Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1058: King of Heaven and Might

Ice Fire Spirit Pattern, Seal!

At this moment, when Tianjie was moved, Tianjie of the Binghuo Wuhun fell and was dragged by Xiao Yun into a spirit pattern bound to the black horned king. This spirit pattern is like the poles of yin and yang. The void was frozen.

At the same time the power of fire seemed to burn everything.

At this time, the unicorn bull king's heart was stunned by the eyes of the phantom and could not resist at all.


The ice and fire spirit pattern swept over and gradually frozen the true element in the one-cornered ox king.

At the same time, the flames were burning and began to be incinerated.

"Ah!" When the flame began to incinerate it, the Unicorn King felt his situation at this moment. The mind immediately withdrew from the illusion. The demon in his body was stirred, but it was not as good as before. Ice and Fire Pattern.

This is not the pattern of ice and fire in the infant market.

This contains the lines of the road, the potential of heaven and earth.

Even if the king is caught off guard, he will hate.

It is also that the one-cornered bull king is slightly stronger. If the ordinary king is at this time afraid that he has been completely frozen.

It was just when it was about to shoot that there was another attack falling in the void.

This is a heavenly palace, directly suppressed.


The Tiangong falls, causing the unicorn king to vomit blood.

This time it hurt more.

A tree of life Wuhun appears after the Tiangong strike.

The shadow of the tree shone, with branches and arrows coming through.

The attack was inescapable.

Then Zhan Wuhun evolved a giant hand to split.

This blow split the one-corner king again.

Even if the Unicorn King is a supernatural power, there is no power to fight back under this attack.

Such a scene completely looked at the **** people.

This is playing King Abuse!

"It's ..." The monsters with a single horn are all showing fear.

At this point they were already trembling.

Phantom eyes, psychedelic!

Phantom eyes appeared here, a powerful force of illusion fell down, and the unicorn bull king was taken.

Then, Xiao Yun's mind moved again.

"Dementor!" This is Tian Youtong's ability.

When the power of dementor was shot, the unicorn king's Yuan Ying was shot.

"Extinction!" When the Yuanying appeared, the pattern of ice and fire swept away.

This time its soul was gradually frozen.


A scream came out.

It was a pity that Yuan Ying was injured, and the momentum of this cow king drastically decreased.

Today it has lost its previous combat power.

Even it is not as good as the strong one in the infant market.


At this moment, Xiao Yun urged Wu Yin.

Wu Yin flashed, the power of the field fell down, constraining one party's space.

Under the power of this field, the ox king couldn't resist at all.

Then it was incinerated a little bit.

After all, a king is ridiculed here.

"King Gong!" All the strong singles in the baby market are lamenting.

"It's your turn now." Xiao Yun sneered at the corner of his mouth, then shot at another twelve.

These people are just infants, and have been injured under the calamity.

Today, Xiao Yun's force in pulling the heavens makes the heavens and earth in the heavens stronger.

The attack also carried supernatural martial arts.

How could those twelve people resist under this attack?

Just for a moment, the twelve bull monsters scolded one after another.

A great battle came to an end.

Xiao Yun continued to bathe in the thunder sea, feeling the mystery of the world.

This battle benefited him so much that he knew a little bit about Tiandi Avenue.

At this time, the beavers could not use words to describe the shock at this time.

A king came to kill with supreme power. The young man did not use any hole cards, and he killed them with the help of the sky.

How bad is this?

How earth-shattering this is!

I'm afraid that few people have this feat in this world, right?

After a long time, Tianwei began to weaken.

Xiao Yun also felt a lot about Tiandi Avenue.

In the void, the life Wuhun, Zhanwu soul, Phantom Eye, and Binghuo Wuhun all have a little more inexplicable rhyme.

Then Xiao Yun's mind moved these Wuhun into the sea.

"Baby market realm!" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly when various martial spirits did not enter the sea.

Then his heart moved, and the vast vitality between heaven and earth came toward him like a galaxy.

Not only that, but also the potential of heaven and earth.

The general trend was put on his body, making his momentum constantly rising.

That kind of momentum even moved the **** elders.

"Is this the momentum you can have when you first step into the baby market?"

"How do I feel that this momentum is comparable to the practitioners of the Five Cities in the Baby Fair?"

"It's more than fivefold. There is even a strong Wang Wei on him. That kind of momentum is frightening!" The beaver's monk looked ahead, his eyes filled with awe when he fell on the young man. It was the first time I saw it.

"That Wang Wei comes from the bone marrow, from the blood, this is the King of Heaven and Earth, only for the kind of world-class heroes!" The **** clan whispered with a beard in his hand, "Once such a character grows up, it is destined to be Earthquake. "

The vast vitality was sucked into the body, and Xiao Yun's momentum slowly restrained.

Today, he can feel that he can pull the world from his hands to his feet.

That feeling made him extremely useful.

"Today's footsteps at the infant market have touched the threshold of Tiandi Avenue." Xiao Yun smiled with a smile.

Then he gave a slight glance at the corpses of the bull monsters.

He was quite emotional about this change.

Without these people coming, even if he set foot in the infant market, he would not be able to reach such a state.

It ’s a real awakening of the mystery of the avenue.

What he realized before was just a little fur.

Without this war, it would be difficult for him to continue enlightenment.

Xiao Yun then flicked his hands and took out the bones and treasures of these people.

Finally he burned it into nothingness.

"This Cow King has some spirits." After some exploration, Xiao Yun nodded quite satisfied.

"We have to get out of here quickly." At this time, Tengque said, "Although this one-horned black bull is not a big tribe, there are also strong ones sitting in the town. Now you have cut them again and I am afraid they will continue to send People come to hunt. "

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded.

Now that his strength has improved, it is not enough to compete with a large clan.

If there are several great kings from the other side, then it will be troublesome.

After all, Phantoms and Longevity Turtles haven't recovered yet!

"Make some elixir first." Xiao Yun was going to make some elixir for these two kings.

Not much to say, Xiao Yun went directly into a cave.

Seeing this, the **** elders originally wanted to communicate with Xiao Yun, but they stopped the pace.

Now that this young man has shown such a powerful talent, they dare not offend.

Xiao Yun only appeared three days later.

At this point, the three evil charms have been refined into elixir.

The phantom and longevity turtles have improved their breath after taking the pill, but they have not yet stabilized to the king level.

"Gong Xiao." After Xiao Yun's exit, several elders and patriarchs of the Beaver clan have been waiting for a long time.

"What's your opinion?" Xiao Yun said lightly when everyone gathered.

"Oh, Xiao Gongzi resolved the difficulties for my family several times, and my family is grateful. For this, my family made a decision." The old patriarch smiled and said to Xiao Yun, after this old saying fell, The beaver's eyes flickered to the side, revealing a bit of shame.

"What decision?" Xiao Yun looked indifferent.

He didn't like much about this **** family,

"What do you think of the beaver?" Said the **** patriarch with a smile. "You are also destined. The **** is also the beloved daughter of my **** family. If you can become partners, it must be a match made in heaven." Expected smile.

"Become a partner?" Wen Yan said, but Xiao Yun frowned.

"What's wrong?" The **** elder frowned.

"Although my raccoon is not a fairy, she is also a rare and beautiful woman who has seen millions of miles. Her bloodline is approaching her ancestors and she will become a king of the world. If you can become partners, you can support each other in the future. Auntie Shan smiled.

The beautiful **** blinked, just staring at Xiao Yun.

There was a bit of coyness in her eyes, and some expectations.

People of the Yao clan worship force by nature, and geniuses like Xiao Yun have great appeal to anyone.

Even this raccoon is not out of line.

It is difficult for her to imagine if she missed this young man and would still encounter such excellent people.

"Brother Xiao Yun, do you want to be my brother-in-law?" The **** blinked her smart eyes at this time, and her face was also full of expectations. After seeing Xiao Yun's World War I, this little girl gave birth to this young man. An inexplicable admiration.

"It's just that I'm human. You're demons. Isn't this a bit good?" Seeing Beavers talking, Xiao Yun felt a big head for a while. He thought that these people were asking for him. He didn't want to be such a thing. After frowning, he had to spread his palms and said slightly awkwardly.

"What's this?" The Beaver clan smiled. "Although my Beaver clan is a demon clan, my descendants are born as human beings. Except for the blood, it is the same as the demon clan. My fellow practitioners point to the road, why care about these? "

"Hey, it seems that the beavers are going to tie you with them!" Said the swallow-tailed queen with a smile: "This raccoon has a tall body, skin like snow, and a beautiful face. I think you will accept her. ! "

"Go!" Xiao Yunlian rolled his eyes, but his frown was slightly frowned when he glanced at the beaver.

This woman has always been cold-hearted, and Xiao Yun doesn't like her too much.

Only last time, I saw that this woman was righteous by virtue of the phantom eyes. After facing the threat of the king, he was reluctant to surrender him. After Xiao Yun, he could not help feeling a little better about this woman, just to make him a partner with this woman. Obviously never considered ~ ~ how? Xiao Gong has scruples? "Seeing Xiao Yun hesitant, the **** elders frowned.

"Xiaxia does not belong to the demon realm, and will return to the homeland in the future, so I am afraid that it will be no chance to become a partner with Miss Manci."

Xiao Yun said.

"It doesn't matter," said the **** patriarch, "man raccoons can follow you."

They also have their own plans in their hearts.

The sea is vast. How easy is it for Xiao Yun to leave?

Even if the emperor is very difficult to cross the sea safely to reach that large area of ​​human race.

Furthermore, at this time they offended the one-horned black bull, and the situation was not optimistic.

If the **** can have a good home, he can revive the **** family in the future.

They want to leave hope for the tribe. ()

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