Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1064: God's Limits

Ancient books among the queen **** describe this mystery.

Because someone from their family has been here.

"Will it limit the realm?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

In this way, he does not need to worry about the coming of the emperor.

At this moment, Manci was also sensing the waves of the Quartet, and her eyes were full of fiery light.

With the sense of breath, she knows that this is a mysterious place of God and has great opportunities.

If they become strong after gaining something here, their clan will not have to hide.

The void ahead is boundless, with mountains and undulations.

Even in front of you, you can feel a dangerous breath swing.

Obviously there is danger in this mystery.

"Son, where are we going now?" Manju asked, blinking his narrow eyes.

"Oh, ah!" Yi Yi's eyes flickered, pointing in a direction ahead, as if there was what it needed.

"Okay, it's up to you." Xiao Yun smiled slightly and went in the direction pointed by Yi Yi.

Only when running Zhenyuan, Xiao Yun found that his realm was restricted.

"Now is the realm of the palace palace's nine-fold realm?" Xiao Yun frowned.

At this time, he can only play the strength of the palace palace nine.

Not only itself, but also the power of the soul is suppressed by the power of an inexplicable rule.

In this way, his flying speed was greatly reduced.

"People who enter here will be restricted to this lowest state." The skyfinch said to Xiao Yun.

"Can there be monsters in it?" Xiao Yun asked.

At this moment he urged Tissot forward.

"But there is a spirit of a strange beast here. This strange beast soul merges the power of the rules of this heaven and earth. If it is refined after killing it, the practitioner can merge the power of a rule. In this way, you can gradually resume your cultivation. "

"The power of fusion rules?" Wen Yun said, Xiao Yun frowned. "So, is there still a chance to recover strength?"

"Well." The swallowing bird nodded, "So we need to look for that kind of beast soul and then kill it."

After hearing this, Xiao Yun also had a goal.

It would be extremely unfavorable for him to regain his strength sooner.

You know, behind him is a person with a unicorn black bull!

Among them are the strongest in the Nine Realms of Infant Market.

Wouldn't it be great if they restored their strength?

When Yun Fei was flying, Xiao Yun also communicated with Longevity Turtle and Phantom Worm.

"This space has the power of rules. If we rush out, we are afraid that the power of the rules will lead to the attack." The Phantom Worm was a little timid, and it had planned out before, only the spiritual knowledge was released I felt a horrible force locked me.

In horror, he quickly cut off the consciousness.

As Xiao Yun moved forward, the area where it was before suddenly appeared one by one.

Twenty monks in a baby market with a one-cornered black cow entered one after another.

Then the followers of the three major ethnic groups also entered one after another.

"My practice is suppressed!"

"Me too!" After entering, the practitioners of all races discovered this fact.

Then everyone proceeded carefully.

"I don't know where the kid went?" The practitioner with a horn of a black ox was somber.

"There!" There was a big demon cow nose wriggling, carefully sensing the nearby fluctuations and discovering the breath left by Xiao Yun.

"Chasing!" Then the one-horned black bull immediately caught up.


At this moment, there are geniuses of demons in this space.

The original quiet mountains also became lively.

In front of a mountain, Xiao Yun stood still.

Because a huge sky appeared in front.

This sky is like a red glow, covering the whole world.

Within this sky, there was a mighty divine power spreading, and the kind of fluctuation made people feel scared.

"This is the only way to the miracle!" Looking at the sky, the fiery light appeared in the eyes of the swallowing bird.

This is the direction that Yi Yi found by perception.

But Xiao Yun couldn't help feeling horrified after coming here.

That divine power is too strong, at this time he only has the strength of the palace realm, facing this kind of power will inevitably feel palpitations.

"There is a dark wind here." Manju also frowned.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi's eyes were fiery, and it seemed that she could not wait to enter them.

"Okay!" Seeing Yi Yi being so anxious, Xiao Yun was not polite. When his eyes flashed, the step moved forward and he set foot on the front.

"Are you afraid?" He yelled at the next beaver.

"Don't be afraid!" Manju bit his teeth and said daringly.

The peerless beauty who was so cold-hearted at this time was like a good-looking maid beside Xiao Yun.

At this moment, she decided to follow Xiao Yun regardless of life and death.

After seeing Xiao Yun's original power to deal with the king, she had an inexplicable admiration for this young man, and she knew in her heart that this young man could reach this point, obviously with great courage.

So she absolutely followed the pace of Xiao Yun.

Only then can she be that strong.

Xiao Yun nodded, and as soon as his body moved, he fell into the red light curtain.

Manju followed.

After being submerged, the breath of God grew stronger.

At the same time, Xiao Yun felt that his power had been suppressed to the limit and suddenly reached the highest level of the palace.

This suppression made Xiao Yunru carry the mountains.

But it felt that deep in the blood, there seemed to be an inexplicable force to withstand that oppression.

This is where human potential is constantly being stimulated.

Not only that, Xiao Yun's war martial spirit, the soul is trying to resist this oppression.

"Only in this kind of place can people continue to grow." Although feeling oppressed, Xiao Yun felt extremely fulfilled. His eyes flashed, Phantom's eyes urged, and he began to detect towards the light curtain Go, as far as he can see, he finally saw something.

This is a vast battlefield.

The ground in front of it cracked, the mountains fell, and the end could not be seen at a glance.


Finally, Xiao Yun landed.

But when the soles of the feet fell to the ground, they felt extremely hot.

The red soil and stones on the earth exuded a hot breath like magma.

"This should be related to that unicorn."

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

Fire unicorn evolved before this mystery opened, and it is normal for this place to become like this.

"There is a spirit of monster spirits in it!" Manjumei blinked, and there was some expectant light twinkling in those eyes.

In the spirit of that demon soul, there is obviously a diffused rhyme.

That is the Daoyun left behind by the demon left behind.

For practitioners, the multi-sense rhyme is of great benefit to improving the realm.

At this time, the eyes of the swallowing bird flickered, and it was also sensing the Quartet.


Yi Yi said a little lightly, the little guy seemed very excited, anxious to pass through this area immediately.

"Go!" Xiao Yun stepped forward and took the lead.

Manju followed.

On the ground, Xiao Yun saw some corpses.

These corpses have been around for a long time.

"This is the corpse of the demon!" Looking at the corpse that appeared suddenly in front of him, Xiao Yun's eyes were hot.

Here the corpses of the demon are all over.

There are corpses, and naturally there is blood stained by demon blood, you can give birth to spiritual extract.

It's just that this mystery has been opened once in a hundred years, and it is too difficult to get the heaven and earth spiritual extract.

Xiao Yun kept advancing, and he rarely saw the old spirits.

"This is a monster grass!" Alas, he saw a monster grass next to a gully.

This demon spirit grass exudes brilliant light and has a strong soul breath.

This monster spirit grass is not high, but it also contains a strong soul.

Because it was born by absorbing the essence of the demon soul.

Not only that, the spirits bred here should have the power of a rule.

"If it will be refined, it should be able to eliminate some of the suppressing power?" Xiao Yun was secretly secretive.

Then he took off the ghost grass, and then swallowed Tianjiu to directly refine it.

When refining the demon spirit grass, he could clearly feel that there were a few mysterious regular lines inside.

After absorption of this texture, the pressure between the heavens and the earth began to weaken.

However, this decrease is small.

"Effective!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was glad.

At the same time, he felt that his soul had also strengthened, just because the rule suppressed so that the effect was not revealed.

At this time Manju also found a demon flower.

"Whew!" Just when the two were here for two hundred miles, the shadow flickered forward.

One by one, the wicked ghosts flickered toward them.

These evil spirits are extremely powerful.

One of the evil spirits looked like a big peng, and his wings spread towards Xiao Yun.

This blow is extremely powerful, and it is already comparable to the practitioners in the infant market.

At this time, Xiao Yun had only the strength of the palace.

The evil spirit of Dapeng was so fast that he appeared beside Xiao Yun in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, there was also an evil charm like a tiger that escaped. The giant grabbed out, tore the void, took the **** in front, swallowed the sky tit, Yi Yi was attacked by the evil charm. Before the time, the hurricane rolled like a raging wave that drowned the Quartet.

"Queen baby market?" The powerful momentum swept through, and Xiao Yun felt a strong pressure.

"Battle!" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, he only hesitated slightly, then took a step.

Palm Splitting the Stars!

The movement of Xiao Yun's palm ~ ~ spurred the martial arts of the gods.

One palm split out, and the light pattern flickered in front of it, striking the wings of the evil soul.


The vast force trembled, and Xiao Yun felt his arm hit the steel with his wish.

The combat power of the palace is simply not comparable to this evil charm.

However, Xiao Yun was a practitioner in the infant market. His physique was repeatedly tempered by the calamity, and he was as tough as a spirit soldier.

Therefore, he didn't have much trouble with this blow, but instead the shocked the evil soul backed up.

"Is my physical strength still there?" Xiao Yun's eyes brightened after feeling that his physical strength was still strong.

At the moment, his hands were widened and closed, like a sharp blade, and killed towards the evil soul.


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