Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1063: Horror

Not only these three kings, but also the kings of the sea sharks and sea lions, have released their spiritual knowledge.

The king can kill people thousands of miles away, and the spiritual knowledge is enough to cover the whole world.


Just then, there was a ripple in the void.

But Xiao Yun's body flashed and appeared in the ancient ruins.

"This kid has gone there."

"Is he going to enter the ruins?" When Xiao Yun appeared, the exclamation sounded immediately.

"Remains!" The king of the one-horned black cow blinked, staring tightly forward.

"It's not so easy to get in!" The head of the king's eyes flashed, and now it was a step forward. At the same time, his body was raised in place and turned into a huge giant bull of hundreds of feet. Wei diffused.

"Heifeng heaven and earth!" I saw only the big move of Niuwang, and the black stripes around him flickered, and immediately developed a black world.

Here the hurricane howled and swept the Quartet, and that kind of dark streaks immediately appeared beside Xiao Yun.

"King's magical power?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes were desolate.

The king of the pinnacle shots, sweeping the world with every move.

Even if he has such a strong Tissot, it will be difficult for him to retreat.

"Don't worry about it, move on, as long as you reach the cyclone, its attack will be annihilated naturally."

"Okay." Xiao Yun didn't think much, and urged Tissot directly.


As soon as the light flashed, Xiao Yun appeared in the mouth of the giant unicorn.

The unicorn is very large, like a giant mountain, it is entangled in the void of the sea.

At this moment its huge mouth opened, as if connected to a world.

Xiao Yun took the **** into the cyclone directly.

At this time, the supernatural power evolved by the one-horned black bull is also sweeping towards this.


Before the king's attack engulfed Xiao Yun, the unicorn burst into flames.

This fire pattern flashed, sending out a mighty power, and only a flash of light was seen, and the black hurricane was burned to nothing.

Not only that, but also a wave of terrifying breath swept through.

The breath was rippling, and the practitioners who were thousands of miles away felt the fear.

The peak king of the one-horned black bull was directly blasted by Zhenfei, and blood was spit out in the mouth.

"This is the power of the Divine Pattern!" The king looked gloomy.

Waiting until the power of the divine pattern dissipated, Xiao Yun's body was gone in front.

"He has entered the mysterious realm!" The kings next to him were all indifferent faces.

"Let's go, we are also in it!" The peak king of the one-corner pulse flashed and drank.

"Um." The two kings next to him were hot.

They had originally dispatched this time to capture Xiao Yun. How could they have encountered such miracles.

The miracles certainly contain great opportunities, which are too important for them as kings.

If they go further, they are likely to set foot on the road.

Even if you do not set foot on the emperor's road, it is rare to reach the half-step emperor or quasi-emperor level!

You know, their old patriarch is just a quasi-empire.

"Go!" The king's eyes flashed, and his steps moved toward the unicorn cyclone.

The one-eyed black bull in the vein of the infant market repairer followed.

The kings of the three sea monsters were all about to move.

It's just that they didn't start in a hurry, fearing that they would anger the peak king of the one-horned black bull.


The fire pattern flickered ahead, and the giant unicorn looked like a **** looking down at all beings.

When the crowd came to the mouth of Kirin, there was a ripple in the void.

"This must be the ruins of God!"

Then, as soon as it moved, it turned into a man with a height of two feet walking towards the cyclone.


I did n’t know that when it walked forward, a divine pattern bloomed within the cyclone, and that divine pattern flashed into a world of fire, and the power of horrible rules permeated it, and that power seemed to be burnt All in all, the body of this peak king began to become a little bit of nothingness under the attention of everyone, and the speed was so fast that it reached an unthinkable level of ordinary people.

Just in a blink of an eye, the king turned to ashes, and even Yuan Ying didn't scoop out.

It didn't even scream.

When the fire pattern flashed in front, when the figure of this king disappeared, all the people returned to God.

At this time, the entire void was silent.

The kings of all races stared forward, seeming to be deterred by the scene in front of them.

This silence lasted for two breaths.

"This ..." Later, the two kings of the one-horned black bull turned their eyes and looked at each other.

Both saw shock in their eyes.

"King of the king is down?" Then, everyone connected to check the waist card. After seeing that the soul of the king had dissipated, the heart completely trembled, and the exclamation sounded in the vein of the unicorn black bull. So it seems that the king is really ridiculed!

This sudden change made the kings of the sea lion and sea sharks feel palpitations.

"What's going on?" Everyone looked at each other.

"You go in and see!" A king of the one-horned black bull gleam blinked, and said to a baby market tribesman behind him.

"Me?" The cow demon's face was guilty, and even the king was stunned. Can it survive if it goes in?

"Come on!" However, the king's eyes flashed next to him, and the vast Wang Wei capsized immediately.

Under this Wang Wei, the demon had to leave.

"Fighting." Looking at the cyclone that seemed to communicate with the world in front of him, the flicker of the cow demon's eyes was a stroll away.


All I saw was that his pace moved into the cyclone through the light pattern, and then the light and shadow flickered, and it was sucked into the cyclone.

The next moment it disappeared.

"No ridicule?" After the bull monster submerged into the cyclone, the practitioner of the one-corner black bull's vein checked the waist card immediately.

But when I looked at it, I found that this person was not ridiculed?

"What's going on?" Seeing this, the king of the one-horned black cow was suspicious.

Then it continued to give people a try.

Under this test, the practitioners in the infant market have successfully entered the cyclone.

Seeing this, several kings groaned.

"Is it just an accident?" The two kings of the one-horned black bull groaned, but they didn't dare to try rashly.

Then, their eyes flashed, and their eyes fell on the king of the sea lion tribe.

"You try it!" The big king hummed.

The king of the sea lions frowned, and finally stood up and tempted.

First, it cannot compete with the one-cornered black bull.

Secondly, it also wants to go to the ruins of this god.

The king with vigilance, walked beyond the cyclone, and it urged the treasure.

Only that cyclone was touched, and a fire pattern bloomed to burn it into nothingness.

The fire pattern was too fast, even though the king was unable to withdraw.

The breath of God contained in it is frightening.

"It seems that the forbidden ground is to exclude the king from entering it." Slightly groaned, and the king of the one-horned black cow was secretly secretive.

Then the demons let the strong in the infant market test, and they all passed.

"It seems that I have no chance to enter here." The two kings in the vein of the one-horned black bull sighed.

"You all go in, be sure to kill the young man!" Then the two kings commanded to the people.

"Yes!" The babies in the market with one-horned black cows entered this place one after another.

People from the other three groups also entered.


At this time, in each area of ​​the demon domain, there was such a huge fire unicorn emerging.

When this unicorn emerged naturally attracted countless practitioners.

Similarly, no king can enter it.

"This miracle has the inheritance of the unicorn, and my triumph can gain something!" Near the valley somewhere in the demon domain, the eyes of a few red-crowned old men blinked, and the sight fell on the huge unicorn ghost in front. His face was fiery.

Unicorn heritage, no one is more suitable than them.

Although their blood is not so pure.

But in their blood there is Kirin true blood.

"This ruin has not appeared for a hundred years. I hope that the descendants of my tribe can gain something from it!" This is a redhead, wearing a dragon crown, and with blood behind it, a vague dragon can be seen condensing and Out, exuding the vastness of Emperor Wei.

"Unfortunately, the king cannot enter, otherwise I will have the opportunity to set foot on the royal road with the opportunity in it."

This is a peng demon, the eyes are sharp, it seems to penetrate through eternity, the diffused light makes people tremble.

At this time, children of the large clan entered the ruins.

Those kings and emperors sighed.

The ruins of God are a great opportunity for anyone.

Even the demigod remains!

Of course, some people do n’t know the rules of this relic, but a king rushed into it and ended up dying.

Inside the Kirin Mystery.


A light pattern flickered, Xiao Yun's body appeared.

Only after entering this world, he felt that there was an inexplicable power on him.

This power made his breathing a little harder.

That blood, Zhen Yuan's circulation speed is slowed down.

It felt as if there was a force of heaven and earth on the body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Yi Yi was just a little happy on his shoulder.

The little man's paw gesture seemed to be pushing Xiao Yun.

"This little thing." Seeing Yi Yi, Xiao Yun smiled slightly, stroked its fluff and smiled, "You, don't worry, because you can't run naturally, let's get familiar with the environment first." He calmed the little white beast first.


Yi Yi nodded ~ ~ squatting on Xiao Yun's shoulder rather well.

But this little thing blinking at this moment was sensing the Quartet.

And Xiao Yun also released spiritual knowledge.

As far as the eyes are concerned, this is a vast world, and there is a divine breath in the void.

There seems to be a mystery of God in it.

This breath made Xiao Yun feel excited.

"Swallow the sky, how much do you know about this secret realm?" Xiao Yun asked to the swallow.


At this time, the swallowing sparrow swept out of the swallowing tower.

"This is a secret realm, with the inheritance left by the true God of Unicorn." Swallowing the Sky's spiritual knowledge, said, "This world will limit the cultivation of people, the king ca n’t enter it, so the half-step king ’s cultivation is capital. Will be suppressed. "()

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