Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1073: Totenjin beef!

"Who is it!" A young man among the three-footed Chiwu snorted coldly, and the fire patterns flashed in those eyes, as if to burn the sky.

This is the genius among the three-footed Chiwu, called Jinwutai!

When Jin Wutai's eyes were swept away, he followed the sound and walked away.

At this time, many demon repairs on the top of the mountain could not be followed by sound.

"Is Jin Wutai going to be angry?"

"Who is so bold, and dare to sneer at the three-footed Chiwu strongman!"

& nb! Pig! Pig! Island! Novel. zuzudo.sp; "Three-footed Chiwu has a vein of Jinwu, this tribe is also a hegemon in the demon realm, who dares to do so?"

At this time, the monsters next to her were also surprised.

This three-footed Chiwu is a big clan, and at that moment the man was so ridiculous, wasn't this trying to die?

How many dare young people dare to do so in the demon domain?

"Three-footed Chiwu?" At this time, Xiao Yun was also curious.

Listening to these people, obviously this is a big family.

"Although the three-legged Chiwu has extraordinary bloodlines, it has gradually started to fall in recent years." Said lightly.


At this time, there was a flickering figure in front of him. A young man wearing a golden robe and wearing a purple gold crown slowly stepped into the mountain.

The young man was sharp-eyed, magnificent in appearance, and his steps were steady and steady. With this step, the whole mountain was trembling.

A vast wave of volatility spread.

The fluctuation was like a hurricane, causing many bodies to be shaken back.

On this mountain, the realm of many people has been suppressed to the heavy realm of the palace, unable to draw the power of heaven and earth.

But this man took a step forward, but was so imposing that the fluctuations shook the people in the same realm back.

Imagine how powerful this person is.

"It's a powerful wave." At this moment, even Xiao Yun's brow moved slightly, and he couldn't help moving towards the young man.

The young man stepped forward, and every step out of the mountain was trembling.

Behind him, several youths followed slowly.

"This is the same person!" When the young man set foot on the mountain, an exclamation sounded immediately.

"People who step on the pulse of the gods of the gods?" Suddenly, many of the demons' children's eyes were different.

At the same time, there was a bit of awe in the eyes of the purple crown youth.


This is a big clan, even in the demon realm.

It is rumored that the ancestor of the clan was a divine cow, and that step was so powerful that the sky would be broken.

The same is true, this vein is called Tatianshenniu.

This is the royal family among the cattle.

"It turned out to be the one who stepped on the god's ox, and no wonder he dared to sneer at the three-footed Chiwu one!" At this time, the big demon eyes of all races were stunned, and only the children of such a big tribe as the **** With three-footed Chiwu people!

"Can this be Niu Qingtian, the son of Qing Tian, ​​who stepped on the veins of the gods of the gods?" Someone blinked, whispering.

"Niu Qingtian?" Wen Yan said, many eyes were fiery.

"This is a generation of geniuses. I can be ranked in the top 30 on my demon's list of demon!"

"Wrong. It is said that the Optima son has played in the top ten in the six months. Now it is twenty."

Someone said.

"What! Prince Qingtian can already rank twenty?"

Suddenly, everyone stared at the young man who came here.

Sky monster list!

This is a very rich list of monsters.

Everyone who can enter the top 100 is a genius, and the future is very promising.

Those who can make it into the top 20 are kings of genius, destined to be as dazzling as the stars on that day.

This Niu Qingtian can rank twenty, enough to show his extraordinary!

"Niu Qingtian!" When this Niu Qingtian appeared, Jin Wutai's eyes sank in the veins of the three-footed Chiwu. He stepped forward and stared at Niu Qingtian coldly, saying, "Who is my Tao?" It turned out to be the defeat of my third brother. "

When this person's words came out, the hilltop was immediately full of gunpowder.

"It is said that Niu Qingtian once fought with Jin Sangong, Jin Santai, defeated!"

"The third son of Jin is a genius. He ranks eighteen in the list of geniuses!" The argument sounded through the mountains. When talking about these geniuses and wickedness, the strong men of the major demons are also showing respect. This kind of character is destined to be known as the Zhen Yao Domain in the future. Who can be disrespectful?

"Oh, who is undefeated? If you want to be a strong one, you should look to the future. If you only remember the glory of the past, how do you move forward?" Niu Qingtian smiled indifferently, with an inexplicable temperament permeating on his body. A guru.

"A year has passed now. If you meet the third son of Jin, I'm afraid he will lose!"

Niu Qingtian walked step by step, with a smile on his face, polite, but there was a perfuse between the eyebrows, the momentum caused many people to retreat involuntarily, giving way to him, all the demons Eyes awe.

This person can kill as the top 20 in the list of Tian Yao, it is indeed a genius.

"Huh, don't make a fuss!" The youngster of the Chiwu tribe sneered. "My third brother is now retreating and impacting the royal road, waiting for him to set foot on the royal road, refining Jinwu's true fire. How many people can compete with him when he goes out? You also want to defeat him It's just crazy talking. "

The youth of the three-footed Chiwu next to him was sneer.

They have Jinwu blood in their veins.

It's just that the blood is too thin to use Jinwu Shentong.

But there are talented strangers who can make Jinwu true fire.

In this way, that magical power will be even more amazing, very comparable.

"What about Jinwu's true fire?" Niu Qingtian smiled slightly. "Any magical power is not as powerful as mine."

"Ignorance." The three-footed Chiwu youth sneered. "Since that is the case, let me see and see how powerful you are."

"You?" Niu Qingtian turned his eyes and said, "You are not my opponent, I will do it at once!"

This Niu Qingtian's words were light, but full of confidence.

"This Tiantian Niu is so powerful?" At this time, Xiao Yun was also curious.

"This bull stepping on the **** of heaven does have some skills." Swallowing the nostril nodded and said, "but it is far worse than I swallow the lion's vein. If the **** is physically, the swallow can be swallowed. "The Skyfinch seemed extremely proud.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

Swallowing the sky **** is really powerful.

But at this time it obviously has no capital.


However, after hearing that Niu Qingtian said that it was enough to deal with himself, the three-footed Chiwu Jinwutai was angry.

He is also a genius in the tribe. Although not as amazing as his third brother, he is also less comparable.

He is confident that if he is not young, he can even reach the top 30 of the Sky Monster list after accumulating one year.

But at that moment Niu Qingtian said that he could deal with him in one go?

"Since you are so arrogant, then I will try how strong you are." Jin Wutai, with a flash of his eyes, was stepping forward, and the flames of fire were dazzling on him. Waves have distorted the void.

He suddenly stimulated the blood.

"Are you going to do it?"

"Jin Wutai is also a genius. Now we are all suppressed to the palace realm, but we don't know if Niu Qingtian can destroy it in one step as he said?" Seeing that the two men were going to do it, the practitioners of all races It was full of curiosity.

Although this Niu Qingtian realm is slightly higher, but at this time they were suppressed to the palace realm. It is not so easy to win, so the practitioners of all races are full of interest. Only in the realm of the same realm War, we can see a person's strength.

"Since you want to humiliate yourself, I will complete you." Niu Qingtian smiled slightly when he saw Jin Wutai stepping up.

His sleeves flicked, and a powerful breath wave began to condense.

It's just that his breath is restrained and not exposed.

Rao is so, where he is, the earth is trembling, the air nearby is collapsing, and it seems that it cannot bear the horrible wave. The demon repairs next to each other recede, and they all feel a horrible breath. .

That kind of fluctuation is suffocating.

At this time, Jin Wutai's body was full of flames, and his whole body turned into a cluster of real fire.

At last he flickered and turned into a three-footed three-footed Chiwu.

The Chiwu made a cry, vibrating and flapping the wings with flames toward Niu Qingtian.

The wings tear the sky like a sharp blade.

There was a real fire next to it, burning the void in front of it into nothingness.

Although the realm is suppressed, the real fire of this person is still there, and now it is urged, and the momentum is by no means comparable to the realm of the palace.

Even the baby market is trembling.

"The fire of Jinwu?" Xiao Yun frowned, and felt a familiar wave of breath from the real fire of Jinwutai. "But the fire is too weak and almost impossible to detect. It seems that the Jinwu possessed by this family The bloodline is not as good as the next generation. "

"Although the real fire is extraordinary, it has a little less of all its charms, and it is difficult to make a difference with the blood alone!"

Soon Xiao Yun shook his head.

But he had seen the real Jinwu.

Naturally little interest in this three-footed Chiwu.

Instead, the breath emanating from Niu Qingtian made Xiao Yun couldn't help but take a closer look.

This Niu Qing weather is as calm as a mountain, with a look of indifference.


At this time, Jin Wutai, but Niu Qingtian is still very bland.

He just stood there waiting quietly for the other party to come.

"Isn't this Niu Qingtian going?"

"Jin Wutai is so imposing that he can burn the mountains. How can he withstand the real fire when he doesn't do anything?"

Someone was scared.

Although this Jin Wutai's reputation is not obvious, the blood of the three-footed Chiwu is too strong ~ ~ Now the real fire has emerged, making many big monsters afraid of fear and feeling that they are to be burned to nothing.

It's not hard to imagine if you can fight that powerful real fire if you fight one.

But Niu Qingtian didn't even blink.

When Jin Wutai's wings cracked into the air, the flames burned and twisted the void.

At this moment Niu Qingtian's robe was dancing for it.

Just as the wings were approaching Niu Qingtian, his body finally moved.


I could only see Niu Qingtian step forward, his body seemed extremely tall at this moment.

From a distance, it seems that there is a **** ox stepping on it.

But if you look closely, this Niu Qingtian is just stepping out in human form.

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