviously didn't reach this point!


At this moment, Jieyun squirmed, and Tian Jie hacked at the practitioner of the one-horned black cow.

The robberies that day were so powerful that they surpassed their previous robberies.

"Abominable!" The calamity fell that day, and the twelve strong men in the infant market quickly resisted the calamity.

At this time Xiao Yun was bathing in the sky.

The prestige of the calamity on this day is very strong, far exceeding the calamity that has been crossed before.

Because this is a baby marketplace, there is the power of the avenue in Tianjie.

That power is of course comparable.

In addition, Xiao Yun's talents are different, and he also blends the yin and yang, and the temptations brought by him are few in ancient times.

Tian Jie fell, and the Dao Yun was merged by Xiao Yun.

After this fusion of Tao and Yun, his momentum continues to rise.


There was a loud noise in the void, and the sky disaster continued to fall.

The kings of the one-horned black bull are all shrouded in heaven.


The mighty Tianjie fell and shattered him.

"This boy is so evil!" The Black Horned Cow King grinned, and his eyes were fierce.

"No, the kid must be beheaded." After resisting a catastrophe, the black-horned ox king looked cold and immediately took out a restraint. This was a horn with black lines flashing on it. After the shot, the horns flashed through the void.

call out!

This horn of horns flashed, and a vast bloom of Wang Wei directly annihilated the horrifying force of heaven.

Then Heijiao flickered and went towards Xiao Yun himself.

The emptiness where the black horns passed was shattering, and the terrible momentum made countless people scared.

"This is a treasure!" Seeing this, the elders of the Beaver tribe were horrified.

"Can this Xiao Yun resist it?" That Manju and others put their hearts in their throats.

For ordinary people, coping with the calamity is already very difficult.

Some people even scorn because they cannot cope with the calamity.

How could anyone be distracted if there were still people attacking?

So at this time, the beavers felt that their hearts were about to jump out.

At this time, Xiao Yun was indeed comprehending the mystery of the disaster.

"The infant marketplace is where people and heaven and earth meet, and one thought melts into heaven and earth. In this case, can this disaster become a part of me?" Xiao Yun's eyes revealed the light of wisdom. The momentum of heaven and earth was permeating.

Xiao Yun's heart moved when the big horns trembled.

"Heaven, for my use!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's mind moved.

With his mind moving, the repressed Tianjie trembled, and then seemed to have aura, suppressing towards the giant horn, the vastness of Tianjie seemed to feel the attack of the one-cornered ox king, in the void. Tianwei made Tianjie more powerful.


Then, a heavenly palace above the sky suppressed.

There seems to be dragons and phoenixes flying in the heavenly palace.

This is a disaster brought by Xiao Yun's Yin and Yang qi, leading to the prestige of this day.

The Tiangong cracked down, shaking the giant horn, the light pattern began to dim, and the momentum dropped sharply.

At the same time, a giant shot and split it with one palm.

"Zhang the stars!" When the giant shot, Xiao Yun moved his heart and tried to merge with it. The martial arts with the divine mystery was actually cast out by the giant. The horn flies, the giant palm falls, and the void is torn.


The waves of terror spread, and that divine breath seemed to wipe out everything.

This breath even shocked the horned king.

"What kind of fluctuation is this?" The one-cornered ox king stepped back quickly.


At this moment, the giant hand fell down, the palm print flickered, and like a sharp blade, the ground was directly cut out into a gully with a depth of 1,000 kilometers. The nearby mountains were cracked. It's amazing.

The power of this blow scared the monster repairers across Beaver Island.

"This kid drove the power of the calamity?" At this time, the infant market cultivator of the one-horned black cow was surprised.

His own king shot, but was repelled?

"Sure enough." After repulsing the one-cornered ox king, Xiao Yun knew something at this moment.

Previously, he was just a conjecture, allowing himself to fully integrate with the heaven and earth avenue, and with Tianjie.

I never thought it would be true.

"Is this the mystery of heaven and earth?" Xiao Yun felt in her heart.

This is the real understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth.

The movement of mind and the fusion of heaven and earth.

Even Tianjie is used by me.

It's just that in this world, there are several people who dare to fuse Tianjie for their own use like Xiao Yun.

After accomplishing something, Xiao Yun continued to try to merge with Tianjie.


At this moment, another horror fell.

The prestige was very strong, and it was more terrifying than the previous one, and the prestige was enough to destroy people's hearts.

Who dares to let the mind merge with it under this kind of prestige?

But Xiao Yun was not afraid at this time. He seemed to be indistinguishable from heaven and earth, as if he was part of heaven and earth, and that day was also a part of heaven and earth. So he went to merge with heaven, so Tianwei was really too strong , That momentum is enough to destroy human soul.

Not even Xiao Yun.

But he was really fearless, and even though his soul and mind seemed to be annihilated, he was still going forward, and he was going to merge with the calamity.


Finally, his mind shivered and was drowned by Tianjie, but just as it was about to fall apart, a sorrow filled his mind began to merge with Tianjie, and he seemed to become part of Tianjie, and Tianjie seemed to become Took part of him.

"Lead the heaven and earth!" This time, Xiao Yun was even more handy in controlling the power of this disaster.

As soon as his mind moved, the robbery in the void squirmed, and the power of heaven and earth continued to bless.

Under this blessing, the calamity became stronger that day.

A celestial palace emerged, and the zigzag pattern creeped into a rooftop, carrying a celestial palace on it.

There is mist on the sky, permeating the avenue.

"Suppression!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, and this heavenly palace was suppressing towards the one-cornered cow king ahead.

This blow is extremely powerful, and I don't know how many times it is more horrible than the previous disaster.

"This guy is actually pulling the power of the calamity?" The unicorn king was shocked.

How terrible is Tianwei?

Even the king was shocked.

It quickly shot, the big hand pulled, and a black cyclone swept forward.

At the same time, its unicorn light pattern flickered, and the palace was to be penetrated that day.

But Tiangong suppressed it, and the light flashed in the void.

This is a huge seal of ice and fire, suppressing towards the one-cornered ox king.

When the giant seal of ice and fire was suppressed, a giant shot and urged divinity martial arts.

"This ..." Faced with such a powerful attack, the Unicorn King was directly attacked by Zhen Fei, and even though he was extraordinary, he was still incapable of defeating Tianwei. However, after he was Zhenfei, the attack on that day was not weakened. Yun Xinshen took advantage of the situation to kill.


The one-cornered ox king was constantly hit and flew blood in his mouth.

Seeing this, the twelve strong infants in the one-corner vein were completely dumbfounded.

"Is this guy crossing the robbery?"

"This is obviously a **** who can control Tianjie. He is using the force of Tianjie to suppress mortals!"

The demons felt trembling.

Unconsciously, I want to leave this place.

However, they were hauled by Tianjie before, and they were still resisting Tianjie at this time and could not escape at all.

"Is Xiao Yun a **** reincarnation?" Even the beavers felt incredible.

Others are trying to cope with the calamity.

But this young man turned heaven into his own use.

Such a scene is unheard of, and rare in ancient times.

"What a great man!" The patriarch of the Beaver tribe sighed slightly, full of awe when he turned towards Xiao Yun.

Such characters are rare in ancient times. Once they grow up, they can become the master of one party.

"Turning genocide into his own use, such a talent, it can be called anti-sky. I did not expect that he would be such a brilliant and talented genius." Manju looked away, watching the young man walking in the air, pulling tiancai Respect when killing the king.

Such a genius is truly rare.

Before she rescued Xiao Yun, she did not take this young man to heart.

When Xiao Yun killed Noire, she also believed that this young man could succeed with a strong hole card.

However, at this moment, this young man not only has a strong hole card, but also has his own talent.

"How can there be such characters in this world?" At this moment, the unicorn bull king kept backing, and fear began to appear in his eyes and pupils. The calamity was too strong that day, and every hit contained the mystery of heaven and earth. The giant simply He smashed in one style, but carrying a trace of divine power.

So powerful ~ ~ It is not that he can resist.

Xiao Yun was completely immersed in it.

Leading Tianjie for his own use has made him more aware of the mysteries of heaven and earth.

"God's eyes, psychedelic!" Zhuangwen squirmed in the void, and after a sky fall, it turned into an eye pupil. When this eye pupil evolved, Xiao Yun's mind immediately merged with it. At last, his mind moved, phantom The power of the pupil was permeated.

This is the scourge of the Phantom Eye.

Now that Xiao Yun's mind is moving, she continues to pull the potential of the heavens and the earth, making this eye-catcher more powerful.

The movement of the god's eyes, instead of aiming at Xiao Yun, bloomed a divine pattern toward the one-cornered ox king.

The divine pattern flickered, the void shook, as if the heavens and the earth were rotating, Qiankun was upside down, and a magical force capsized down into the unicorn bull's mind. Suddenly, his mind shook and began to be affected by the magical force. The mind was at a loss immediately.

It felt like it was in a vast world. ()

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