Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1060: unexpected result

Eight men in iron armor walked ahead.

All of these men are fighting with each other, all of them have fierce eyes.

The breath permeating them has a hint of unfriendlyness.

This made Xiao Yun frown slightly.

"Isn't the visitor good?" Xiao Yun felt the wrong smell from those people.

"Who are you?" At this moment, the eight men in front flashed and appeared in the void in front of Xiao Yun.

The head of a person held Zhan Ge, his eyes narrowed at Xiao Yun.

"We are just a casual repair, and now I want to go to the Sea Lion Island to the center of the sea with the aristocratic teleportation array!" Xiao Yun said.

His goal is to go to the demon realm, so this trip is relatively low-key.

"Go to my tribe?" The head of the sea lion tribe looked cold and said politely, "You quickly retreat. Our tribe has not welcomed outsiders recently. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Beware of your life. "

"Not welcome outsiders?" Xiao Yun frowned.

"The king, please be acquainted with me, this is a little careful." The next **** smiled, she took a step forward, and immediately took out a bone ring, the palm ring, the bone ring is facing there The sea lion man in front swept away.

"Oh, this little lady is quite interesting." Seeing this, the sea lion man grinned, it took the bone ring, and then probed away. After seeing the resources in it, the corner of his mouth Evoked a satisfied smile.

"But I don't know if the king can help inform it?" Manju laughed.

"Now my tribe does not accept foreigners." The sea lion man waved his hand and said, "Go back!"

"This ...?" Manci frowned. "The king, please let me down."

This person received things but did nothing, which made Manju's heart a little unhappy.

But at this time she was asking for help, and she had to put up with this tone.

"Oh, this little lady is a pretty girl. I think you might as well be my sister-in-law, so that you can settle in Sea Lion Island." The man in the leader's appearance first frowned slightly, exposing his anger, but in the sight of the tall man After his beautiful body and beautiful face, a bit of wicked smile appeared in those eyes, "I have some status in the Sea Lions."

"Presumptuous!" Seeing the people of this sea lion tribe, Xiao Yun's eyes couldn't help getting cold.

"Boy, I don't think you want to live anymore. This is the place of the sea lions. You ca n’t turn around here to shout." The leader of the man looked cold, and then he moved toward Xiao Yun. Step by step.

A powerful momentum burst out from him.

This is a monk in the infant realm.

It's a strong man in this area.

When the momentum capsized, Manju's body receded, making the deck tremble.

Only in the face of such power, Xiao Yun was unmoved.

After stepping into the baby market, his strength was many times stronger than before.

Furthermore, Xiao Yun ’s robberies are far more comparable. Even though he has only one place for the infant market, the overall combat power is far beyond ordinary people.

"Kill you, this little lady is Lao Tzu!" The captain of the sea lion tribe looked cold, his big hand protruded, a red light flickered, as if a palm of fire fell down, this is a lion's palm Although this person did not become a beast, he evolved a beast palm.

With this palm falling and covering the sky, there is an immense potential of heaven and earth.

"This kid dare to come out with such a beautiful little girl alone, really dying!"

"Hehe, killing him can not only get some resources, but also a beauty!" Seeing the captain's shot, the men of the sea lion tribe smiled. They were the king in this area. At this time, Xiao Yun came here alone and was stunned. As meat on a cutting board.


I only saw the captain of the sea lion clan, under the palm of the hand, the sea was trembling, with a raging wave.

"Look for death!" Seeing this man's shot, Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and he took a stunned step forward.

Xiao Yun stepped forward, moving the heavens and the earth as if the situation were agitating, and there was a general trend on him.

Although the realm is not as good as that of the sea lion, Xiao Yun is obviously better than this person.

Palm Splitting the Stars!

Waiting for a light drink, Xiao Yun's palm was stretched out, and it was cut off in the air.

This formula is very simple. Xiao Yun was very slow when he shot. He could even see the trajectory that the palm cut through the void.

"Such a move also comes out to be embarrassing?" The sea lion monks are sneer.

It was only when their laughter came that their faces became stiff.


The palm of his hand flashed across the void, tearing the huge lion's palm directly.


The giant palm was torn, and the sound of broken bones came. The captain of the sea lion tribe was frightened, and the scream was also heard. Only this scream sounded. The palm flickered, carrying a The irresistible momentum of the stock was cut off.

There is a divine breath in it.

When the breath fell down, the demon immediately felt a sense of weakness.


Just then, a flash of light and shadow passed by, and he was split into two petals.

The divine breath seemed to pervade everything, and even his elementary baby collapsed.

Then the palm shadow dissipated, and the aftermath of terror gradually weakened.

Xiao Yun flicked his hand, and the sea lion man was photographed in front of him.

Then its bone ring was removed.

In addition, the bone ring handed over by the **** was also recovered.


At this point, the sea lion man was thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

"You ... do you dare to kill my **** people?" Seeing this, the other beavers ’monks were all shocked and furious. The surprise was that the young people in front of them were so powerful that they were cut off in a blink of an eye. A strong man in the baby market quadruple realm.

Angry that this person dared to shoot on the territory of the Sea Lions.

This is undoubtedly provoking the majesty of their sea lions!

"Since you are killing people like robbers, why should I respect you?" Xiao Yun looked up, staring coldly at these monsters, and a sneer appeared from the corner of his mouth, saying word by word that he didn't want to cause trouble. Not only do people accept gifts but do n’t do anything, they also think of him and Manju. What is the difference between such people and robbers and bandits?

In this case, Xiao Yun is not polite.

Then he moved a step, a powerful momentum burst out from his body.

"Hurry up, let me know the leader!" Cried the demon Xiu now.

"Evacuation!" Several others also planned to evacuate.

They are only in the two realms of the infant market, knowing that their strength is not enough, so they plan to call the clan people here.

"Can you run?" Just as these people were preparing to evacuate, a cold humming sounded.

Phantom Eye!

I can only see Xiao Yun's eyes condensing, and there was a god's eye evolving in his brows.

God's eyes were wide, and a mighty divine power burst forth like a mountain torrent.

The power of the magic merged into the heavens and the earth, but the seven men of the sea lion tribe were enveloped in an instant.


Suddenly, the practitioners of these sea lions only felt the world shaking, and their minds began to get confused.

"Dead!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he shot furiously.

Only one flash of light was seen, breaking the sea lion's practitioners into the sea.

"Dementor!" At the same time, he also took a picture of Yuan Haiying, a sea lion.

This person is just a baby market, unable to resist Xiao Yun's powerful soul force.

"Soul search!" After the Yuan Ying was photographed, Xiao Yun urged the mystery of the Yinling tribe.

The mind was imprinted, forcibly invaded the opponent's Yuan Ying, and then some information about the sea lions was known by Xiao Yun.

"Is there any ancient ruins in the sea area on the Sea Lion Island?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun got an unexpected news.

"Exuding the mysterious state of Shenwei?" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xiao Yun's mouth showing a smile, Manju Mou asked.

"There are ancient ruins in the waters ahead." Xiao Yun laughed.

"Ancient ruins?" After hearing the words, Manju's eyes were surprised.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded and said, "Because of the ancient ruins, all sea lions have refused to visit at this time."

"So what do we do?" Manju asked.

"Since there are ancient ruins, we naturally went to see." Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

At this time, he urgently needed some heaven and earth spirits to improve the strength of Longevity Turtle and Phantom Worm.

Since there are ancient ruins shot, how can he miss it?

Seeing that Xiao Yun had made a decision, Manju didn't say much.

She seemed quite obedient at this time.

"According to the information left by the sea lion monks, the area where the ancient ruins appeared was north of the west of the sea lion island." Xiao Yun secretly decided to start changing the route. "There, it is close to the sea island, distance There are ten days to go here! "

After being determined, Xiao Yun tried to hurry.

Ten days passed.

The islands are scattered sporadically in the middle of the vast sea, and occasionally there are large ships shuttled in the sea.

At this time, there was a dazzling light blooming in the sea of ​​lion python.

The light was dazzling, like a flowing divine pattern, with Ruicai falling.

From a distance, it seems that there is a sky palace suspended in the air.

The fluctuations that emanated from that light, however, were frightening.

It was a kind of divine power, and the fluctuations pervaded it, and countless big monsters were afraid of it.

But at this time, the nearby monsters and monsters were all attracted.

Judging by the fluctuations, it is clear that an ancient ruin has opened.

There may be a heritage of God in it.

Who wants to miss this opportunity?

On a desert island where the light is located, the elders of the Sea Lion tribe settle down one after another, and the Anaconda tribe also sent strong ones.

Not only that,, but also a demon from a distance.

It can be described as a gathering of wind and clouds, attracting big monsters in all directions.

"Sure enough, there are ancient ruins open!" A Ujin Beast's first ship sailed quickly in the distance of the island, Xiao Yun looked forward on the ship, and the spiritual knowledge continued to extend, feeling the mighty power that pervaded thousands of miles away After that, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

From this magnificent point of view, this ruin is obviously extraordinary.

If you are lucky, you should be able to get a good chance in it.

"Oh, this is a mighty power!" At this moment, the swallowing eyes of the swallowing queen was released, and the spiritual knowledge was also released.

Recently it has been retreating, preparing to impact the baby market.

It just couldn't help after sensing this might.


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