Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1078: Kirin River

In front of the Unicorn Hall, Xiao Yun was wrapped in flames and sunk into the giant unicorn mouth.

He blinked and he disappeared.

"He entered the Kirin Hall?" Seeing this, all the practitioners of all races looked miserable.

"What fire patterns did he set foot on just now?" At the same time, someone's eyes flickered, and he quickly remembered.

"It should be there." Niu Qingtian's eyes flashed.

He noticed when Xiao Yun left just now, so pay attention.

& {猪} 猪 岛 {小} said 3.zhu; Sure enough, when Niu Qingtian stepped on the fire pattern, a cluster of flames wrapped it into the unicorn giant mouth in the void.

"It was here." At the moment, everyone followed.


Every young man fell into the unicorn's mouth.

At this point, Xiao Yun was completely covered by a fiery flame after submerging into the unicorn giant mouth.

After being submerged, a breath of **** invaded, accompanied by a horrible flame.

The flame seemed to burn everything.

But after a little while, that horrible atmosphere gradually weakened.

Xiao Yun flew lightly into a space.

There is still endless fire rolling in the void ahead.

But there is a wide area below.

A force of divine power pushed down Xiao Yun's body, and he fell on this wide ground.

Manju also followed.

"Is this inside the Kirin Temple?" His eyes glowed, his face staring forward.

The fire light flickered ahead, and a curtain of fire light blocked the pace of progress.

"Behind the light curtain should be where the heritage is." When Xiao Yun's phantom moved, he saw a scene.

That is the picture of the practitioners walking through the curtain of fire.

The flames were hot, but the diffused airflow made people feel palpitated.

"Is this true fire burnable to the king?" After feeling this kind of fluctuation, Manju bit his chubby lips, feeling a little bit chill in his heart, and the steps were taken back a few steps, the breath of fire emanating from the front. horrible.

How much more powerful this flame is than the outside.

"Go!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and without hesitation, he stepped forward.

Even if the fire ahead was hot, like a burner, Xiao Yundao was firm and fearless.

"Whew!" Xiao Yun flew into the curtain of fire just to see Xiao Yun's body flash.

"Hehe, the inheritance of Kirin!" The swallowing queen's eyes turned hot and disappeared into a flame.


Yi Yi took Baoding, flickered, and followed him.

The little guy seemed extremely excited at this time.

"Fighting." Manju frowned, and finally bit his silver teeth to follow.

It does not practice the fire method, and even if it understands the uprisings of heaven and earth, it is not so easy to get close to the fire.

It was only at this moment that the raccoon had to take a chance to die. Following Xiao Yun for many days, she not only found the gap between the two.

She also saw the courage of this young man.

This is a fearless, indomitable world hero.

Maybe so too, this youth can grow up to this point.

Xiao Yun's character virtually affected Manju, making this weak girl also start to become tough.

"Ah!" Before entering the curtain of fire, Manju felt like he was going to be burned to nothingness.

Infinite real fire rushed to burn her flesh and blood.

Not only that, but a will of fire penetrated directly into her soul.

The will of the fire was so hot that she invaded her soul, and she felt drowned by the fire.

Her mind began to weaken a little.

This is not a formation, but the true flames are tempering her mind. If she cannot support it, she will be cast down.

By this time, Xiao Yun had passed through the curtain of fire.

With his accomplishments, this real fire could not be burned.

Yi Yi and the Skyfinch also passed through the curtain of fire.

Then, Xiao Yun's frown turned toward him.

"If she can't walk through this curtain of fire, it's her life." Xiao Yun sighed slightly.

There is big here.

Xiao Yun also wanted to help the raccoon once, in order to thank the original life-saving grace.

It's just that this great opportunity depends on yourself.

Just when Xiao Yun was worried, the light streaks flashed in front of him, and Manju flashed out of the curtain of fire.

At this time her clothes were burned to nothingness.

There was tiredness in her eyes.

She was almost burned into nothingness just now.

It was also at the critical moment that she held her heart firmly, and the heart that had been annihilated was restored a little bit.


After coming out, a light pattern bloomed on her body, her finger bones flickered, and her clothes appeared, approving her.

In this way, after she landed, she walked towards Xiao Yun step by step.

At this time, the overall temperament of Manju also changed.

"Gongzi!" Manci Yingying smiled and walked to Xiao Yun's side.

At this moment she was wearing a veil, and her arrogant figure was looming and full of charm.

"Yes." Xiao Yun nodded slightly when he saw that the raccoon could survive the fire.

Then Xiao Yun's eyes moved and his eyes fell forward.

And there is a long river there.

The long river traverses this space, and we can see a fire bridge on it.

But the bridge of fire was looming and could not be captured at all.

Except for the Fire Bridge, the front is still a hazy area, and the things in front cannot be seen at all.

"My son, but I don't know what is passed down in this hall?" Manju Mulu asked.

"There is a Kirin Pool here, which contains a trace of Kirin's real fire and blood. When you enter it, you can refine your body and make it look like a soldier." A trace of the fire of the gods is fine! "

"Kirin pond, Kirin is really hot!" Hearing, Manju's eyes were hot.


This is the ancient sacred beast, which once had a powerful presence in all directions.

Although the demon domain now also has a unicorn family.

But the blood of this family is very thin, and the pure-blooded unicorn is already very difficult to see.

Rao is so, the Kirin family is still the overlord of the demon domain.

It is conceivable that if we had the inheritance of the unicorn god, how bad would it be?

"But why isn't there anything in front of you?" Manju looked suspiciously. "Is there still?"

"That's natural," said the Skyfinch. "How easy is the inheritance of the gods?"

"Go!" Xiao Yun whispered and walked directly to the giant river ahead.

The river is wide, like the sea, and the end of the road cannot be seen at a glance.

When Xiao Yun walked forward, he came to the bank of the river.

Phantom eyes opened, Xiao Yun immediately saw some pictures.

"So it is." After seeing those pictures, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

"Son, don't we leave?" Manju was suspicious.

"Wait first." Xiao Yun laughed.

Seeing Xiao Yun speak, Manju didn't say much, so he stood beside Xiao Yun and waited silently.

After waiting for a little while, a fire lotus suddenly floated down the upstream of Huohe River.

These fire lotuses are misty, exuding a rich and incomparable essence of heaven and earth.

The lotus petals seemed to be wavy on the petals, and the sound of the avenue bloomed.

"This is the spirit extract?" After seeing this fire lotus, Manju's long and beautiful eyes could not help blinking, and there was a joyful light flickering. From the breath diffused by the fire lotus, it is absolutely rare. The heavens and the earth are full of spirits, and the king must be fiery.

"Don't worry." Xiao Yun still looked indifferent when this lotus appeared.

At this time, the upstream lotus fire continued to float down.

"This is the unicorn fire lotus!" Behind Xiao Yun, a voice sounded, "This fire lotus was conceived from the essence of the true fire overflowed by the true **** of unicorn. If it can be refined, it will have infinite potential for practitioners who practice the path of fire. The magical use of this is not only that, you can use this unicorn spirit to temper your mind, and you can also strengthen your own babies' mind, which is a kind of infinite spiritual use for practitioners. "

This is a young man wearing a green robe and wearing a blue crown of a penguin.

This person walked step by step, with his own temperament permeating.

This is a genius from Qingyi Shenpeng, named Qing Zixiao.

Behind it, several Tsing Yi men followed.

After the people of Qingyi Shenpeng came here, someone came here.

"Kirin Fire Lotus can not only help people cultivate, but if you choose the right Fire Lotus, you can hook up the Kirin Fire Bridge and enter the Kirin Pool to find other heritages. But each person has only three opportunities to choose the Kirin Fire Lotus. But did not choose the right fire lotus, then there was no chance to enter that Kirin Pool to explore more inheritance. "

This is a man wearing a gold crown.

This man is personable, but his eyes are as sharp as a knife, and he can tear the sky.

This is the genius of the golden-winged Dapeng named Peng Yuan!

After these people came here, people kept coming to the river.

Niu Qingtian came here during the period, and Bai Yunfei also arrived.

Jin Wutai also arrived here.

There are also many demon domain clan.

Like a person with a vein of gods, like a person with a vein of fire.


More and more people gather here.

For a while, the fireside became very lively.

But Xiao Yun turned a blind eye to these people.

He was still squatting by the river, watching silently the flaming fire lotus ahead.

At this time, nearly a hundred fire lotuses had flown, but Xiao Yun did not take one.

"Why don't the sons take these fire lotuses?" Manju's eyes were curious.

In her opinion, each of these fire lotuses is extremely amazing, and it must be a breakthrough.

But Xiao Yun didn't even look down on one of them ~ ~ Not only Xiao Yun, but also the children of many big families next to him stood by the river for a long time.

"Although there are many fire lotuses, many of them are virtual lotuses, and they are not real. If you take them, you will only waste a chance. Not only that, some fire lotuses are still forbidden. If you take it rashly , It will set fire. "

Xiao Yun said lightly.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao knows this so much, but I don't know if you can be sure that the true lotus containing Kirin Ethereal?"

Seeing Xiao Yunxu coming, Bai Yunfei smiled and walked over.

"The true lotus with Kirin Ethereal?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun frowned, and said, "There are too few such true lotuses. Each time the Kirin Hall is opened, there are less than a hundred plants. It is not so easy to obtain them, but I wonder if Brother Bai has any other opinions? "

Xiao Yun's words were light.

It was just that his face was quite determined.

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