Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1062: Advent of the Kings

At this time in the sea, the palace in the sea of ​​fire became clearer.

An ancient divine power permeated, setting off waves of waves on the sea surface.

Then there was a moire of fire on that palace, and a giant beast evolved from it.

This is a monster with a tiger body, a lion's head, and an oxtail, with a pattern of fire blooming on it.

These fire patterns are extremely hot and contain a mighty avenue.

The kind of fluctuations, even Xiao Yun's brow, can not help but raise a brow, revealing a% pig% pig% island% novel fiction.

"It is worthy of the relics of God." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

"The body of Kirin is indeed this relic!" When the beast evolved, the Skyfinch showed his face fiery. "Although I don't have the blood of Kirin, but this Kirin is a vulcan beast. It has a unicorn in this secret place. The magic fire exists, and if I get this unicorn magic fire, I can definitely go further. "

The swallowing sparrow was hot.

Today, it has also reached the quasi-baby market, and it was originally about to break through. This time, it also sensed the wave diffused by this miracle. Then it will pass. After it is determined that this vision is the miracle it has learned, Inevitably happy.

When this unicorn evolved, its huge mouth opened, and a huge fire-stroke cyclone evolved.

This cyclone agitated, as if it connected the other side of the world, and there was a breath of God in that cyclone. The breath was shocking but full of people. Obviously, this is a relic of God!

"If you gain something in it, the old man will definitely go further!" The king of the sea lion tribe flashed.

"Relics of God!" The king of the sea sharks was even more hopeful, "I wonder if I can make this king emperor?"

His face was fiery.

Those nearby repairers are also eager to move.

But the people of the three major races were cold at this moment.

"Since it is a relic of God, how can these people be allowed to touch their fingers?" The elders of all races were gloomy.

"Clear the field!" I don't know who said it first. A quasi-principal practitioner from the sea shark tribe walked out.

"Irrelevant people are here quickly, if anyone is still on this island!" The sea lion tribe also has a quasi-king, and the sea python quasi-king follows, and the three major clans have reached a tacit understanding in the invisible.

After the people of these three clan spoke, the sanshou suddenly became gloomy.

There is no king among them, but many have reached the quasi-king state.

After reaching this point, there is not only a shortage of resources, but also a shortage.

The relics of the gods obviously became a great opportunity for them to enter the kingship.

"Aren't you afraid of this, isn't it?" One of the prospective kings stood out and hummed coldly.

"Yes, this ruin is a heaven, how can you enjoy it alone?" Another king stood up.

There are also over 400 casual repairs, most of which have reached the infant market.

Xiao Yun was independent on a mountain at this time, and frowned slightly after seeing the three major people start to clear the field.

There are three kings, and one big king, if it is a real battle, it will be difficult to control!

"Don't retreat and die!" At this moment, the king of the sea sharks opened his mouth, only to see it turned suddenly. One big mouth, it evolved into a huge huge mouth. The big mouth sucked, that The two protesting prospective kings were directly sucked into its big mouth by a light pattern, and then they agitated and devoured it.

"The quasi-king, the flesh is good." After swallowing the two quasi-kings, the old king sat down.

The island was empty and everything was calm.

But the scene just now made countless San Xiu frightened.

Just momentarily, the two quasi-kings were swallowed.

At this time, even if the rest of the casual repair wanted to stay, there was no courage.

But after seeing the ever-evolving remnants of cyclones ahead, they were extremely reconciled.

It won't take long for the ruins to open!

"You are not ready to roll, you must die if you do not roll!" A quasi-king of the Sharks revealed a sharp tooth and grinned.

"These guys are so arrogant." At this time, there was a fierce light flashing in Xiao Yun's eyes, and he had been adjusting his breath, and immediately felt the breath of God outside.

"But that Pharaoh has reached the seven levels of magical power. Can you kill him?" Xiao Yun asked.

"This ... If it was before, this king who entered the great realm could naturally kill him easily, but now it is a bit difficult." Hearing, the phantom wormed his neck and whispered.

"Do you still say that?" Xiao Yun said for a while, then said, "Ready to enter the ruins at a critical moment."

"Well." Phantom nodded.

At this time, a strong spiritual consciousness suddenly diffused into the void in the distance.

"This is Wang Wei !?" When this spiritual knowledge permeated, those who were leaving were all surprised.

"Wang Wei?" Xiao Yun's brows were also bent, and he could not help but follow the breath.

The king of the sea lion clan and the king of the sea shark clan all moved.

They also sensed the sudden swept of Wang Wei.

Suddenly, countless individuals followed the breath induction, only to see a spaceship suddenly in the distant void.

This is a unicorn beast spaceship with three kings standing on it.

Behind these kings, there are twenty strong men in the infant market.

"This is the one-horned black bull!" After seeing the spaceship, Xiao Yun's eyes and pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's that young man!" And at this moment, the king of the one-horned black cow's veins condensed and found Xiao Yun.

Suddenly, a mighty Wang Wei capsized towards the island ahead.

Under this Wang Wei, countless practitioners felt frightened.

"This is the king of the pinnacle state!" When the king of the sea was felt, even the king of the sea sharks looked dignified. The king of the sea lion and sea pythons next to him became extremely ugly.

Now that the kings of the pinnacle appear, how can they compete with them?

You know, the little king and the king of the peak are very different!

"These kings seem to be from the demon realm!" Slightly groaned, and the eyes of the king of the sea sharks flickered, his eyes doubting, "How come they come to our waters?"

"Is it for this?" With a bit of suspicion, the demons dropped their eyes on Xiao Yun on a mountain in the back, because at this moment the king of the one-horned black bull's vein blew his eyes at this person. There was clearly a sense of murder.

"This is just a monk in a baby market!" Everyone inquired and discovered Xiao Yun's cultivation.

"Still a human!"

"That's the woman?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun, who had not noticed, attracted countless eyes.

After sensing the breath of Xiao Yun, they also discovered that the latter was a human.

As a result, practitioners of all races became more curious.

"Oh, it's so easy to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere!" The kings on the spaceship all smiled.

"Don't care, this son should have special means." The King of the Peaks headed by said.

"Take me to try him!" Said Guang Guang, a king of magical Liujing next to him.

At the next moment, he took a big hand and went towards Xiao Yun.

This big hand is furry with dark lines.

The black streak turned into a cloud and shrouded one side of the world. Under this big hand, the void seemed to be blocked.

The mighty Wang Wei permeated, making the nearby practitioners feel that their blood was bursting.

"So strong!"

"This is the Dacheng King!" Feeling this kind of fluctuation, the monks of several major demons are all scared.

"Does this youth still have life?" Numerous people couldn't help but sweat for Xiao Yun for a while.

"The King of Dachengjing!" At this moment, even Xiao Yun frowned.

The king sent by this one-horned black bull this time is many times stronger than before.


Just then, within Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea, a giant palm flickered out.

As soon as the giant palm came out, he went directly into the air.

This is a beast palm, which contains a mighty king of power.

With one stroke, the black light pattern collapsed, and even the palm of the king with the one-horned black bull was quilted.

"Withdraw!" Xiao Yun immediately retreated.


The flash of the Shield Tissot was to leave the place.

"Want to run?" However, the peak of Niu Wang, headed by the spacecraft, flickered, and the unicorn light on his forehead flashed, and there was a dark light, and it appeared in Xiao Yun's place instantly.

At this time, Tissot was urged.

The King had already guarded against Xiao Yun's departure, so he could shoot at this critical moment.

In order to cut off Xiao Yun's retreat and kill one of them.

The blow was extremely powerful, and the void was shattered under this dark light. Even the sea shark king was frightened. It is not difficult to imagine how the practitioners in the infant market can avoid this lore. A hit?

Only at this moment, a light pattern flickered, and the longevity turtle shot, and evolved its destiny.

This is a huge turtle shell that just emerged out of thin air.

Seen from a distance, as if one side of the world stopped in front, it just blocked the blow from the king of the one-horned black bull, only to see the void tremble, and a ripple of terror swept away. Below, the void next to it shattered, setting off numerous waves, which destroyed the mountains next to it.

The king's striking power was astonishing, and the neighbourhood repairer in the neighbourhood was frightened. Some even vomited blood directly, and they fell.

It was just that the shell of the turtle flickered, but it resisted this amazing blow.

The next moment, Manju and Xiao Yun disappeared on this mountain.

When the aftermath disappeared, their figures disappeared ~ ~ disappeared? The practitioners of the three major races are all different.

"This youth is extraordinary!" The king of the sea lion clan secretly.

I thought it was an ordinary young man, but I didn't want to have such a foundation.

"Escape!" At this moment, the king's eyes of the one-horned black cow on the spaceship were all gloomy.

The two kings shot one after another without leaving the youth.

This result was unexpected.

"The blow was very powerful just now," the headed Niu Wang murmured, "he has a subversive king around him?"

Then his spirit was released and he began to search for Xiao Yun's figure.

The two kings next to them were also wary, with dark lines around them, raging like a squall wind.

This is to prevent Xiao Yun's raid.

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