Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1065: Take advantage of


Xiao Yun split it out with one palm, knocking the evil spirit that Dapeng looked like.

Devour God!

Taking advantage of the situation, Xiao Yun ran the Devastation of Heaven and God, and a cyclone appeared in front of him to directly ingest the evil soul.

This is a cyclone evolved from the Tuntian Tower.

Even though the evil spirit is strong, it cannot struggle.

This is a fake artifact!

"Pig", "Pig", "Island", novel "w.uu" swallowing the sky to urge the evil charm to be continuously refined, and there is a bit of integration into Xiao Yun's soul.

After refining this evil charm, Xiao Yun obviously felt that his soul was much stronger.

"Kill!" At this time, Manju also began to be brave.

She also has the practice of nurturing a baby market. Although she was suppressed to the weight of the palace at this time, her physique is still very powerful.

Plus Xiao Yun is so brave, she can't fall behind.


In the face of those evil spirits, Yi Yi is extremely cruel.

The little guy took out the colorful Baoding directly, and its little paw turned Baoding toward the evil spirits.


The colorful light bloomed, and there was an ancient wave permeating it.

That kind of fluctuation seems to come from the wildness of ancient times, which makes those evil spirits and residual souls look scared.

This tripod smashed many evil spirits and collapsed.

"Swallow it to God!" When Yi Yi smashed the evil spirits, he grinned, and then turned into a huge cyclone to directly engulf those remnants. After engulfing these remnants, his breath was clearly rising.

It is just under this kind of fighting that more and more evil spirits and residual souls are flowing.

There is even a baby market.

Under this existence, Xiao Yun also felt great pressure.


In the end Xiao Yun had to sacrifice the left hand of God.

This giant hand is crystal clear, like a jade, with the breath of God on it.

When it struck down, the sky shivered, and the terrifying power made those evil spirits tremble.


The loud noise came out, and even the evil spirits in the infant market collapsed.


Then the light pattern flickered inside the tower and swept away the evil spirits within ten miles.

Under this swallowing, Xiao Yun continually merged the power of that kind of rule, and the **** of this world to him began to weaken a little.

"Restored to the seventh level of the palace!" Xiao Yun's strength was restored to half after fighting for a long time.

By this time, the remnants of this area were extremely scarce.

"I have also recovered to the sixth place of the palace." Manju laughed with a smile, and there were some fiery lights flashing in those eyes. Such fighting not only inspired her potential, but after refining those remnants, she Obviously, she feels that her rhyme is increasing. If she goes out here, her strength will definitely break through, which makes her full of this trip.

As for the Skyfinch and Yi Yi, they felt that they were going to break through.

Unfortunately, there are restrictions on the power of rules. They simply can't lead to a breakout.

Even if you want to break through here.

"Go!" Xiao Yun moved on after solving a group of evil spirits.

During this period, they encountered a lot of remnants and spirits, and that Xiuwei also kept recovering.

"Miyafu Yae!"

"Kugong Palace!"

Half-step baby market!


Finally, Xiao Yun and others recovered to the prospective infant market while advancing to three thousand miles.

At this time, the remnant souls encountered were also slightly stronger, almost all of them in the baby market.

This place will appear once in a hundred years, and many evil spirits will fall, otherwise they will not be able to move forward so smoothly.

Similarly, those cherished spirits are quite rare in this world.

"Now it has penetrated into this area for four thousand miles." Xiao Yun widened, sensing the fluctuations of the Quartet.

However, at this time, no remains left by the **** of the unicorn were found.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yi Yi's small paw gestured as if to tell Xiao Yun that it was getting closer.

"Well, don't worry, I won't just give up like this." Seeing the anxious look of the little guy, Xiao Yun stroked its fluff and smiled. Why did Xiao Yun give up?

Seeing Xiao Yun's position, Yi Yi smiled softly, her eyes narrowed and rubbed Xiao Yun's neck.

Seeing Yi's aura's aggressive appearance, Manju was curious.

"This little beast is so bloody, why hasn't it evolved into a human body?" Manci was curious.

Ordinary monsters can be transformed into human figures when they are practicing in the palace, or in the infant market.

Even some large ethnic groups can evolve into adult form.

For example, their people have been people for generations.

According to legend, this is because in ancient times, their ancestors were gods, which changed the bloodline of the **** clan, so that it was born with a strong bloodline that can be transformed into a person. This is true of many large tribes in the demon realm. Of course, some large tribes do not like Into human form.

Like the one-horned black cow.

Even though they can be transformed into human figures, they still like to keep their heads.

This is a habit of reverence for your own demons.

Of course, according to the legend of the demon tribe, there are also some sacred beasts that go against the sky. They go the other way.

They have transformed again in order to return to the lease, trace the origin, and make themselves go further.

It's just that there are too few.

Rare in the current life.

Swallowtail can naturally be transformed into a person.

But it wasn't physically at this time, and it couldn't be transformed into a human form at all.

Furthermore, they want to go back to their ancestors and trace back to the origin.

But few people have achieved anything.

Now Yi Yi's form makes Demanci curious.

But the little guy couldn't speak, and she couldn't ask.

At this time, Xiao Yun moved on.


Phantom God's eyes urged, you can see things ten miles away.

There is a limit to the power of this force, which causes the power of Phantom Eye to plummet.

"There is an abyss there!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun found it, and found an abyss in front of it. There was a vast wave of volatility in it. The kind of volatility was very strong, even with a little bit of it. 'S thumping.

It's the first time since he has been here that he found such relics.

After a while, Xiao Yun came here.

Standing next to the abyss, Xiao Yun looked around and sensed a vast wave.

"There seems to be a spirit extract there!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun found something.

There is spirit above the mountain wall below.

This is a sparkling spirit extract with nine lines of leaves, and each leaf has lines flowing, and there is an inexplicable cloud between the light lines flowing. Such a spirit, it has already reached An extremely high level.

"This spirit extract has surpassed the ordinary spirit extract, and it has not become a **** extract." Xiao Yun was glad.

Now he decided to go on.

The **** beside him frowned, because the breath diffused below was too strong.

The tumbling waves rolled the void into ripples.

Today she can't penetrate deeply.

"You wait here for me first." Xiao Yun groaned a little, then said immediately.

"Um." Manju nibbled Zhu Lip lightly, and although she wanted to go down, she closed her lips.

Because it's really dangerous below.

"Yi, you stay here to protect this sister." Xiao Yun said.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi nodded, and patted his small chest with his left paw, a look that reassured Xiao Yun, and then he picked up the colorful Baoding, which meant that if anyone had committed it, it would just A giant tripod smashed over.

The sturdy appearance of the little guy made the manjue smile.

Xiao Yun smiled, and then fell into the abyss.

This abyss is very large. Like the ruins of the Great War, Xiao Yun felt a vast wave when he entered.

The air wave hurt his cheek.

"The greater the pressure, the greater the potential." In the face of this pressure, Xiao Yun ignored it. He allowed the airwaves to attack him, but he walked on and on, and then fell towards this abyss. His veins seemed to be cracking under the breath.

It was only under this oppression that he continued to realize that only at the edge of life and death can he better understand the mysteries of heaven and earth.

"Life and death, life and death." Xiao Yun kept moving forward and felt great pressure.

He felt like his heart was about to burst and his soul was about to fall apart.

A feeling of death came to mind.

"This pressure comes from external forces, but isn't this external force part of the world?" Xiao Yunmu groaned.

Only when such a dangerous situation is reached, talents will have a sense of understanding, and then they will think about the mysteries of the heavens and the earth.

"Since this power is also a source of heaven and earth, why can't I mobilize?" Xiao Yun began to groan.

Then he tried to integrate his mind into the world.

The mind was permeated, and the powerful oppression almost crushed his mind.

It was only when Xiao Yun's mind was about to break that he and the power of the heavens and the earth felt somehow, and a tendency of the heavens and the earth was drawn by him.

Then he continued to sense, trying to make contact with the force that crushed him.

But that power was too violent to communicate.

Xiao Yun didn't give up. He was clear-minded and had no other thoughts. He seemed to be truly integrated into the heaven and earth, and integrated with the potential of heaven and earth. Then he used the potential of this heaven and earth to motivate the vast force from the abyss. That effort began to change.

The power of the original hegemony began to weaken, and the oppression on Xiao Yun's body was significantly reduced.

It's just that Xiao Yun wants to make it difficult.

"It can affect this power but cannot control it." Xiao Yun was thinking.

"This is because my strength is not enough, and I can't draw a strong enough world, so I can't guide this trend." Xiao Yun's mind is enlightened, because this power is too powerful, for the power of the pseudo-god level Residual power.

This kind of power makes it difficult for the practitioners who have a successful baby market to resist ~ ~ not to mention his low-level practitioner?

At this time, Xiao Yun was able to reverse this trend slightly.

"If I have enough strength, I should be able to pull this kind of power." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

At this time, his mood was sublimated, and the whole person was filled with a master-like temperament.

This kind of temperament can only be possessed by the king.

Obviously, at this time, Xiao Yun's perception of the heavens and earth's uprightness has exceeded the ordinary infant market practitioners.

If outside, he is enough to make another breakthrough.

"First pick the spirit extract below." After a certain realization, Xiao Yun did not continue to try to forcibly control the power.

He started falling down.

At this time, the oppression of the force outside him also dissipated most of it.

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