Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1070: Defeat!

"Today let you see what is the blue sky white ape!" Slightly cold words spit out from Bai Yunfei's mouth.

When the words fell, Bai Yunfei's eyes immediately emerged with a ferocious color.


The monstrous blood burst out from him.

The blood flew through the sky like a sharp blade.

The horrible waves permeated.

& nbsp: Pig: Pig: Island: Fiction 3w.o; Bai Yunfei's bones crackled and his body was raised in place.

Just momentarily, Bai Yunfei turned into a giant ape with height.

This is a white ape, with long white hair and long arms with white hairs falling down. His eyes are deep, his cheeks are ugly and ugly. He is no longer handsome, but at this time, his whole body reveals The stock is extremely violent.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei suddenly evolved a beast.

At this time, the power of his blood was fully excited, and the momentum reached an unprecedented height.

Above the white ape's head, the blue light pattern squirmed and evolved into a blue sky.

At this time, it was no longer the imaginary white ape with a blue sky, but Bai Yunfei himself with a blue sky.


He stepped forward, the ground was shaking, and cracks spread from where the soles fell.

The nearby boulder flew and was turned into dust by the aftermath.

The horrible waves pervaded the people and made them scary.

"What a powerful momentum!" The **** in the distance felt startled. "The strength of this person is comparable to the six-fold or even seven-fold practitioners of ordinary infants. The blood power of the ancient clan is extraordinary. Crushing countless clans. "

At this time, she was full of awe for these ancient clans.

"The boy Yunfei urged the beast. Now that his combat power has soared, can the youth still compete with it?

"The son of Yun Fei at this time can punch the practitioners in the ordinary baby market with one punch." Many young people in the Qingtian White Ape family are envious of the eyes, and they are all of the same family, all with the blood of the Qingtian White Ape They urged the beast to have such amazing power.

This is the gap.

Geniuses can often, crush the Quartet.

"The beast is the strongest combat form of my demon!" Bai Yunfei turned into a white ape, with his head above the sky. At this time, he was like a holy beast from ancient times. A mouth full of tusks.

"Ready to withstand my strongest attack!"

The words of rampant and domineering fell, but when Bai Yunfei's big hand was seen, he swept towards Xiao Yun.

At this time, Bai Yunfei was tall and awkward, but the big hand swept away but carried amazing fluctuations.

The light pattern on that big hand flickered, as if carrying a blue sky.

The blow apparently used supernatural power.

With the same blow, the power was unknown how many times stronger than before when he was not transformed into a beast.

The void is falling apart wherever the big hand passes.

Not only that, the vast palm wind swept away and turned into a storm.

This storm is enough to wipe out those practitioners below the infant market.

Even the two-fold and three-fold practitioners of the infant market were trembling.

"The monster's body!" Hurricane struck, accompanied by horror, Xiao Yun's eyes froze, and he clearly felt that the fighting intentions diffused by him were scattered a little, but he faced this powerful momentum. Within the Zhanwu Soul, there was a stronger sense of war.

"Heaven and earth are invincible. If the warfare persists, it can be undefeated. I will never die. Why fear magical power?" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he stepped forward, his body turned into a light, directly toward the front. The swept giant hand struck.


He punched out and banged against the giant hand.

Suddenly the void in the place where it struck shattered, cracking like a mirror.

After that big hand, the momentum was blocked.

Only Xiao Yun's body shuddered, and she was shaken by a kilometer.


This time his body receded, and the soles of his feet left deep footprints on the ground.

Bai Yunfei's prestige is not so easy to resist.

"It's worthy of being a demon supernatural power!" After Xiao Yun's body was stabilized, Xiao Yun looked up, and a little fiery color appeared in his eyes. At this time, there was also a bloodstream overflowing in the corner of his mouth. The blow just now was really strong. The average person can resist.

If it were an ordinary baby market repairman, it would have been hit with flesh and blood.

"Can you even resist this blow?" Seeing Xiao Yun's body settled, Bai Yunfei's eyes were slightly surprised.

"But just now I played only seven points and let you taste mine!"

As the words fell, he took a step forward.

Then he drew with both hands, and the blue sky above his head flashed like a sky to suppress Xiao Yun.

The blue sky light pattern flickered, containing a vast power.

Legend has it that the blue sky evolved by the ancestors of the Qingtian White Ape family is really a party that can crush all things.

The ancestor was able to suppress the gods by virtue of a blue sky.

Although the descendants of this blue sky white ape have less blood than their ancestors, the power of this supernatural power is still amazing.

That blue sky repressed, even Xiao Yun felt a pressure.

At this moment, the war-fighting soul on his head sent out a vast war to resist the momentum.

Ke Rao is so, Xiao Yun is still oppressed by the force of that blue sky and his feet fall into the ground.

The ground fissures where he was located spread with deep grooves.

"This is over!" Seeing that Xiao Yun was oppressed, his body almost fell into the ground. The youth of the Qingtian White Ape clan had a faint smile on their lips, and at the same time, their eyes appeared proudly.

How powerful are their blue sky and white ape? Can they be offended by ordinary people?

"Gong Xiao!" The **** in the distance frowned, and Jade's hands clenched, looking extremely nervous.

Bai Yunfei's power is beyond his imagination.

Even this vein is stronger than the magical power of the one-horned black cow.

This vein is also a big clan in the demon domain, which makes people dare.

"Concentrate my warfare, palm split the stars!" Xiao Yun flashed his eyes, his palm moved, the vast warfare began to condense, the earth and rocks around him shattered, and his body rose up to the void, then Divine Wuxue Zhang split the stars and was urged out.


Split it with one palm, the move is simple.

But the palm across the void, tearing the sky directly, appeared on the sky in a flash.

Then people in the distance saw the blue sky torn apart.

Only saw Xiao Yun's body flicker, and he sank into the blue sky.


The blue sky collapsed, and Bai Yunfei could only see the figure flashing in front of him, a young man splitting.

The palm of his hands contains an amazing power.

It was a momentum of breaking everything.

That momentum frightened him.

Obviously it is just a martial art, but it is even more terrifying than his magical powers.

"How can this human martial art be so powerful?" For the first time, Bai Yunfei showed horror in his heart.

It was only at this moment that the palm broke, and he quickly raised his hand to resist in horror.

The palm rushed away, the blue veins on the palm blooming, as if dragging a blue sky.

This is still a little magical power.

But this big hand only touched Xiao Yun's palm. The blue veins on his palm collapsed and the blue sky collapsed.


Then his palm trembled, and his bones broke when he was split.

At the same time, an immense war effort swept through.

His bulky body was hit straight.


Bai Yunfei's body flew upside down, blood spit out from his mouth.

This time there was an astonishing warfare raging inside him, destroying his meridian viscera.

Blood spit out from his mouth.


Bai Yunfei wolf slammed into the ground, and the huge body pressed a deep hole in the ground.

Then his beast body dissipated and turned into a handsome young man.

It was just that the young man was pale and **** on his body.

At this time, Xiao Yun fell to the ground, his robe moved in the wind, his expression was indifferent, and he had a transcendent temperament.

At this time, Xiao Yun formed a sharp contrast with that of Bai Yunfei. Everyone can see that this battle was Xiao Yun's victory.

Even though Bai Yunfei urged the beast, he still couldn't compete with Xiao Yun.

"Yunfei Yunzi?" Seeing this, the youth of the Qingtian White Ape family was completely dumbfounded.

How strong are their blue sky white apes?

This Bai Yunfei is the genius of the younger generation of the clan, but he is defeated at this time?

"Xiao Gongzi is so strong!" At this moment, the distant heart of Man Beaver finally relaxed.

She doesn't know much about Terran.

At first thinking that Xiao Yun was extraordinary was just to see that Xiao Yun had dragged the sky to deal with the king.

But she didn't know about Xiao Yun's own combat power.

Therefore, after Bai Yunfei urged Shentong, Manju's heart was inevitable.

But at this point, such concerns are clearly superfluous.

This young human race is not only talented and amazing, but his combat power and talent are not comparable to ordinary people.

This is absolutely an existence that can be honored among the kings.

Xiao Yun walked step by step, his warfare was restrained, but every step of his step contained a general trend.

The rhythm and momentum made Bai Yunfei startled.

He quickly supported the injured to get up.

"Your Lord is really a genius, and you lose!" Bai Yunfei got up and said to Xiao Yun, holding his fist. "Under Bai Yunfei, he is the grandson of the ancestors of the Qingtian White Ape clan, but I do n’t know your name? Maybe I can ask more.

Bai Yunfei opened his mouth and raised his identity, apparently trying to stop there.

"Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun frowned slightly at ~ ~ and immediately said.

"Brother Xiao, if you have a chance, you can go to the demon field, Qingtian and White Ape Valley, and you will be treated with hospitality!" Bai Yunfei hugged his fist. "At this time, I will leave first." The animal skin, the light of the animal skin flashed, turned him and several young people of the Qingtian White Ape family into a roll of light, leaving.

Obviously, this Bai Yunfei was afraid of Xiao Yun's killer, so he chose to evacuate.

"Did you run away?" Seeing Bai Yunfei's eager departure, Xiao Yun shook his head and smiled slightly. The Wu Hun above his head also did not enter the sea, and he did not intend to hunt down Bai Yunfei. Although people are injured, there are still treasures.

It's not so easy to get rid of it.

I am afraid that there will be strong people in this kind of big family.

So Xiao Yun didn't mean to endlessly with this person.

[This battle is the beginning battle of Xiao Yun crushing the demon domain, and it will be more and more exciting in the future. Do n’t forget to support the old demon when you have a monthly ticket.]

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