Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1061: The mystery of God?

The swallowtail releases the spiritual knowledge and constantly senses the wave in front.

"Sure enough, there are ancient ruins." Manju was also hot-eyed, and the waves emanating from the front made her veins boil, and there must be an amazing treasure there, which is a rare opportunity for her.

Xiao Yun steered the big ship forward at high speed.

At this time, the void pattern in front flashed, and the mighty power became stronger.

When the divine pattern bloomed, ripples appeared in the void, and the void where the ripples passed began to twist.

"This ruin is extraordinary!" On the island, the elders of the major forces stared forward with fiery faces.

The appearance of this historic site was so powerful that it alarmed the elders of all ethnic groups.

Even the elders of the sea lion tribe went out for it.

At this moment the old patriarch was sitting on a flying slug.

This is an old man with blond hair, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at the front. There was a supreme power on his body. This is an old king, who has reached the level of supernatural power. It is also rare to see the surrounding seas.

It's just not far from him at this moment, but there is another strong man.

It was an old man wearing a faint python robe. This old man wore an ink crown and sat on a throne on the mountain like a king. His eyes were gazing at the front. Chang + ∏ 风 + ∏ 文 + ∏ 学, .c ◎ fwx. Controls the trend of the world. Judging from the breath diffused by this person, this old seems to be a little stronger than the old head of the Golden Lion clan. Let the people of the Golden Lion clan be daunted.

And this old man is the patriarch of the sea area next to the sea python.

Almost the strong of the two races are gathered here.

In addition, there are a lot of casual repairs standing by.

It is just that there are few kings among the casual repairs.

The continuous light pattern in front seems to have an ancient temple to evolve.

It's just that the ghost image is blurry.

"It's filled with the breath of God!" Above the flying owl, the patriarch of the sea lion clan has a look of astonishment on his face. "These ruins must have great opportunities, but unfortunately this movement is too big and attracts too many people Come here. "

Speaking of which, it couldn't help but approach the king of the Haimang tribe next to it.

If they really want to fight, they may not be able to compete with the Haimang.

As time passed, more and more monks gathered here.


In the distant sea, the waves rolled and there was a vast wave of waves.

"Someone's here!" The sea lions and sea pythons' practitioners all showed their faces and looked at the waves.


But there was a hundred-foot-long shark swimming in front of him, and there was a king sitting on it.

The king was sitting on the bone seat. He was dressed in a silver suit and looked imposing. A powerful Wang Wei permeated the air in the sea and allowed it to freeze. The kings of the Anaconda were moved.

"This is the shark pattern of the sea shark tribe!" The old head of the sea lion trifolded his eyes and seemed to know someone.

"Oh, the ancient ruins appear, it seems that the opportunity of the king has arrived." The king of the sea sharks came on the giant shark shield, and appeared on the island instantly, and then the light sharks of the sea sharks beneath it floated on the island Mountain top.

In the sea behind it, a group of sea sharks with warfare swept away and landed behind it.

These are big demon, because of their bloodline, they can evolve into human form when they reach the Yuanying Realm.

Sea sharks under Yuanying swim in the sea as sea sharks.

When the king of the sea sharks appeared after this, the atmosphere nearby was slightly dignified.

Because this is a great king who has reached the level of seven supernatural powers.

After the people of the sea sharks came here, one after another came.

At this time, Xiao Yun also landed the big ship on the island.

There are many mountains here, and Xiao Yun falls on top of a mountain.

At this time, the martyrs of all races were concerned about the fluctuations ahead, and no one was concerned about Xiao Yun, an outsider.

"This miracle is a bit familiar!" Swallowing a little doubt, muttering.

At this time it was still within the Tuntian Tower.

"Some familiar?" Xiao Yun looked suspiciously. "Have you seen this ruin?"

"Somewhat similar, but we have to look at it again," said the Skyfinch.

Xiao Yun's brow moved slightly, and he immediately followed closely the fluctuations ahead.

Time passed quietly, the light lines continued to squirm, and the palaces in it became clearer.

Of course, ordinary puppeteers still cannot see the clear appearance of the palace inside through the light pattern.

Xiao Yun has phantom eyes, so he can clearly see the picture inside.

"What's that picture?" Asked the Skyfinch.

"A hall hidden in the sea of ​​fire!" Xiao Yun said with a scorching glance, "There is a unicorn ghost on that hall, emitting a mighty divine power. This power is at least a false god!" "

"A hall hidden in the sea of ​​fire?" I heard, and there was a fiery light flickering in the eyes of the swallowing tit, "This is a relic left by a true god!"

"True God?" Xiao Yun looked surprised, then asked, "Do you know this place?"

"Well." Nocturne nodded and said, "This relic has been unknown for many years. The clan of the demon domain almost knows it, but this relic has rarely appeared once in a hundred years. I don't want it to appear this time."

"Oh, it seems that God is helping you and me. A ruin entrance will appear in this small place?"

Swallowing Sky Finch seemed quite happy.


Finally, the light pattern in front gradually faded, and a palace bathed in the sea of ​​fire evolved completely.

An ancient divine power permeated the hearts of the martyrs of all races.

"Is this a temple?" A demon had his eyes so hot that he could not wait to enter the palace immediately.

It was just that the palace was surrounded by fire patterns, exuding amazing fluctuations, which caused the demons to dare not leave.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi's eyes lighted at this moment, and she retreated from the state of cultivation.

The little fellow's eyes turned, and after feeling the fluctuation of the outside breath, he swept out of the tower.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yi Yi stared at the palace in front of him, and the little boy showed a fiery face, his claws gesturing, urging Xiao Yun to enter the palace, there seemed to be something attracting it.

"Don't listen to this little beast." The Skyfinch even rolled his eyes and said, "Now this relic has evolved. The secret door has not been opened. If you rush forward, you will only be annihilated by the **** pattern. This little guy is purely an Stupid. "

"The door to the mystery has not been opened yet?" Xiao Yunmulu asked inquiringly.

"Well." Nocturne nodded and said, "Only when the door to the mystery is opened can you enter."

Although it has not entered the ruins, the ancient books of the Tuntian clan are recorded.

The blood of the swallowing bird is precious, and you can naturally see these books.

Alas, alas!

It seemed to hear that the swallowing queen was counting on itself, and Yi Yi hurriedly protested. From time to time, he rubbed Xiao Yun with a small head of melon seeds, and seemed to please the latter so that he could take himself to the secret place, and Yi Yi was obedient, otherwise only I'm afraid I can't help but plunge into the palace, because there is a breath that makes it exciting.

That breath made its blood seem to boil.

"Don't worry, when the opportunity comes, we will go in." Seeing Yi Yi's eager look, Xiao Yun smiled slightly and caressed the little guy's head and smiled.


Yi Yi said a little lightly, and her bright eyes blinked, and she gave Xiaoyun a rather thoughtful glance.

"The blood veins on this little beast actually made my blood veins feel daunting!" Seeing this cute little beast, Manju revealed his face with surprise, her blood was very close to her ancestors, which is quite noble. Faced with Yi Yi, she seemed to be facing the king. It is not difficult to imagine that the blood of this little beast also exists as a king among the demons.

And just as Xiao Yun waited for this mystery to open, in the distant waters.

"The black winds are falling here!" In the void of Beaver Island, a group of men in black clothes appeared. These men had horns on their foreheads, all exhaling a violent atmosphere. The head of the man was holding a The bone environment, with the lines flowing above, the original Xiao Yun battle picture was evolved.

"This young man actually has this means!" After seeing these pictures, the head of the man stared at him.

"There is no one here!" Beside, there were two elders' eyes condensing, a powerful breath wave spreading out, they shrouded the island, and when the spirit was swept away, they found that the island had already unmanned.

And these two are also kings.

This one-horned black bull sent out three kings in one vein.

And the strength of these three kings is extraordinary, and the person headed by them has reached the peak king level.

This is a powerful person with supernatural powers.

The other two are also the Great Kings, with seven powers and eight powers.

"It is not easy for this young man to slash two kings of my clan!" The stunner of the one-horned black cow was surprised.

The picture that emerged was so amazing.

"This young man's future achievements are limitless, and he must be beheaded early, otherwise the average person will not revenge this revenge." The head of the king's eyes flashed, and the bull's nose wriggled, sensing the fluctuations in the nearby atmosphere.

"The young man is going over there." After a moment, the king's eyes flashed and locked in one direction.

"The beavers?" The two kings asked next.

"Just send a few people to search." The headed leader said lightly.

A little **** clan was not taken to heart by the king.

"Well." The two kings next nodded, and then the eyes fell on some half-step kings behind them. "You go and search for the whereabouts of the beavers, and you will wait for me to search for that young man."

Behind them are 58 strong men in the infant market.

There are many half-step kings ~ ~ Yes! After hearing that, several prospective kings nodded immediately.

"Go!" And the three kings are leading twenty strongmen in the infant market toward Xiao Yun.

The king urged the bones to fly, and the speed was much faster than that of Xiao Yun in the infant market.

Their bodies are constantly advancing.

"Well, there is a strong breath in the distance. Do ancient ruins appear?" Soon after, the head of the king's eyes flashed, showing the color of surprise, as did the two kings beside him.

"Go there first." After looking at each other, the three kings made a decision.

Because of the waves emanating from them, even they are heartbroken.

There is definitely a great opportunity ahead!

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