Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1069: Invincible!

This white ape looked dreadful, his eyes exuding violent colors, like the ancient beast from ancient times, the body was full of horror power, the continuous flow of that blessing on Bai Yunfei, making Bai Yunfei's momentum rising.

Bai Yunfei tried his best to procure magical powers.

Behind him, the blue sky white ape supernatural power evolved, making his momentum reach a peak.

Under this momentum, the void ahead trembled.

"What a terrifying bloodline!" Manju felt his heart burst.

This Bai Yunfeitai's "Pig> Pig" Island "novel ww.m is powerful and worthy of being a peerless genius of the ancient monsters.

This kind of character is also relatively few among the monsters.

Can Xiao Yun fight one at this time?

Man Tan's heart was dark.

If Xiao Yun urged Tianjie or allowed to fight.

But how can this young man who is unable to lead Tianjie come to deal with it at this time?

She began to worry about Xiao Yun.

"The son of Yun Fei is the most dazzling genius of my tribe in 100 years. The richness of blood is very close to his ancestors. At this time, he urged the Qingtian White Ape Supernatural Power. Perhaps only those geniuses of hegemony can compete with it." The young people of the ape family laughed.

Like a dragon, like a unicorn, like basalt, like a **** phoenix, etc.!

Although the blood of these big family members is also very thin, they are no longer one tenth of their ancestors.

But their noble blood can still be honored in the demon tribe.

Most of the children of those big families know them.

Obviously, at this time, Xiao Yun was not among the children of those big families.

"Qingtian White Ape!" Xiao Yun was a little surprised as he looked at the increasingly real Qingtian.

It's so amazing.

I am afraid that it is also a Xeon magical power in Tiandu Realm.

"Yeah, only when you meet a powerful opponent can you excite your potential." Feeling that blue sky brings, Xiao Yun's eyes have a fiery light flashing, he vaguely thinks that the world of demon domain may Very suitable for you.

You know, how many people in the younger generation could compete with him in Tianduyu?

But when I came to the demon domain, I encountered such a powerful one.

How can this not fill Xiao Yun.


With a light spit, Xiao Yun's step was to move forward.

At the same time, the Wuhun light dazzled above him, with an immortal warfare bursting out.

The war was like a sea, rolling and whistling in the void, hurricane-rolling forward like a hurricane.

Such warfare actually resisted the pressure from Bai Yunfei a little bit.


They haven't fought yet, but the powerful momentum that the two of them have burst into has collided in the void.

That collision made the void tremble.

The horrible waves spread and rippled.


After the waves passed, the other eight youths of Qingtian White Ape were shaken back.

Man Tan also retreated.

That momentum is too strong, far from what they can bear.

From a distance, it seems as if there are two young supremes in the duel.

The fluctuation caused the surrounding atmosphere to freeze.

The beavers and the youth of the Qingtian White Ape family held their breath.

"This youth is not easy!" At this time, the youth of the Qingtian White Ape family felt a terrible momentum from Xiao Yun. The kind of warfare actually made them chill. The previous disdain started to throw a little bit go with.


Suddenly, the breath on Bai Yunfei's body climbed to a peak, and the void shuddered.

Take me green, crush everything!

Bai Yunfei's eyes flashed, and a spitting sound was also spit out from his mouth.

Then the flash of blue sky behind him turned into a party Tianyu suppressed towards Xiao Yun ahead.

The blue sky flickered, really like a sky of repression.

Horrible waves, vast forces shattered the void, and the earth cracked.

There are cracks spreading in this mountain abyss.

The mighty might fell down, and Xiao Yun's bones crackled under pressure. The ground was cracking when his feet were on the ground. His body was sinking, sinking into the ground three feet. Oppression, the whole person will fall apart.

Under this kind of oppression, Xiao Yun's blood was boiling, and a strong resistance force emerged from the deep veins.

"If you are supernatural, I will never die!" Only saw Xiao Yun's eyes light up, and he slammed up, just banging at the overturned 'Qingtian', and it was simple Only a huge fist of war broke out above this fist.

With a punch, the war was terrifying, defeating that vast power.

Xiao Yun is like the same **** of war, waving his fist straight to take the 'blue sky'.

"White ape shakes the mountain!" Bai Yunfei's eyes flashed, the palm was pulling, and the white ape behind him stepped out fiercely.


A giant hand can shoot, it can be a hundred feet in size.

The giant palm fell, and the lines flowing above it contained ancient power.

When it fell, the sky was sinking, and the earth was shaking.

Such a blow really has the potential to crush mountains and rivers.

"Break the sky with martial arts!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and there was a strong Wuzhi uprightness on his body.

There was only warfare in him.

At the beginning, all the realizations were fused together.


He blasted out with the white ape giant hand.

From a distance, it is as if a small person is fighting against a **** ape, which makes people feel like they are shaking the tree.

But Xiao Yun's fist passed, the void collapsed, and the light pattern blooming from the white ape's giant hand collapsed.

Then the giant hand trembled, and was actually shocked by the fist.

When the giant hand was shaken back, an immense warfare swept away toward Baiyun ahead like a hurricane.

That warfare made ‘blue sky’ tremble, as if to fall apart.

There seemed to be a break in everything, breaking the void.


Under this momentum, Bai Yunfei's body receded again and again, his face was pale, and his eyes were surprised.

This blue sky white ape supernatural power is the town ape of their white ape tribe.

This is enough to crush many demons.

But at this time, he was not able to beat the other pair of meat punches?

Bai Yunfei was shocked inside.


He retreated two kilometers in a row and stepped on his feet with deep footprints to stabilize his figure.

At this time, the vast war will be weakened.

Xiao Yun's body was like a cloud. He stormed and punched again.

At the same time, the endless war intentions of the Zhanwu soul on his head blessed him.

The fists passed, the war intentions were amazing, making the void tremble, and the after waves passed with ripples.

The fluctuation can break the mountains, and the practitioners in the baby market are all shocked.

Bai Yunfei frowned, and quickly urged the blood in his body, and evolved Qingtian to suppress forward.

So was the white ape.

Those offensives shattered the void, and could completely kill the practitioner in the two realms of the ordinary infant market.

But Xiao Yun shot, and only one punch broke the sky, and the white ape was also hit by a fly.

Xiao Yun became more and more brave, his eyes narrowed, and he was completely immersed in his martial arts perception.

After entering the palace, Xiao Yun experienced many wars.

He also killed the king and destroyed the emperor.

But that's all by virtue of external forces.

As a result, he rarely used the uprisings of Tiandi Avenue.

Even after realizing the infinite warfare, the mystery in it has not been brought into play.

Today's battle just made him verify his understanding.

boom! boom!

Xiao Yun stepped forward and kept on shooting.

With a simple hit, he can break the mountains and rivers, and the momentum is strong to a peak.

Today, he is like the Xiao Wu King he saw at the time.

Even, Xiao Yun still has a tendency to be blue.

With the immortality in his warfare, the war will be endless.

In the face of such characters, even Bai Yunfei was heartbroken.

"The son seems unable to defeat this man!"

"How can this young man be so powerful?" The youth of the Qingtian White Ape clan are all worried after seeing the ever-decreasing Bai Yunfei. Today Bai Yunfei seems to have only been beaten, and can't hurt the other party at all. How strong is this young man?

But this young man did not use his blood power.

"What is that villain?" A young man looked suspiciously, his eyes falling on Zhan Wuhun suspended above Xiao Yun's head.

"So, is that the human soul?" Alas, a young man hesitated with a little hesitation.

"Human spirit of human race?" After hearing the words, everyone was stunned, "It's a bit similar, is he a human race?"

The youth of the Qingtian White Ape are all shocked.

At the same time it felt incredible.

This is a demon tribe. No human race has appeared for thousands of years.

How did this young man appear here?


Only a loud noise was heard, a figure flickered, and Bai Yunfei was directly bombarded.


He vomited blood from his mouth, and his face was pale. At this time, the blue ape that had evolved behind him had collapsed.

A strong battle engulfed him, invading his meridians.


He landed quite embarrassed.

At this time, Xiao Yun landed and walked step by step.

His long hair fluttered and his clothes fluttered, like a **** of war with a vast warfare bursting out.

He is so imposing that the war will destroy the mountains like a hurricane.

But his face was very calm, as he walked step by step like a guru, he seemed to have integrated himself into the general situation of the world.

That kind of temperament makes people can't help but respect.

At this time, Xiao Yun's understanding of martial arts became deeper.

After reaching the infant market, ~ ~, his martial arts power also conformed to heaven and earth, reaching an amazing point.

That random blow not only contains the true meaning of martial arts, but also can merge the potential of heaven and earth.

After a war, his use of this heaven and earth situation became more handy.

The same is true, Xiao Yun will become more and more brave.

"Who the **** are you?" Bai Yunfei was defeated, he got up quite embarrassed, the white clothes were stained with blood, and his hair was messy. He looked up at Xiao Yun, who was walking step by step, with a bright light in his eyes. Are you not a demon? "

At this time he was also suspicious of Xiao Yun's identity.

There wasn't a trace of demon-like breath on the opponent.

"Yes." Xiao Yun looked indifferent.

"It really isn't a monster!" Bai Yunfei's eyes flashed, Shen said, "You are very strong and you can already be my opponent, but my monsters have great magical powers, but that's not all. Let me see you today. What is a blue sky white ape! "

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