Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1072: Kirin Hai [G ...

After all, the one-cornered black bull is a bit worse.

Although the unicorn magical power is amazing, it has the potential to penetrate the void.

However, the veins of this vein are thin, and the power cannot be brought out to the utmost.

The same is true. Although the bull demon had the four-fold combat power at this time, he was not as good as Bai Yunfei who fought Xiao Yun at the beginning.

At that time, Bai Yunfei was suppressed to the strength of the infant market, but the momentum was still amazing!

"That being the case, you are not qualified to be sharpened by me!" Only Xiao Yun's eyes were cold, and there was a giant hand in front of him, and that giant hand covered the sky, there could be thousands of feet, and the lines of God were dazzling. An obscure wave shrouded all these bulls.

God's left hand!

The left hand of God flickered down towards those bull demon.

"Is this ... the magic soldier?" God's left hand suppressed and the practitioners of the one-horned black cow were all showing fear.

The palm of God's hand fell, and it was amazing, with an inexplicable rule of power that seemed to block everything.

They cannot escape under such power.

Then, the bulls' eyes watched the god's left hand crack down.


There was a loud noise, and God ’s left hand fell. Six of the twelve bull monsters were directly suppressed. All the bones of the whole body were broken. Dying.

The remaining two were only slightly injured because of their distance.

"This guy is so strong!"

"The palm of God is filled with the breath of God. Is it the palm of God?" The two men were shocked.

The next moment, they looked at each other and were ready to leave.


Just as they were about to leave, Yi Yi shot.

The little fellow's claws danced, and a light pattern swept out, imprisoning a void.

Under this kind of strength, the bodies of the two bull monsters are the same.

The next moment, Xiao Yun shot.


He tapped his fingers on the void, and **** flickered, smashing the two cows and monsters into the sea.

Then, several other bull monsters were crushed.

Just a moment later, the twelve bull fairies sneered.

"Little calf, dare to do the same?" Swallowing a grin, swallowed out the bone rings of several bull monsters.

"How strong is this one-cornered black cow?" Xiao Yun asked after packing up the one-cornered black cow.

"A third-class clan, even if there is no emperor, what can it do?" Swallowed the eyelids and said with pride, "When Tian Ye returns to the clan, he can just ask an elder to do this Clan is crushed. "

"Is there no emperor sitting?" Wen Yun said, Xiao Yun was slightly relieved.

Then he didn't think about it anymore and moved on.

Chishan ahead is very high,

There is a strong pressure of God's breath on it, and it is impossible to walk in the air.

If you want to go forward, you must climb the mountain on foot.

The mountain is red, and every kilometer climbed will add a touch of oppression.

After getting 10,000 meters, human blood seems to be bursting.

Under such oppression, the realm is constantly constrained.

This mountain is 30,000 meters long.

After being able to board, Xiao Yun was directly oppressed to the state of the palace.

The use of the power of heaven and earth is gone forever.

Only under this oppression, Xiao Yun felt that his body and blood were as hard as possible.

It is not difficult to imagine how powerful he will be after going out from here.

At this time, Manci was also struggling to support his body forward.

"Finally reached the top of the mountain!" After reaching the top of the mountain, Manju was relieved.

In the process, she really felt like she was going to crack.

During this period, Xiao Yun also gave medicinal herbs, which made her meridians heal, otherwise she wouldn't be able to climb this mountain.

It was only then that she understood how terrible the mystery was.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and he looked away.

When the line of sight is in sight, the front is just a flaming patch.

It was a sea of ​​fire and couldn't see the end at a glance.

Standing on top of the mountain, the breath of fire turned into a wave of fire.

This wave of fire burned the void and twisted it.

It is also that Xiao Yun and Manju have reached the infant market and are extremely powerful.

If ordinary practitioners from the palace government come here, I am afraid that even this wave of fire cannot bear it.

"A sea of ​​fire!" Xiao Yun muttered to himself, looking at the sea of ​​fire ahead.

At the same time, his phantom eye urges began to sense the wave in front.

"This is indeed where the remains of the **** are." When the phantom **** opened his eyes, Xiao Yun's vision immediately appeared.

It was a vision of the unicorn hall rising from the sea of ​​fire.

In addition, there is a long bridge in front of the hall, and it goes straight to the top of the mountain for people to set foot on.

"If you want to enter this Kirin Hall, you have to wait for the vision first!" With the phantom eyes, Xiao Yun already knew the ruins. So, he didn't act rashly, but directly crossed his knees on this mountain , Silently waiting for the vision to start.

Seeing Xiao Yun cross-legged here, so is Manci.

Although this mountain top has powerful divine oppression, there is also an endless flow of Taoism inside.

Cultivation here is easy to realize.

After listening to Xiao Yun's words, swallowing Sky Finch was not in a hurry.

It evolved a huge cyclone to devour nearby fire elements.

The gorge is fire, and the majestic fire element here just makes it cultivate.

Yi Yi sacrificed the colorful Baoding, and then sat on the Baoding himself and devoured those fire elements.

As time passed, Xiao Yun and Manju, swallowed tits, Yi Yi's momentum continued to increase.

At this moment, there are monsters appearing on this mountain from time to time.

Each of these demons has its own side, watching closely.

"It is said that this is the Unicorn Sea. This sea of ​​fire is a sea of ​​fire that was transformed into a true fire after the fall of a god-level unicorn."

Some monks have fierce eyes, staring closely at the sea of ​​fire ahead.

"If you get the unicorn **** fire, you can stand side by side!"

"Unfortunately, no one can get this unicorn **** fire for thousands of years!"

"Oh, even if you can't get the unicorn **** fire, there are countless opportunities in the unicorn hall waiting for you and me."

More and more demon repairs are gathered here.

Most Xiu Xiu evolved into a human body.

Some people have retained some forms.

Like a monk, it is covered with scale armor on its cheeks.

This is a big pangolin demon.

There was also a human tail scorpion tail swaying, flashing with coldness.

This is a Scorpio. For the real demon tribe, there is an amazing wave permeating the body.


There are countless such monsters.

"The demons gather." After these people came together, Xiao Yun's eyelids were slightly tilted.

His eyes widened and he slowly got up after sensing the sea of ​​fire in front of him.

"Is the Kirin Temple going to be born?" Seeing Xiao Yun got up, the swallowing eyes of the swallowing sky were hot.

At the same time, Yi Yi opened his eyes.


The little boy sensed it carefully and smiled slyly.

It stared tightly at the sea of ​​fire ahead.


At this moment the sea of ​​fire trembled in front of the sky, and a ripple appeared in the void.

Then a mighty shock came.

That divine power was like a storm that swept the Quartet.


Under this mighty power, the void collapsed, and the demon repairs on the mountain were shaken by thousands of meters.

Even Xiao Yun was not excluded, and was shocked to retreat.

The body was shaken back, but no one was scared, but his eyes were fiery.

"This miracle is about to happen!" Suddenly, everyone stared forward fiercely.

At this moment, the sea of ​​fire in front of it was agitated by cyclones, and the vast fire pattern squirmed, and endless divine power burst out from it.

Then, everyone saw that the fire pattern in the sea of ​​fire evolved into a long bridge.

This long bridge straddles the void, as if it fell from a distant world on the mountain top.

There are eight long bridges, corresponding to the eight sides of the sea of ​​fire.

And in all these places, there are monks from the monks.

These demon repairs come from all directions in Demon Realm, now they are gathered here.

When the Long Bridge evolved, a huge hall in the sea of ​​fire also began to rise.

This temple is very tall, with a length of 10,000 meters, just like the same temple.

The temple is surrounded by fire patterns, blooming with immense power.

This divine power overwhelms the heavens and earth and has the tendency to crush everything.

Under this might, the void is frozen for all beings, like beings.

Almost all the practitioners on the edge of Chishan were trembling, with awe in their eyes.

Even Xiao Yun was ashamed.

"Is this the relic of the true god?" This mighty power is too strong. It is unknown how many times stronger than the fluctuations emanating from the so-called corpses of the gods he encountered before. At this moment, Xiao Yun understands what is the power of the god. It's just an empty god.

This unicorn is the true god!

The hall rose slowly, and the light veins squirmed on the hall to evolve a unicorn.

From a distance, the sea of ​​fire looks like a large hall standing there, and it looks like there is a unicorn god.

Regardless, the **** of the world, the arrogance of eternal disregard permeated, has long shocked people's hearts.

"This is the true **** of unicorn!"

"It's true that the rumors are true!" Looking at the hall, the monks' cultivators did not sigh.

Fiery colors emerged in the eyes of the demon.

True God Ruins, what a rare monument!

If there is something in the middle of it, it must be enough to be proud of its contemporaries?

The main hall appeared, the long bridge evolved, and the infinite gods were dangled with shocking waves.

Many have begun to move.

"Stepping into the temple, you will gain something!" A flash of the big demon's eyes flashed forward, and he walked forward.

This is a three-footed Chiwu, an ancient clan, with legends that it has a trace of Jinwu.

This red bird flutters its wings, just to fall on the long bridge ahead.


Only its body swept into the sky above the sea of ​​fire ~ ~ It was convenient to have a fire pattern scroll, and directly swallowed it.


The next moment, the screams sounded, and the man was reduced to ashes.

"Dead?" Seeing this, many people looked at each other with a look of horror.

This is a big demon. How could it be so easy?

"Brother!" Many youths screamed in the vein of the three Chiwus.

"A reckless husband, now that the Unicorn Hall has risen, the **** pattern has not disappeared, and the breath of God still leads this sea of ​​fire. At this time, such a treacherous invasion into the sea of ​​fire is simply seeking death. Such blasphemy? "A low voice sounded.

"who is it!"

When the sound sounded, a man's eyes flashed coldly in the vein of the three-footed Chiwu.

A sensation of killing permeated. ()

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